Our Justification is the only condition for God's presence in our life


'God said:"Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water." So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so. God called the expanse "sky", and there was evening, and there was morning - the second day' (Genesis 1:6-8).
[a picture of Earth on the second day

I understand the Earth before the Creation was cooling part of a star. Cooling caused increasing of solid crystals ( "the earth was formless and empty" , "the surface of the deep") covered still by supersaturate liquid ("the spirit of God was hovering over the waters"). (Genesis 1:2)

God's energy caused the supersaturate liquid to be weak solution for instance like seas are weak solution of minerals and evaporating the waters. Evaporated waters had gotten too far from the surface, the vapor condensed to a liquid. Thus the Earth got the water layer for its safety from harmful rays of the universe. Gas, which did not condensed, has become the expanse.

Waters on the earth's surface may be unclean - having solute minerals (dust); and waters covering our atmosphere are clean.
Humans' souls (without flesh) look like moving waters. "The waters you saw, . . . are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages" (Rev 17:15). These souls care for flesh as they would be liquid solution of the dust (earthly matter). That is why they are soiled.
The beginning of our Christian life is our birth into the new world, into Heaven. In the Heaven, these new spiritual substances look like clear crystal. (Revelation 4:6) The first conclusion is that two spiritual forms exist; the first are souls belonging to our earth and the second are spirits belonging to the Heaven.

The same should be with our Christian life. We need to see difference between the soul and the spirit. The soul cares for earthly things, for flesh; and the spirit care for heavenly things, for God


"for seven days you must eat bread made without yeast. On the first day hold a sacred assembly and do no regular work. For seven days present an offering made to the Lord by fire. And on the seventh day hold a sacred assembly and do no regular work" (Leviticus: 23:6-8).
The feast of Unleavened Breads is continuation of the Passover. Still God appointed it as the second feast. Therefore, it has other meaning than the Passover. The Passover brings us to God. Then the second feast shows our state.

As Israelites had eaten the Passover meat (the lamb), they had to eat the bread without any yeast. Eating meat with bread shows a bond between both feasts.

The meat is bound with bread. Having bread or other products of field while consuming of any meat is necessary. Therefore, we have to take "bread" in our life immediately after our conversion to God. We do not need always meat with bread. Therefore, we do not need to stay at the first step of the way. Thus, healthy Christians also do not need "to eat Passover lamb" because they are already in God's presence.

To eat means to chew and to swallow within the body. When we eat something, it is only ours. We are consuming it, taking its nourishment into our body. People need energy - like fuel for their life. Therefore, food is a source of energy. Thus, we must eat.

Before chewing, we taste food. If it is tasty, saliva is helping to consume it. If it is not tasty, we produce not enough saliva, and the stomach has problems in consuming it or even does not consume it.

I understand from this that God wants us to receive the realities of His Son in our body with our desire (saliva), as something very good for our life. Then, it will give enough energy and build our spiritual body. If we are taking God's offer without our heart, we may easily lose it. It will go out from our body and will not leave any source of energy for our life (Matthew 13:22). Then, we are empty and we are looking for something else that could nourish our life.

"bread made without yeast" Bread is God's gift. As it is prepared, people do not have to use any yeast. The yeast is live biological substance that is working with organic masses causing to increase it. Thus means, we do not have to take any of the earth's products that could increase God's gift. We have to take them naturally like they are given. Jesus Christ told His disciples about the yeast in the bread. The disciples understood that they ought to be aware of Pharisees and Sadducees' teaching (Matthew 16:11-12). I understand that we have to be aware of teaching produced by people still being in Adam's nature. Therefore, the yeast in our body is a habit of Adam's soul, our old personality. This is unacceptable before God, and it is our sin. (1 Corinthians 5:6-8): "Your boasting is not good. Don't you know that a little yeast works through the whole batch of dough? Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast--as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. Therefore, let us keep the Festival, not with the old yeast, the yeast of malice and wickedness, but with bread without yeast, the bread of sincerity and truth". So, within our body we have to receive nourishment without any trace of our sinful souls. If we will eat" bread" really without any "yeast", we will not get any thoughts that we are sinners after our conversion to God Eating bread without any yeast is not usual. Therefore, after meeting with the Lord Jesus Christ, it is seen as unreal to consider ourselves God's children. Nevertheless, it was not our idea to eat bread without the yeast. It is God's command. We have to obey Him and not to doubt about His order. If God says we are without sin in His eyes then it is so. Receiving, accepting His gifts is this which is good in God's eyes. His children should live, to walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7) Certainly, our deeds seem sinful to our eyes, but we have to take the one step in faith and not stay in our fleshy view.

