
What's Happening Now!

August 2003

August became a month of "change" for us. John and Rebekah ended their Summer vacation, and went back to school. John started third grade, while Rebekah started first grade. Here's a couple pictures of her first day of school:

Speaking of a month of "change," back in July, quite by surprise, I joined the ranks of the "unemployed." Changing jobs can be a "life changing" event, but until things unfolded, we didn't realize how much. We understand that God's wisdom is so much more than we can understand, so we just turned everything over to our Heavenly Father, and we knew everthing would be okay.

Here's a picture of the kids, poolside, that I took from our hotel room while traveling to one particular job interview.

Be sure to come back next month, and see how everything worked out!

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