This is a quote from Geoffrey Pullum's
The Great Eskimo Vocabulary Hoax and other Irreverent Essays on the Study of Language.

Pullum, G. 1991. The Great Eskimo Vocabulary Hoax and other Irreverent Essays on the Study of Language. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

The entire book is quotable in my opinion. Geoffrey Pullum achieves something that few have - he takes a look at the field of linguistics with a sense of humor. Why is this so rare? I've said from the beginning of my studies that linguists take themselves too seriously. Maybe they do so because they're scared others won't take them seriously if they don't - I don't know.

(pg. 30)
"...I regard 'Linguistic Inquiry' as a miserable trash-stuffed rag of a journal through which the pathetic blitherings of an army of knuckle-dragging intellectual toadies are shepherded to prominence by the unprincipled back-room machinations of a pea-brained lackwit of an editor whose fawning subservience to the power clique that controls modern linguistics is matched only by his contempt for civilized standards when dealing with the work of those whose integrity prevents them from prostituting their scholarship by kowtowing to the self-ordained guardians of a baseless pseudo-theoretical hegemony. I can't imagine frankly, why I still subscribe."

MY NOTE: Pullum's first dash at 'The conduct of Linguistic Inquiry' appeared in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory in 1983. He had been published in LI 11 times (according to my count) before that, then only twice after that. After the above extra comment appeared in the 1991 collection - 0 times. Hmmmm....