"for seven days" Seven days is a week. The number seven is God's number. It is the number of fullness. If we have to eat unleavened bread for seven days that means we have to receive our miracle position in God's eyes for our entire life, forever. We are now perfect in God's eyes. Hallelujah! Thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ for our position before God the Father. His blood has miracle power (1 Peter 1:18-21) and is always between us and God like "safe cover". While Jesus was eating His last supper with His disciples, He took unleavened bread, gave thanks and broke it with saying, "Take it; this is my body." (Luke 22:19) When we live in good relation to Jesus Christ, God knows us immediately as His children. He does not consider any sins in our body because, He sees us like His Son, like Jesus Christ's body.

"do no regular work" God does not want us to do any regular work as we used to do. Now we have to rely on Him, do not hold everything in our hands. We have to come into His kingdom and there learn to live in it. We have to take a rest from our hard job by our soul, to be in God's Sabbath (Exodus 20:10). We may go by another way only in leaving the first one. Therefore, changing our lifestyle is very important. We are again God's children and He is taking care of us as He would conceive us, but more, He created us.

The second feast of Unleavened Bread says, "consider yourself without any sin if you are in the Lord Jesus Christ".


The old Israelites went out from the land of the slavery. God did not lead them to Canaan on earthly routes and frontiers. HE MADE THEM THE OWN WAY for going out. He divided the waters and Israelites could walk through the sea. Then, God locked a gate in the Red Sea forever and the waters returned into their places. Their enemies, the pharaoh with his army was swept into the sea by the water rolled back (Exodus 14). God punished them by this because they entered God's way prepared for His people who were entering His promise.

So, people cannot go to the Promised land (to Heaven) by earthly natural way. There, just punishment awaits them. Pharaoh's people were drowned as the sign for Israelites that their slave drivers did not exist anymore. The earth swallowed them.

God's ancient people were on the way to Canaan. They went through a desert. They met enemies from the material and from the spiritual world. God always saved them. Why? Because a cloud covered Israel's camp during daylight and a glow of flaming fire during night (Exodus 13:21, Numbers 14:14).

If God's cloud covered Israel's camp then, God from the Heaven could not see any uncleanness in the camp. In other words, if nothing unclean can enter the Heaven then neither something unclean can go through the Heavenly cloud coming from God's Throne. Although they were on the earth, the "sacred cloud" made them saints so that they could belong to the Heaven. God's presence made Israelites to feel as if they were in Heaven.

God cannot be where there is any sin or any deed of darkness (Exodus 33:3). We were born sinners, descendants of Adam and Eve (Romans 5:12). Being perfect is tough for us. God's penalty for a sin is death. Because we are sinners by our naturalness, the Scriptures of Old Testament say that nobody from the earth can see God. Not even Moses could do it (Exodus 33:20-23). However, we have the testimonies that people did see God and did not die. For instance, Elijah saw God and he did not die because God covered his face (1 Kings 19:13). Also, God spoke with Job through the cloud or wind (Job 38:1). Or, as God came close to the earth (the transfiguration of Jesus Christ), He put a cloud between Himself and them (Luke 9:34-35).The disciples saw only a cloud from the ground. They did not see God. Nevertheless, they knew that it was God the Father who spoke to them because they felt His presence. So, if God wants to be close to someone, He alone must put a Heavenly covering on the earthly body. I understand that God first covers man and then speaks with him. Therefore, God put the Heavenly covering on the camp. The Israelites saw the cloud and rejoiced that they had God's favor.

