
There is no meaning to life but for what we make of it.

Bay Area

Daly City San Francisco

Winding streets of straightness

Unknown people pass you by

And you stare at their asses

Just wanting a taste

Lashing Out


You turned your back on us


Don't beg us to solve your problems!

You run from us when we ask for help!


We turn our back on you and your pititful cries


Thoughts of you filt thru my head unbidden.

Mind Loop

You're in my head again

Why do you stay there

day and night

night and day

I can think only of you

Truly Free

I was happy.

Happy? Ha!

I was blind.'s all her fault. If she hadn't introduced us, I would never have seen this, I would not have experienced it, I would be the same jetsetting playboy I was, I would never have fought, I would never have...never...have...experienced true joy.

Michiru...just her name makes me smile...never mind what she says, does...I love her more than anything. Even racing.

She's a part of me now. Always has been.

I know it's impossible...a racer and a violinist/painter

But...i don't care.

It's never bothered me that we're girls...well, it did, but then I said, "Fuck it, I love her."

And I really do.

She's my one and only, my life, my love...without not even thinkable.

All my life I've run. I acknowledge this.

What I've run from might have changed, who I've run from certainly has...but with her...

I don't feel the need to run.

I don't feel feel trapped.

She makes me free.


I would fly away if I could...soar above the world in a whirl of color and sound.

Your love would ground me, let me fly still, but not alone...not anymore

Where are you?

I need to find you.

You could fix this broken soul I have within

You could be my savior.

My life

My love

My wife...

Will I ever find you?

Thoughts, part 1

I know she's near...I feel her in my mind...she can save me from my emptiness...she...hiding...running from her...I can' her...wrong...follow heart..."I knew I loved you before I met you"...dream...want her...wind blows...surge ye mighty sea...hands...fingers enchanting...drown me in your love...I love you...where are you...I must find you...

Thoughts, part 2

A figure...a silhouette...beckoning fingers...head cocked to the side...who's there?...I know you...wind caress me cheek...we fight together...I me?...away from me?...who are you?...I need to find see you, you watch me...unwavering gaze...flirt...flirt with you?...flirt with danger?...flirt...with love?

Aqua Dreams

Dreams of an aqua haired goddess prevent my sleep

cause me pain

I'm falling for you and don't know why

Do you exist?

Life Meaning

I've spent my entire life

searching without

knowing what I was

looking for...until I

found you

Free Me

Your eyes tear my soul

How can I tell you goodbye?

I must leave, I must run

Your love scares me

My love scares me

I can't be this close to love

It's your fault

It's all your fault

You're too beautiful, too endearing, too loving

Too perfect for me

It's all your fault that I love you

Can't you free my heart?