Dark elf equipment list

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hero equipment list

dagger......................1st free/2 gc
sword...............................10 gc
hellebard...........................10 gc
lance...............................40 gc
double handed weapon................15 gc

missile weapons

repeating crossbow..................30 gc


light armor.........................20 gc
heavy armor.........................50 gc
shield...............................5 gc
buckler..............................5 gc

hencemen equpment list

dagger......................1st free/2 gc
spear...............................10 gc
sword...............................10 gc
hellebard...........................10 gc
double handed weapon................15 gc

missile weapons

repeating crossbow..................30 gc


light armor.........................20 gc
heavy armor.........................50 gc
shield...............................5 gc
buckler..............................5 gc

special equipment (heroes only)

sea dragon cloack rare 7...................70 gc
special rules:
gives an unmodified save of 5+

snake whip rare 10 (Dark witch only)........30 gc
reach 4', victim must take an ld test to move and fight next turn (two tests)