Christians, members of the new Israel, also are going by the way like the old Israel. Yet we may specify God's covering because only the blood of Jesus Christ reconciles us with God. The precious blood of God's Lamb covers us. Christians see in faith only His blood like "a cloud." Therefore, only this possibility exists if we want to be with God in Heaven. It is no more gates (John 10:9) or "expanses." It is not by any other way (John 14:6). We are clean through the Blood of Jesus and so the saints before our God.

Often it seems to us that we have done wrong things, and God hates us. However, it is not so. Look at old Israel in the desert. They were descendants of Adam. Thus, they were sinful ones in nature. Then, masses of individuals were in camps. Did nobody from them sin against his neighbor or nature? They did, but God overlooked it. So, we are not trespassers if God is with us (1. John 1:7).

However, what we will do if we lose God's covering. Will dark cover us? In old Israel, if somebody was lost in night, he could return and find the camp because God placed a shining pillar over the camp at night. So, if we have lost God's covering, God's presence, then we may return by following the shining light of the Gospel. It shines for everyone who is on the earth, who is walking in darkness.

It happened several times that God punished His people for the sin and it means that His protection is not working always. Historical writing says that Israel's camp was uncovered when people had gone to other gods (Numbers 25). Furthermore, they were uncovered, when they had rebelled again God, (Exodus 32, Deuteronomy 9:24-25, Joshua 7 . . . ) which is almost the same thing. Readers of the Bible know that they alone went out from covering. They as would move above covering. When this had occurred, the people stood naked in the God's presence. God punished them by death. The history speaks about many dead people because of their uncovered position before God. Killing sinners could stop if the priests offered an atonement sacrifice to give a new covering over them. They would make atonement by burning incense over them. Holy smoke from the Tabernacle covered them before God (Numbers 16:46-49). Thus, a priest serving God brings people back to God. I see many Christians uncovered and therefore God's curses are on them. Still they think that they are blessed because the evil attacks them. Even many preachers teach so to excuse their miseries.

The shining pillar and the cloud over the camp protected those under it from any enemies, whether they were from the material world like the army of Egypt or enemies from the army of Satan's kingdom. Miseries could not come under God's cloud, on the territory that God encircled (Job 1:8-10). We know that God protects His people.

Israelites wandered through the desert for forty years. Their clothes did not waxen old nor their shoes. They ate no bread and drank no wine (Deuteronomy 29:5-6). God alone gave them bread from heaven, which was the manna and where the water was not, God gave them to drink the water from the dry stone (Numbers 20:8). Since we have entered on the way leading to the Heaven, we are in the kingdom of God that Jesus Christ has brought on the earth. He alone is taking care of our necessities (Luke 12:28).

The second historical part of Israel's history teaches us that after being delivered, we have to be on the way just as Israel was in the desert. We have to be covered by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ before God's Throne. This is our justification. Only serving another god or being in rebellion to God takes us out from this precious covering. Then our destiny is death. The return is possible because the Gospel shines for us or our brothers and sisters pray for us.


The second purpose of God the Son (His offer) in the Creation was from the end of the Creation until His incarnation.

