Speaking in new "tongues"


"And God said: 'Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky' (Genesis 1:20).
God put life into the air and the water on the fifth day.
Light molecules are in the air, but we do not see them. However, we use them as the very necessary matter for our life. Our cells are growing by receiving energy from food which originates from the ground but the substances from the air holds our life. We need to breathe oxygen which is there.
Since conditions had been so poor for life, God created the first living creatures only in the air and waters. They were before those that dwell on the ground. Why?

The earth probably did not have the same air as today. Approximate 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen and 1% other gases make our air. Trees need minerals from the ground, carbon dioxide from 'space' and light. Producing trees means that transformation of the inorganic substance into the organic one has started on the third day.
Trees had everything that they needed. Roots were like in fertilizer (dissolved minerals in the water) and their leaves bathed in carbon dioxide. Because the Earth did not have nights and days as today and other living things did not exist, trees "consumed" only carbon dioxide and produced oxygen always on "God's third day". Such manufacturing of oxygen could last till all carbon dioxide gone. I suppose that large trees covered whole earth and the oxygen practically make air to the end of the third day.

Oxygen works in the process of fire. Therefore, if we want to extinguish fire, we need to take away oxygen from a burning material. We may cover a material by carbon dioxide in a foam state.

The Earth was placed on the Sun's orbit on the fourth day. It could have happened that combustible materials were set on fire when our planet entered the Solar System.

We may support this theory with the fact that oxygen is in the ozone, which covers our earth (ozone is a form of oxygen in which three atoms combine to form the molecule of ozone). This ozone is far from the surface of the earth, although this molecule is 1.65 times heaver than the air near the ground. Ozone is found where we do not have such gravity as on the ground and where there is not as much pressure as on the surface.

This fire produced new gases: the water - steam, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and others. Combustible materials (the wood) on the surface of the earth likely did not have enough oxygen for to burn properly. After the oxygen was gone, wood only decomposed, cracked into hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrocarbons as gases. We may suppose that pressure got up and liquids were created such as oil and coal in a solid form. Namely, we can find coal a few kilometers deep in the ground and in many layers. It also means that trees grew huge.

Notice: Remember that a layer of water existed over an expanse from the second day of Creation. The great fire could produce a blast that pushed this water higher, far from the gravity of the Earth. However, also by entering solar system that layer could be broken and formed into snow balls. Comets are snow balls or ice balls dirty on their surface.

God should push this water down in the time of His punishment (Job 38: 22-23).

Oxygen, which did not catch fire on the fourth day of Creation, was pushed up from the surface, so far that we have an ozone layer in the upper atmosphere laying about 20 to 25 km (12 to 15 mi) above Earth's surface. The process of changing molecules of oxygen into molecules of ozone was under the influence of X-rays from the Sun. It had to be a huge amount of oxygen pushing there so that we still have an ozone layer for our safety.

Ozone concentration decreases in the ozone layer in the last years and it already has some holes in it. Time will come when an intense heat will scorch people (Revelation 16:8-9)

Water in the atmosphere (humility) and the water produced by fire also went higher and formed a layer of water probably under an ozone layer. This water dropped on the surface during the flood (Genesis 7). The earth has lost first its covering during the flood.

Then the surface of the earth had to be covered by nitrogen, carbon dioxide and some humility on the fourth day at its dawn.

a picture of Earth put in sun's orbit It means, the process of life began again because plants ought to grow from seeds. Trees were changing carbon dioxide into oxygen. Because the earth was in the Solar System, nights and days existed. That is why trees consumed oxygen during the night and produced carbon dioxide. So, carbon dioxide did not disappear from an earth surface and the process of growing trees was stimulated.
It took one full season, God's fourth day, to bring the ground in a green form and prepare the conditions for life in the water and in the air.

Carbon dioxide is a heavy gas. If we compare weights of pure gases in the same conditions (the same volume, pressure and temperature), carbon dioxide is approximate 1.52 times heaver than oxygen.
So, carbon dioxide is near to the surface of the ground. This is why God did not create creatures on the ground first.

The living creatures, which do not need so much oxygen, were creatures in waters and birds. Birds can have intensive contact with air and they can even move to better air (enough oxygen on hills).

