To Read And Understand The Holy Quran
Level 1: Beginning

This level is for students who have very little or no knowledge of the Arabic language. Students will first learn how to read and write using the Arabic alphabet. Then they will work on acquiring some simple vocabulary in order to hold basic conversations.

Level 2: Elementary
At the elementary level the student will continue developing their reading and conversational skills More grammar concepts are taught; including verb tenses and conjugation as well as the Arabic root system. This enables the student to be able to use a dictionary correctly. Students also work on improving their comprehension and pronunciation through reading aloud during the class. Students study simple articles taken from different texts, in order to increase their vocabulary and to learn new grammar concepts. As the student progresses he/she will write simple compositions in order to gain new vocabulary and learn how to express themselves in Arabic. By the end of this level; the student should be able to write grammatically correct sentences and simple composit.

Level 3: Intermediate
At the intermediate level, students will concentrate on building and enlarging their vocabulary, as well as expanding their knowledge of Arabic grammar. Students will read and converse on many different subjects; including history, culture, and politics. Students will prepare papers to present orally and to hold a discussion on. A strong emphasis is placed on developing the student's speaking and comprehension abilities. By the end of this level; the student should feel comfortable and be able to accurately participate in most informal conversations, they should be able to generally understand Arabic media, and they should be very comfortable if traveling to an Arabic speaking country.

Level 4: Advanced
At the advanced level, students will work on increasing their vocabulary further, and on their translation skills. Students are assigned lengthy texts to increase their vocabulary, and to improve their comprehension of difficult literary works. A book the student is interested in will also be chosen to discuss in class. Overall, the student's knowledge is expanded and strengthened so that they have a good command of the Arabic language as their second language. After the completion of this level, the student should easily be able to work professionally in an Arabic speaking country, and be well on their way to fluency.
