Hugh Harries - Tropical Tree Crops Agronomist


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Date palm and frankincense in Somalia: rehabilitation of production & marketing in the coastal area of the Bari region


The main purpose of the Consultancy was to produce recommendations for the development of date palm and frankincense cultivation to be further implemented by the INGOs and their Somali partners working in the oasis agriculture of the Bari region.

The Appraisal mission to the Bari Region produced the following outputs:

- Indication and assessment of the area (ha) of existing date palm plantations in the Bari region at present, and future potential

- Assessment of the interest of entrepreneurs, local communities and private companies in the region to invest in the production of date palms on a commercial basis

- Assessment and general survey of the availability of genetic material for date palm propagation (e.g. tissue culture) at experimental research centres in neighbouring countries with similar agro-ecological conditions

- Assessment of the present markets for frankincense production (ha, tons) and trade and potential growth for the future

- Assessment of necessary technical and economical interventions and assistance needed to realise expansion of the markets for dates and frankincense

- Development of packages of micro projects for date and frankincense production in which international NGOs and Somali institutions will be involved and that will be operational with credit schemes or other funding sources of the monetisation programme.

Janssen, R. & Harries, H.C. (1997) Date palm and frankincense in Somalia: rehabilitation of production & marketing in the coastal area of the Bari region. SAWA Projects & Consultancy report, recommendations and project proposals submitted to the EC Somalia Unit, Nairobi, Kenya.

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