God the Son had to be here (the Earth) because everything aroused through Him. He was invisible to the world during this period. Only a few people saw Him, for instance Abraham (Genesis 18), Jacob (Genesis 32) Moses (Deuteronomy 34:10), Joshua (Joshua 5-13-15). They knew Him as the Angel in the power. This Mighty Angel got 2/3 of the angels on His side to the end of this period. Namely, there were two mighty angels, Satan and God the Son (without Godly Spirit and therefore, linking with one was necessary for the rest angels. I see God the Son working as the Lord who spoke with Moses and His Godly Spirit as the cloud covering the Israelites' camp. He as the Angel pushed other spiritual enemies of Israelites (Satan's army) away and His Spirit realized them God's presence. Thus, God the Son was gaining the name and power in the spiritual world, in the invisible world (Numbers 10:35-36). In the visible world, He had men who fulfilled His will such as Moses, Joshua, David and so on.

That world did not see Him. Israelites believed that He was with them and led them to the Promised Land.

Similar in Christianity, Christians believe Christ Jesus is with them and lead them although no one sees Him.


God's presence was over Adam and Eve before their fall in the Eden. This is why they did not see anything wrong at their lives. They consider themselves perfect ones, as God's partners. When the change came, God did not show them their lower position, but they alone recognized it. Even they wanted to run away from God. The reason was due to their sin.

If we are trespassers, someone has to accuse us. However, nobody accused them and they were running away from God to hide themselves. Therefore, something else worked on them.

God created Adam, did not evolve him from any animal as Darwin presented it. Eve also did not have any connection to animals, although she was as evolved from Adam. God used Adam's cells (Adam's rib) to create Eve (Genesis 2:21-23). Thus, they were primarily the Creator's ones. If they were the God's, they had to live with Him, to be in God's presence.

A reason for Adam's habit we ought to find in Eve's obeying of an animal's advice (serpent's). An animal influenced humans. From this connection to the animal (the serpent) we may think that some animal's affectation worked.

Animals survive because they run away from the stronger and look forward to hide from his view. Fear plays the main role. From connection to the animal, Adam and Eve gained an animal instinct - fear, something that they did not know before.

Thus, if God in the Lord Jesus Christ receives us, we should rid fear from our life. We do not need to hide ourselves from Him. God expects our alliance, a good relationship to God. (John 15:15)

Thus the second stage of man is his return into the position that he had in the Creation. To live in God's presence without any source of fear. We could not be naked if the Lord's covering covers us, and so we do not have to hide from Him. "What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31)


The first Church was persecuted and then had to depart into the desert like Israelites from Egypt went into the desert.

Although many people believed in God, that world did not see any new born ones, and so, They did not see "light". That is why historians call this period the Dark Ages.

Biblically, the Lord showed this period by the symbol the "woman", bearing children for the Heaven, being outside the world (Revelation 12:6). If she were not in that world then there were not any conditions to grow in spirit. Existing believers did not produce the new fruit. They were saved after passing away. And so, even you do not do God's deeds or live the perfect holy life because the conditions are not for it, still you are saved thanks to God's blood which covers you.


"Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life . . . He who overcomes will not be hurt at all by the second death" (Revelation 2:10-11). Only who has received God's justification in the Lord Jesus Christ may continue on the way. The second death should not hurt him.

Though we may experience death for this physical life, this isn't the real death. The real death is the death of the soul. The death of the soul is her condemnation by God.

The second death will come after the Last Court. Every soul will come before God to be judged by Him. Sentences will come following the offenses. As people from our court are either free or going to jail so it will be at the Last Court. They will be either free to live in God's presence or thrown away from God. "If anyone's name was not written in the book of life 'of Jesus Christ', he was thrown into the lake of fire" (Revelation 20:15).

From it, names of these who will not taste the second death are known already now. The Book of life has been written since Christ Jesus tasted the second death, he experienced the judgment of God upon sin. He passed the altar. He is over the altar. Since that the Heaven has written the new story (history) on pages of the new book of Life. Hallelujah!

The reward for the first part of the way is eating from the tree of life that is in the Paradise. If they take fruit from the tree that is growing there, they have entered the Eden. If people who have died in the Lord Jesus Christ are there, and they could not be expelled to Satan's kingdom then, Satan in eternity cannot hurt any Christian already now eating from Paradise's tree.

