some info on the boys. subject to slight change.

[officially created] november 2005
[age in isochronal] twenty-one
[gender] male
[d.o.b] november 2nd
[sexual orientation] homosexual
[medical conditions] sleep issues

[eye color] sky blue
[hair color] bright red
[natural hair color] grey-brown
[hair style] straight but thick; mid-shoulderblades; flips out at ends
[ethnicity] so very caucasian
[height] 6'2"
[weight] 150lbs
[BMI] 19.3
[boyparts] seven inches
[shoe size] 12 US
[peircings] three per ear; one right-sided lipring;
[tattoos] two 1" solid bands around his right thigh

[family] sister; sasha [18] mother; wendy [52] deceased father; colby [38] stepfather; brad [42]
[childhood home] blue stucco; navy edged windows; lined by hedges; two stories;
three bedroom; two bathroom; skylight in kitchen; seating window on second floor
[apartment] (described in jeff’s bio)(they have the same apartment)
[town] rastapopolis (i kid, sort of. it's a joke-name.)
[school] rastapopolis high school (RHS) later, rastapopolis county university. (RCU)

[significant other] keith carnovale
[enemies] shelf; cam (from time to time)
[fears] death; loneliness; big bird from seasame street; thunderstorms;
[touchy subjects/what not to bring up] the damian chronicles; big bird; dying; keith leaving him;
anything horrible about keith cause he’ll punch you right in the mouth

[music] aqualung; iron and wine; the decemberists; jimmy eat world;
[loves] sex; winter; sitcoms; cooking; junk food; boys; blankets; cuddling;
waffles; toes; cartoons; music; S&M in limited doses; boy fluids;
[celebrity crush] jesse spencer
[hates] abstinence; science; dancing; hicks; drawing; summertime; blushing;

[tends to wear] skinny jeans; polos; sweatervests; ties; eyeliner; lipgloss;
loud boots; co&ca IV wristband; vans slip ons; homemade silk chokers;

[personality] quirky; sex-crazed; has a bad case of the cosmic horn; gets
offended easily; overprotective; sappy; hopeless romantic; maternal instinct; intimidating;
cries like a baby; has a weak stomach when gore or blood or anything horrifying is involved;
smarter than he looks despite not trying hard in school; level-headed; practical.

[officially created] november 2005
[age in isochronal] twenty-one
[gender] male
[d.o.b] june 23
[sexual orientation] homosexual
[medical issues] one prosthetic leg (left); myopia; hyperopia;

[eye color] green
[hair color] black
[natural hair color] platinum blonde
[hair style] long straight bangs; short spiky at the back;
[ethnicity] caucasian
[height] 5'8"
[weight] 120lbs
[BMI] 18.2
[boyparts] five inches
[shoe size] 7 US
[peircings] four per ear; one left sided lipring;
[tattoos] two small black wings on shoulderblades; two 1" bands around his left thigh

[family] brother; brandon [28] mother; liona [48] father he doesn't remember (was whoops-baby);
[childhood home] peach stucco; white trimmed windows; white shutters; no fence; one story; three
bedroom; one bathroom; sunken living room;
[apartment] (described in jeff’s bio)(they have the same apartment)
[town] rastapopolis (i kid, sort of. it's a joke-name.)
[school] rastapopolis high school (RHS) and later rastapopolis country university (RCU)

[significant other] coy russel; brandon carnovale;
[enemies] cameron fath; shelf; most other people;
[fears] death; losing coy; insects;
[touchy subjects/what not to bring up] his relationship with his brother;
calling him ‘princess’ or anything of the like; anything mean about coy because he will

[music] as tall as lions; neutral milk hotel; the decemberists;
[loves] dreams; sex; S&M; eating; dancing; boys; diet pepsi; fashion; leaves; scarves; arms;
stand up comedy; toys; pancakes; italian food; summertime; being tan;
[celebrity crush] jake gyllenhaal
[hates] coffee; veggies; boobies; football; soccer; rugby; boyfluids; wintertime;

[tends to wear] capped tees; layers; tank tops; leggings; t-shirts; fingerless gloves;
boybreifs; converse; ankle socks; mascara; lots of necklaces; anything with robots on it;
plaid shorts (in the summer); hanging suspenders;

[personality] hotheaded; snarky; spaz; mean; rude in most cases;
slightly co-dependent; witty; completely sex-crazed; has masochistic tendancies; bad
social skills; sympathetic; awkward; very in love with coy; prone to very vicious self-loathing;

