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The Second Book of Mishigas
The Hoogly Broadcast of Tinsley

1) And the Word of Poopy Panda came to Mishigas of the City of Plains, and Mishugina of the Sea Shore, and the Angel Levine, he of the Long Branch Salloon. And HE spake saying Go Ye and fashon a Radio Transmitter out of spare parts. So Mishigas found an Old Television and some Old Television Tubes and started soldering. And he made many tripps to Lafayette Radio and also visited the prophet Nadel, who hath many many radio parts even unto HAMs.

2) And so the Radio Station grew to be 1 cubit long, 1/4 cubit wide and 1/3 cubit high but it would not transmit and was NOT TUNED! This was because the spightly spirit of Carrol Marie Crotch-Felt was up and about.

3) So Mishigas and Mishugina and the Angel Levine began to pray Mightily unto Poopy Panda and the other gods and LOW appeared unto them an Hoogly Oscilloscope clothed in Rose Biege, verily an HeathKit. And with liberal use of the Babylonian Finagle Factor and Ohms Law forth with they fixed the radio transmitter and Checked It Out. And the colors of the resistors were Black for zero and Brown for one and Red for two and Orange for three and Yellow for four and Green for five and Blue for six and Purple for seven and Grey for eight and White for nine.

4) And then the Angel Levine brought in his Tape Recorder and Mishugina practiced Soccer. Now through a month of days of study into Hoogly Works and through admiration of the Lord Roscoe and the Great Godd Mota, the transmitter was ready. And the transmitter had and attached microphone and tape recorder and record player and many blessing of Mota and Nortcele ( The Hoogly Grandmother of Mota).

5) And Poopy Panda Spake unto Mishigas saying ," Speak and Broadcast ye of the Lord Roscoe unto the Masses of Rulgalah and Bupkes and Spread the Hoogly Tape Recordings of Mota."

6) And one night the Sevice to Roscoe began. First the Announcer announced saying, " This is Radio WHAM, the Voice of the Great Hamster who is the Lord Roscoe." And many who were there witnessed of the Lord Roscoe and of the True Truth of Mota. And the Witnesses spake as to why they accepted The Lord Roscoe as their Personal Saviour. And Bill of Bar Stools was the main witness and many true songs of Roscoe were sung.

7) And then the News announcer came on and a description of the Great Battle between the forces of the Fresh Men and the forces of Wise Fools was broadcast. This is the battle that must needs be fought at the End of Days, the great Day of the Lord Roscoe and the Geat God Mota. And then the Jungle Music was broadcast for many hours.

8) Now all was not well in the land of Rugalah and Bupkes, for DON'T BLEEVERs named Gil of Sherm and Bar Ysam Yoo-elz were listening to the Right and Hoogly Broadcast and did complain to De Mugrat, a man of great authority in those days.

9) And the De Mugrat publishished it far and wide of the Broadcast of WHAM and of the the Wrath of Gil of Sherm and Bar Ysam Yoo-elz.

10) And Dean Lambert, Boocock and assorted Cronies were Dumbfounded by this news. And they looked high and wide for a LAW against the WORKINGS of the Prophets, but found none that applied. And Dean Lambert spake unto the Prophets saying , Ye can broadcast in the city of Rugalah and Bupkes if ye be Nice"

11) And so Gil of Sherm and Bar Ysam Yoo-elz did not prevent the True Truth from being broadcast. And Mishigas , Mishugina , and the Angel Levine did broadcast many times to the masses of Rugalah and Bupkes and many came to know the True Truth of de Lord Roscoe and the Great Got Mota or turned off their radios for the station of WHAM was herd on all channels and frequencies.

12) And many heard the Hoogly Station even as far away as Prince Town and the City of Plains and many were saved and came to High Hoogly Mess and made tape recordings that can be heard unto this very Day.

13) And these Hoogly tape recordings can be purchased form the Temple of Mota which is by the banks of the Wash-ka-Happy River.

14) And these tape recordings are $10 Dollars or 100 Papishkies, please send cash to Box 195 Los Altos California 94023-0195.

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