I suppose that when God expelled Adam from the Eden, he also expelled Satan from the Eden. In other words, a penalty results for the sinners and the source of a sin. For instance, in our society a penalty for killing someone is given to a killer as well the one who hired the killer. Hence, the territory of the earth was split onto two spots; where the sinners and Satan could not come and where they exist on this planet (Genesis 3:23-24).

The sinner Adam went to rule in the material world and Satan over that spiritual world there. Like they had begun communicating in the Eden so could continue outside the Garden. It was the first limitation of Satan, the first expelling him from God's ground.

God protected the primary created garden with a cherub having a sword flashing back and forth (Genesis 3:24). If this sword was flashing back and forth, it could mean that it was the Godly Sword. If it was the Godly Sword then it had to shine. Since Satan could not enter the Paradise anymore then it must be the God's Sword; someone higher in rank had to guard it.

Hence the created earth has two rulers over territories. Satan is the king there, where people sin. God guards territories appointed for God's people. Even, where God's nation, Israelites were (Exodus 33:2). Yet some debate between Satan and God ran that traces this past. God showed him His servant Job, who was faithful to God (not everyone belongs to Satan). However, Satan took the defensive and said: "Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has?" (Job 1:10). So God, besides Paradise, has always had some territory where the evil could not come.

Hence whoever lives in the Lord Jesus Christ's justification is spiritually in "Paradise".

Although a person is afflicted and is in poverty like Job was during his testing, he does not fall down from his high place in God. If we do not put ourselves outside "Paradise" then, there does not exist any fear from God's condemnation. The second death does not have any power over us. Following the reward for overcomers on the second part of the way the rule is created: taking people from God is impossible if they are already now on God's territory. They will just be transferred from God's land on Earth to the Heaven. If God has already taken us on His territory (Paradise), would He expel us when our spirit grows in accord with Him? Whoever is taking 'juicy' from God's justification in the material world he has to be set on the ground, where the tree is rooted. If we are its branches (John 15:1-8) then we must be there, where the trunk is. When the time will come to meet with God, He will give him the crown of life. Nobody can accuse him for something wrong, because he was always under the roof made by the Lord Jesus Christ. He has lived in God's house set on His territory. Never did he go into a foreign house possessed by another god or never did he go only outside, he was not rebelling to his circumstances.

You should not be found like he, who had taken his value and burred it instead of allowing it to be upon him (Mat 25:14-16). Angels will throw such a man outside, away from the Lord's presence, into darkness, where is weeping and gnashing of teeth, which is the second death.

The conclusion is, who are taking the nourishment from the Lord Jesus Christ's justification is on God's territory. Who is on God's property, 'Paradise', he should not fear for losing God's presence. God will give him the crown of life and will not be hurt at all by the second death.


"These are the words of Him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. I know your afflictions and your poverty - yet you are rich! I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan" (Revelation 2:8-9).
As we have come into relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ, Satan tries to take this away from us. He cannot deny to Christians that there is not any Jesus Christ. If he would do that, they could easily recognize him as a liar. Satan has the experiences from the beginning of this world, and he knows, he must not deny reality.

He deceived Adam and Eve by using words to bring doubts into their hearts. If we doubt, we are questioning whether it is right or not. Thus, we star to eat from the tree of the knowledge good and evil. Satan comes to a Christian with questions such as: Are all your sins forgiven? If some Christian doubts about all sins to be forgiven then Satan continues: You do not know for sure because you did not confess all your sins. Did you confess all sins from your childhood? Now this Satan's trap catches him. He loses his faith in God's covering, in the justification. Many teachings exist proclaiming that cleaning themselves constantly by asking God for forgiving each sin even in wrong thoughts is necessary. Since God blessed them for first confessing of sins at the beginning of the way, it seems them not to be wrong. Yet we need to advance on the way and not always entering it.