[officially created] april 2006
[age in isochronal] twenty-eight
[gender] male
[d.o.b] july 4th
[sexual orientation] homosexual
[medical conditions] one bad elbow from playing hockey + fights in high school

[eye color] teal/aqua
[hair color] sandy blonde
[natural hair color] sandy blonde
[hair style] shaggy; messy; peiced; charming;
[ethnicity] caucaisian
[height] 5'8"
[weight] 135lbs
[BMI] 20.5
[boyparts] 5.5 inches
[shoe size] 9 US
[peircings] none
[tattoos] none

[family] brother; keith [22] mother; liona [43]
[house] (described in keith's bio) or (described in jeff's bio)
[town] rastapopolis
[school] none
[occupation] grocery store ... worker. or something.

[significant other] jeff albertson; keith carnovale;
[enemies] none
[fears] snakes; public intamacy in most cases;
[touchy subjects/what not to bring up] his relationship with his brother;

[music] franz ferdinand; eve6; gorillaz; matchbox twenty;
[loves] pancakes; sex; salad; S&M; sleeping in; computers; talking on the phone; jacking off; coffee;
[celebrity crush] robert sean leonard
[hates] juice; abstinence; airheads; bubblegum; bad sex; mcdonalds;

[tends to wear] hooded sweatshirts; loose earth-toned tshirts; loose torn up jeans; heavy belts;
hemp necklaces when he wants to be dressy; ankle socks; skate shoes; sweatpants; no makeup; tank tops;

[personality] calm; collected; if he's agitated he's really agitated; smarter than he looks;
unmotivated; uneducated; bad at math; quiet; level-headed; compassionate; empathetic;
lovely; very prone to self-loathing; worrysome; jumps to conclusions; snarky;

[officially created] april 2006
[age in isochronal] twenty-four
[gender] male
[d.o.b] january 18th
[sexual orientation] homosexual

[eye color] brown/orange
[hair color] bright blonde
[natural hair color] bright blonde
[hair style] pokerstraight; just above shoulder-length; thin;
[ethnicity] caucaisian
[height] 6'6"
[weight] 200lbs
[BMI] 23.1
[boyparts] eight inches
[shoe size] 13 US
[peircings] two cartiledge peircings; one on the left one on the right
[tattoos] none

[family] brother; calvin [8] brother; sean [13] mother; radina [43] father; nick [40]
[apartment] third floor; left side; one bedroom; one bathroom; one kitchenette; balcony;
[town] rastapopolis
[school] was in RCU in debauchery
[occupation] dental hygenist

[significant other] brandon carnovale
[enemies] none
[fears] heights; trains; mongoose; open water;
[touchy subjects/what not to bring up] none

[music] blink 182; franz ferdinand; talking heads; wilco; eve 6;
[loves] sex; bondage; fruit; headphones; fancy panties; cute boys; painted nails; coffee;
fancy mugs; fancy kitchenwear; pancakes/breakfast food; ipods; any fruit-flavored alcohol;
[celebrity crush] john krasinski
[hates] juice; poetry; kids movies; david spade; rainbows; mint flavored things; the french;

[tends to wear] tight tshirts; various hemp/string necklaces & bracelets; baggy/torn jeans, usually some
sort of dark color; colorful tshirts; various sandals, usually flipflops; no socks no matter what; silver
glasses; sometimes his hair's in a ponytail or bobby-pinned back; bright panties;

[personality] cheery; exuberant; flamboyant; promiscuous at times; flirty; girly sometimes; cock tease;
compassionate; blunt; dominatrix; doesn't kid about things; horny all the time; serious if he needs to be;
empathetic; nothing he won't do sexually; likes innocent boys; when he drinks, he reeeally drinks;

[officially created] some time in the summer of 2006
[age in isochronal] fifteen
[gender] male
[d.o.b] october 12th
[sexual orientation] homosexual

[eye color] yellow/blue
[hair color] chestnut brown
[natural hair color] chestnut brown
[hair style] short; swoopy; a little messy; usually somewhat dirty; inexplicably fading blonde at the bangs and eyebrows;
[ethnicity] quarter native
[height] 5'4"
[weight] 134lbs
[BMI] 23
[boyparts] 4.5 inches
[shoe size] 6 US
[peircings] none
[tattoos] none

[family] sister; danielle [9] sister; jessica [20] mother; suzanne [30] father; jim [30]
[house] green; white detailing; three floors; top floor has a balcony and it's just phil's room; two-level lawn
[town] rastapopolis
[school] RHS

