04-01-02: Well finally Castle Greyhawk has went 3rd Edition. This update has been long coming. Brought on by my learning html code (Woo-Hoo!!!!) and getting into playing 3rd Edition.

At first I was very skeptical of a new edition of Dungeons and Dragons. I never really got into the whole 2nd Edition thing. My group played 1st Edition right up to the new millineum. Still I decided to give it a shot when the DnD basic box came out. I ran Matt, Jimmy, and Ted as Tordek, Edgar, and Ember (a Male Elven Wizard) through the adventures in the box set. It turned out to be the best system I've ever played in my 18 years of roleplaying. It brought back the newness and freshness the game had back in the mid-eighties. It was fun. The whole group enjoyed it and was all of a sudden talking about how cool characters were, and how much they enjoyed the new system.

It just converted all of us. Matt just finished running a Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil campaign which IMHO is the best module I've ever had the privilege of playing through.

Anyway I digress. The downside to the new system is that a lot of cool stuff like creatures, monsters, and adventures that I've enjoyed over the years are not 3rd Edition. A lot of the neat stuff I came up with over the years isn't 3rd edition either. So I've decided to convert it. Mainly the new content includes articles, spells, and info I've been planning to put on the site since starting it, but never got around to doing. Some things like the monster conversions came about when redoing the Random Encounter Tables in html code I realized some of the monsters didn't exist anymore.

Going to slowly add more 3rd edition compatable items as time permits. But for now enjoy the new stuff. Thanks for stopping by and best wishes, halzmarty.
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