A good step in this part of the way is the baptism. Whoever has been baptized has the great proof in this act that he is cleaned from each sin. Namely, his old sinful soul does not exist in God's eyes anymore because was buried. (Romans 6:4) If it so, then just the one way exists and it is, the new life raises, the new being exists.

God does not need our baptism, like, He does not need sacrifices of animals (Psalms 50:13). It is only for the testimony that we are now the new. When Satan comes by saying who sinned, he cannot face God, we have the proof for ourselves and for him in the baptism that it is not true for us since our accepting Christ Jesus. We should not go back. It is the same as when Israel went through the Red Sea by the one way, but they could not go back, the waters returned and buried such a route.

Someone from Satan's followers may also come with such a doubt: "What name have you been baptized in.?" He who is listening to this question is like Eve, accepting the question: "Did God really say, 'you must not eat from any tree in the garden'?" (Genesis 3:1), and his fall has already begun. We should answer in the name God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit," as according to the Bible (Mat 28:18-19). However, he answers that apostles baptized in the name Jesus Christ (Act 2:38). The result is that deceivers baptize doubting Christians again, on Christ Jesus. The Lord Jesus Christ gave the command 'in the name God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit' for those who do know neither God the Father, nor God the Holy Spirit and do not know Him (all nations, pagans). However, the apostle Peter addressed his word to Jews who already knew God the Father long before Christ Jesus. Israelites already had the Temple for Him before Christ Jesus. Israel knew also the Holy Spirit from the period of prophets. The apostle Peter knew these facts very well (was the Jew) therefore he ought to say just: "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins." (Acts 2:38) If he were to say to baptize in the name of God the Father . . . then he would neglect the baptism of John the Baptist.

The Lord Jesus Christ is speaking to the second church about their slander in saying that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Those false teachers proclaim the Scriptures only to sow doubts. Thus, they force believers not to be under God's covering.


I was on the way with my Lord Jesus Christ. I lost my job for my faith and further more I could not work in any position adequate to my education anywhere. I tried a job that people without education would normally be hired to do. There were also problems and therefore, I went to work into the mines. There does not exist daily light, but this was good for my spiritual life. Step by step, I could acknowledge God's work in my life and my surroundings. He was present also underground, and I was the happiest man. He formatted my spiritual life outside "our world".

Doubts often came whether I am really saved. I realized that it was a time for my baptism. I was as eager for it as for the definitive victory over my doubts about my new life in the kingdom of God. As I was trawling to a place for baptism, these thoughts came in my mind: If I am not the new person then, please God place some obstruction (delaying a train) in my way or rather to kill me in an accident if I have to suffer this doubt any longer. Nevertheless, if they will baptize me then, I am sure that I am the new being in Your kingdom. Thanks to my God that they baptized me and my personal covenant with God had begun to be valid.

The baptism has been the great proof about death of the "old Adam". This certificate has settled into my mind. My mind should have operated under this license.

I had again a problem with thoughts after some time. Now, not thoughts about my past battered me, but, it was a battle for freedom of my mind from any thoughts coming without my will. It was the Sunday. I had visited the church in the morning, and because it was pleasant weather, I decided to go home through the fields. I wanted to be with God and therefore, I read and wanted to memorize some Psalms. However, my mind ran away to earthly thoughts. Thoughts such as how to realize some project in my garden tried to occupy my mind. As I had caught myself in these, I returned to God's Word. I did not want to think by the earth's way about earth's things. I was fighting repeatedly with this problem as far as I thought: "I am a crazy man, I do not know to concentrate on it." Then I realized that Satan does not want me to be with God. In that my capitulation, the idea came: "Why am I fighting with Satan?. Jesus Christ defeated him (Luke 10:18), the battle is over, is finished." Everything is done, why does my strength have to go out to neglect deeds in such a pleasant day like this Sunday is? I had thought earlier that I was crazy in my earthly mind, but I was crazy in my faith? I had believed in my innermost strength and not in the Lord Jesus Christ's power. Instead of fighting, I began to praise my Savior the Lord Jesus Christ and His victory over the old prince of the Earth. I had accepted Jesus Christ's victory for myself and won. My mind was free for God's words and His thoughts. I used this experience many time later in freeing my mind from violent earthly thoughts.