[significant other] cameron fath(?)
[enemies] cameron fath(?)
[fears] lonliness; insults he can't respond to; heights; cam;
[touchy subjects/what not to bring up] cam; things cam’s done; anything about sex;

[music] children of bodom; mudvayne; cradle of filth; the doors; gorillaz;
[loves] music; cookies; winter; trees; kittykats; drawings; fancy stereo equiptment; more kittykats;
non-threatening boys; french fries; oreos; zombie movies; animals; expensive headphones; vinyl records;
[celebrity crush] none
[hates] milk; summer; purple curtains; velvet; pearls; cordless phones; emo music; any music he doesn't love;

[tends to wear] sweaters; baggy tshirts; board shorts; baggy jeans; always earthy colors (brown, black);
dresses a lot like brandon minus the tanktops; doesn't like showing skin; skate shoes;

[personality] prude; kind; caring; scares easily; hates violence; tries to eat healthy and can't; very self concious;
talks generally quietly; watches a lot of tv; spaces out;
hates the radio; doesn't like standing for too long; follows directions well; picks up on hints well; modest;

[officially created] some time in the summer of 2006
[age in isochronal] fifteen
[gender] male
[d.o.b] may 1st
[sexual orientation] bisexual (will fuck whatever moves)

[eye color] terracotta brown
[hair color] black/dark brown
[natural hair color] black/dark brown
[hair style] down to the middle of his back; straight near the top; spiral/wave curls at the bottom; thin;
[ethnicity] caucasian
[height] 5'8"
[weight] 118lbs
[BMI] 17.9
[boyparts] five inches
[shoe size] 8 US
[peircings] left cartilege
[tattoos] a heart on his right side just above his ass (but no one knows that)

[family] sister; lauren [16] mother; maggie [49] father; rino [54]
[house] tall; white; gold detailing; spiral staircase; three bathroom; five bedroom; white picket fence;
[town] rastapopolis
[school] RHS

[significant other] phil cooley(?) shelf(?)
[enemies] everyone but coy and shelf
[fears] none(?)
[touchy subjects/what not to bring up] demands; his reasoning; phil;

[music] aqualung; the postal service; as tall as lions; iron and wine; porcelain and the tramps;
[loves] junk food; sex; S&M and brutality; winter; weather of all kinds; asphyxiation; masochism; mittens;
holidays; drawing; porn; boys; zombie movies; emo music; dancing (but it’s a secret); big armchairs;
[celebrity crush] jesse spencer (will take it to the grave with him)
[hates] weak kids; health food; veggies; fruit; summer; not showing skin (sweaters); the number seven;
bad movies; not having sex; certain ladylike boys;
[tends to wear] tight tshirts; tight tanktops; scarfs; red+black anything; boots or converse;
tight skinny jeans, not usually torn; always clean; bobby pins+clips; ponytail when he's working; black nails; chokers;

[personality] rude; blunt; cruel; offensive; bratty; sex-crazed; constantly horny; pessimistic; loathing in general; mouthy; arrogant;

[officially created] november-december 2006
[age in isochronal] nineteen
[gender] male
[d.o.b] unknown
[sexual orientation] bisexual

[eye color] hazel
[hair color] dark blonde
[natural hair color] dark blonde
[hair style] down to mid-back; heavy; matted; tangled; natural dirty dreadlocks;
[ethnicity] ½ caucasian ½ something else
[height] 5'9"
[weight] 121lbs
[BMI] 17.4
[boyparts] eight inches
[shoe size] 13 US
[peircings] none
[tattoos] none

[family] sister; kaitlyn [29] mother; charlotte [52] father; clive [47]
[house] none
[town] nothing permanent
[school] none

[significant other] cameron fath(?)
[enemies] none
[fears] starvation; snakes; tall women;
[touchy subjects/what not to bring up] how he became homeless

[music] gorillaz
[loves] pancakes; pasta; radios; skytrains; comfortable shoes; sunshine; pillows; boys;
[celebrity crush] none
[hates] himself; cheapskates; chinese food; upscale restaurants; soggy clothes; wet dogs; animals;

[tends to wear] whatever he can find; tank tops; shorts; mismatched shoes or no shoes; no accessories;

[personality] generally cheerful; simple; optimistic; inquisitive; procrastinating;
laid-back; unreliable; relatively useless; nice kid, but not much else;