Let's face it, there's a lot of fanfic out there these days. Here in the tiny D:tS fandom, a new story may come along just once every few months, but even the most obsessed geek with no life couldn't dream of keeping up with the daily flood of, say, X-Files fanfic. And since this is a harsh, cruel world, lots of fanfic means lots of bad, "it's sucking my will to live!" fanfic. So, what does a reader do to save her time, her sanity and her aesthetic sense? Well, there are certain obvious ways to sort (pairing, author, genre), but there are also certain clues that tip you off to the fact that, even if it's your favorite sort of story in the whole world, it's still going to suck. As a public service, here I give a partial list of these clues. All examples are arbitrary inventions, so if I happen to directly refer to an actual person or story, it's entirely coincidental. And, yes, I'm aware there are exceptions; these are just ways to help sort through a massive pile.

Well, there you have it--how to separate the sheeps from the goats, or die trying. Remember: life's too short to read bad fanfic!
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