God decided to fulfill "the expanse" on the fifth day. So, life has to begin in the air on the fifth part of our way with the Lord Jesus Christ. God gives life. We cannot put life directly there. Yet, we have accepted the 'instrument' recently to be use. We have received it on the fourth part of the Way. There was the baptism by the Holy Spirit and therefore, we can do this job by His help. We have received the ability to speak in "tongues" and now God calls us to use them.

Nobody can win any war without occupying the enemies' territories, if he stays in own home. He must enter an enemy's territory. The territory of our enemy is in the air (Ephesians 6:12). Already here we come to the conclusion, who does not speak by 'tongues', he was never a big winner.

Our weapon is "the sharp, double - edged sword". It is God's words going out from our mouth. They are words of the Holy Spirit going out from our body to the spiritual world. Angels realize them there.
Therefore, the baptism by the Holy Spirit must be bound with receiving the "tongues". We have to be in contact by them with the spiritual world in the air and with Heaven.

Therefore, the new "languages" originally are not for speaking to people. They cannot even understand them. The exception is when it is the gift for the church and an interpreter is there. Nevertheless, in the invisible world, there are those who can understand them.

We have received the power to win each battle with Satan and to occupy, to take territories. By theological words: We have to pray in the Spirit, which we have received, that God would push Satan's kingdom out from the territory, where we want to work; We have to push the ruler of the "air" - the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient (Ephesians 2:2) out from an area where we would work. By this, we are God's servants like the angels because the Holy Spirit uses us like rulers to other angels. We are temples of the Holy Spirit.
New members, angels, push out Satan 's followers and then stay there. We arrange it by using "new tongues".

We are speaking by the "sharp double edged sword" to push out Satan from spiritual world. God's word also creates and so, we speak by "new tongues" to create new circumstances for a person for whom we pray. We are speaking in the "tongues" to establish the kingdom of God on the earth by occupying more "air" first.

On the fifth day, the Creator put life into the water. Every living and moving thing filled waters. The waters mean also humans' population or, specifically, the world of souls (Revelation 17:15). A fish was the sign for the first Christians. Therefore, whoever speak by tongues he moves like a fish in water of souls.


"Says to the Israelites: On the first day seventh month you are to have a day of rest, a sacred assembly commemorated with trumpet blast" (Lev. 23:24).

Israel had divided year. They knew two beginnings of the year. The first one began on the spring solstice or close to it. The second new year began somewhere at the equinox, in the autumn. So, one year started at the beginning of natural life and the second when nature started to prepare itself for the next year (producing seeds and accumulating nourishments from leaves into roots).

Why do we have this mix? What does God want to show by it?
From correlation with God's plans for the Church, the second New Year has to do something with already running age, and from it, the new ascend is coming.

We are in the age which started by the new life introduced by Christ Jesus. The Lord Christ Jesus has set eternal seed to live in us. The seed started to grow and our natural character was changing into the new one according to Christ Jesus's. Then, the time of its harvest came - Pentecost.

The new ascend for us stars when God will change us in the eternal beings. It is the new age for us, the age when humans are eternal not just by spirit but also by flesh. Their homeland will not be the earth but the Heaven - the New Jerusalem. They will move in God.

The Pentecost does not mean only the harvest festival bat also the baptism by Holy Spirit. The baptism by the Holy Spirit supplies part of the ascend. Although having mortal flesh, He allows us to act like Heavenly beings. So, the Feast of Trumpet calls us to act like Heavenly beings. Practically, our introduction to intensive business in the spiritual world has begun the new year for us.

Our duty now is to blow the "trumpets" because Israel received this command for this Festival. Moses used God's trumpets for gathering the assembly and for breaking up the camp. He did this on God's command or God's sign. If the cloud, which was the sign of God's presence among them, had lifted from above the Tabernacle, the Israelites set out from one place and traveled to another one.
Similarity from this goes to Christian life. We shall move on the Lord's command or if "the cloud' of the Lord's presence" lifts up from us. Namely, we are like new Israelites resting under "the cloud" which is our covering by Christ's justification. However, if He wants to move us on another place, He shall go before us, or "the cloud" goes before us there. We start to recognize that we have no a rest (the Sabbath) and we are going from our place to another.

