
Egg Artistry is a very old tradition and provides an opportunity to allow your imagination and talent to shine. You will need these three tiles for this lesson. Right click on each tile and save to your hard drive.
This tutorial was designed in PSP 6.02 and can be completed in other versions
with some adjustment. Use your creativity and have fun.
Copyright © by Harold E. Jones .. 2001.

Level of difficulty: Advanced Advanced

1. Open new image, width="350" height="350", 16.7 million colors, White.
I have chosen white so as to make it easier to see your work.
Click on the "Color Options pallet." Color Options Pallet Change your foreground color to Dusky Gold ["#DCCC96"] and your background color to white. ["#FFFFFF"]. Add a new layer and name it "egg1."
2. Click on your "Preset Shapes Tool," Preshapes Tool open your "Tool Options Pallet" Tool Options Pallet and select "ellipse/filled/antialias=checked/vector=unchecked.

Start at co-ordinates w=170 x h=170, hold down your left mouse button and drag down and to the right until you have a ellipse shape at w=310 x h=270. The "Marching Ants" appear. You now have a "dusky gold" ellipse on your white background.

3. Now you can either leave your "Egg Shape" at this dusty gold or you can do as I have done and place a gold pattern on it. Open up the "bgtile1.jpg" image. Click on the "Magic Wand Tool" Magic Wand Tool and left click in the center of the "Egg." The "Marching Ants" will surround the Egg.

4. Click on the "Flood Fill Tool" Floodfill Tool and in the "Tool Options Pallet," change from solid color to pattern. Click on the middle tab and scroll down until you have "bgtile1" selected. Now left click in the centre of the "Egg" and the "gold patterned bgtile1" will fill the Egg. Do NOT deselect.

5. Add a new layer and name it "cutout." Go to "image/effects/cutout." Use the following settings. "color=black, Opacity=70, blur=27, vertical= -7[minus], horizontal= -7[minus]." Click Ok.
Add a new layer and name it "cutout2." Go to "image/effects/cutout." Use the following settings. "color=black, Opacity=40, blur=15, vertical=3, horizontal=3." Click Ok.

6. While the Egg is still selected ["Marching Ants" still active], click on the "Mover Tool" Mover Tool and position the Egg shape about 100 pixels from the bottom, leaving room to make a base later for the Egg to stand on. Deselect. The "Marching Ants" will disappear.

7. Make sure the "Layers Option Pallet" Layers Options Pallet is open. Turn off the background layer [layer 1]. Go to "layers/merge/merge visible." Turn the background layer on again.
Go to "File/save as/" and save your work as "egg1.psp." Save your work often and always in ".psp" extension until the final "save as."

8. You now have 2 layers, "Background layer" and the "egg1" layer has changed to "merged." Make sure that you are still on the "merged layer." Right click on this layer and in the box that "pops up," click on "properties" and rename the merged layer, "egg bottom." Click Ok.

9. Go to "selections/rectangle." Selections Tool Hold down the left mouse button, draw the rectangle around the "Top half of the Egg." Hit the "delete key," and the top half of the Egg will disappear. Deselect and the "marching ants" will disappear.

10. Go to "Selections/select all." Click Ok. Go to "Selections/invert" and the "Marching Ants" will surround the "Half Egg."
Go to "Edit/copy" then "Edit/paste/as new image." While this new image is still active, go to "Image/flip" and this will now become the "Top half" of your Egg to be used later.

Go to "File/save as" and save this image as "topegg.psp." Minimize this image.

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