Reading is my favorite hobby!  Yes...I must confess, I am a red light reader.  The perfect solution for getting stuck at one of those iratatingly looong lights is to read a few pages of a good book! 

Historical Romance is my favorite but I do read other catagories.  My favorite author is Amanda Quick.  I have read the Left Behind Series, (This is a completely awesome Christian Fiction Series!) the Janet Evonovich series starring Stephanie know...the one where she is a bounty hunter.  ( Thought my husband was going to throw something at me for laughing...ALOT!  He doesn't understand my "book thing").  I have also read the Vampire Chronicals by Anne Rice and the Harry Potter Series (Reading them outloud to my kids now).  

I will probably NEVER remember half of what I have read but keeping a reading journal has helped me keep up.

Hope you pick up some ideas for your reading wish list!