I had some unresolved things from my past. Some Christians wanted to resolve it or, at least to speak about it. This made me worry and I did not know what to do. I met with a wise man and told him about it. Instead of giving me any advice, he prayed with me and led me to receive a direct answer from God. On the beginning of the way God speaks by His Word written in the Bible. My brother gave me a verse from the Bible to draw on. I received the answer for my problem from the spiritual view. Yet, although I had not understood these words, he did not explain them but rather led me again to draw another verse from the Bible. There, the concrete answer for my steps was found. I returned home and found myself holding my Bible and reading God's Words. They were the same as the first ones at my brother's home. It was a big miracle for me. I learned about live Words and this helped me in solving many situations. I found God's spirit working in my body who leads my hands and my eyes to the Word that God wants me to read. So the new born spirit is in action in my body.

Sometimes I had realized that God wanted very urgently to show me the new truth underground. However, I could not understand very well and, therefore, I said to God: "I noticed that You want to tell me something, but I do not understand. You do not need to act (to show it) anymore but, please wait until I will come home and may read Your explanation by the Biblical similarity."

It happened once that I forgot to lock up my things in the workplace where I had also kept some money, and I did not notice it. Then, I went to my permanent residential place for a couple of days. I recognized God's blessing as few angels were there. Then I returned to work, and I found my personal things had been left unlocked. Immediately, I began to be worry about the money but everything was OK. I noticed that also another angel was guarding my things. There was also a small area under God's covering like a small ground of the Eden guarded by God's angels. I was very happy that God is sending His servants to serve me on different places. I did many things wrong while I was on this part of the way. I awaited for my Lord to rebuke me, but He did not. Instead reproaching words, He was giving me pleasing words that I am holy through Him, and He has pleasure in me. Why was hard understanding, but I believed God's Words rather than my own deductions.

I can say that God was teaching me to walk on the way of the faith. I could not look at the situation but I had to look at the victory. Sometimes I did not receive good news, but I believed in God that He knows very well what I needed and He is taking care of my life and my necessities. Then, it would show the truth that it was only an error or other reasons not so wrong for me. Committing my things to God was my life-credit.

God also led me on the way by the spiritual gift. I thought that the Holy Spirit baptized me. Yet this was just a continuing on the way. Namely, historically God gave first written Words then prophets having God's gifts and after that God revealed the new life in the Lord Jesus Christ. Like the written Words of Moses led people and then also the revealed words by God's Spirit were supervising the Israelites so too we have to be first led by Words from the Bible and then by God's spiritual revelation. Because we are in the Kingdom of God now, the Words from the Bible have to be like wine and therefore, the Lord Jesus Christ changed water into wine in His first miracle. These words are added for using them. Also, spiritual gifts may dwell in our bodies because we are God's new creation.

Thank my Lord for His great favor in me although my deeds were not perfect!

2.10 The summation for the second part of the way

The second part of the way is our placement on a new ground like in the Eden. We have to be always under the Covering. The blood of Lord Jesus Christ covers our earthly soul (untill newborn spirit grows up) and makes us acceptable in the Heaven. It is as our incubator for our start to grow. We should accept God's presence forever and then the second death will not harm us. We should not rebel against our Lord or go to other gods because we may lose our covering, our position before God in Heaven.
Anyone, who does not believe in this covering, he does not have any right for victorious advancement on the next part of the way. Satan attacks us with doubts about God's justification, baptism and so on. He comes with new teachings in order to take us from the Lord's covering.
God be helpful to everyone who is just on this part of the way! Be strong in faith! God is with you if you are in His Mercy!

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