Priests blew on trumpets - they announced the Lord's raising up. At moving, they lifted up the Ark of the Testimony and Moses said: "Rise up, O Lord! May your enemies be scattered; may your foes flee before you " (Numbers 10:35).
Yet Israel wandered through the desert for a long time. They did not usually fight with enemies from other nations. Then who were their enemies? They were spiritual enemies. It was Satan's kingdom.
Before the Israelites came to another territory, God with His army had pushed members of Satan's kingdom out from there. Then the members of the heavenly kingdom were occupying a new place, the air. Such a ground became God's ground like Eden. God's people in the material world could set there under "God's cloud". Therefore: Whenever it came to rest, he (Moses) said, "Return, O Lord, to the countless thousands of Israel" (Numbers 10:36).

Thus God showed His principles for us. We do not have "to set" there, where there is not God's presence. Nevertheless, this will not work automatically. We shall blow the "trumpets" ('tongues') to give commands like Moses did. I mean commands to angels.
Yet giving commands to God's servants has the root in Heaven and not on the earth. It means that no man can command any angel without going through God's Throne. God the Holy Spirit commands. (The Israelis consider the Ark of the Testimony to be the God's Throne.) If a part of Him is in us as the Holy Spirit, then in reality, the Holy Spirit commands.

Revelation shows postponed authority. Christ Jesus like God the Son got the authority to rule during the last times (Revelation 5:7). When events reached the last seventh period, trumpets were given to seven angels (Revelation 8:2) God gives Godly items to angels. This is done because human being entered the Heaven (Revelation 7:9) and it means for Christ Jesus to step down from previous position and to be with them (the wedding of the Lamb). These Godly items (trumpets) change angels' voices to be the Godly voice (they sound like the roar of a lion, or thunders). This shows that they do not command from own authority but used the authority of the Lord. Since breaking the Seventh Seal, the commander-ship is changed. The trumpet is there to show that these angels have power of Him who has given them the trumpets. Angels are going to act in His name and His power.

Hence, the trumpets are symbols of the speaking instead someone higher. As sounds of seven angels with trumpets are like the voice of God the Son, so our voices in 'tongues' are like the voice of Him who has given them to us.

The Israelis always blew on trumpets before a war. It was not only the command for warriors but also calling God's army for accompaniment. We have the unique example in the war for Jericho.
Jericho was well fortified. They built houses (Rahab's house) on city walls. It was impossible to overtaking it in a straight attack. However, everything is possible in accompaniment with the Lord's army. Joshua, the commander of an army on the ground, could see a commander of the Lord's army (Joshua 5:13-15). He knew that they needed to ally with them.
The Israelis marched around the city six days without making any attack or shouting. Only their priests were sounding the trumpets. They finally opened their mouth on the seventh day, the last march. Joshua commanded them: 'Shout! For the Lord has given you the city!' (Joshua 6:16). At the sound of the trumpets and the loud shout of the people, the wall collapsed. God had sent His strong angels to push the walls to ground that people could attack directly. How marvelous it was for the Israelites. Yet, they could not stand and look at this miracle, but had to use it.

Hence, God's army needs to blast the new "tongues" to move for our purpose. As they made Jericho bare for its surrounding, so the fortifications of our enemies (Satan's fortification around a person that we pray for) may disappear if we are using "new tongues".
We may walk around for few days with 'tongues'. Then a time will come to act.

Very soon a time will come when the Israelites will truly sound their trumpets.
(Revelation 14:1-2): "Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads. And I heard a sound from heaven like the roar of rushing waters and like a loud peal of thunder. The sound I heard was like that of harpists playing their harps". Those people are on the earth in Israel and are proclaiming the coming of the Messiah - the coming of the new era - the "new year" for earth. Their voice is heard before God's Throne.
How could it be that? The answer is only that they had "new trumpets", so sealed for the new kingdom. They will sound the "trumpets" long before His Coming, but sound loudly at His Coming.

If the Holy Spirit is in us and His place is to be on God's Throne then God must hear our voice. Hallelujah for this high position of our voice. Thus, we are called to blow the 'trumpets' to praise God.


The time came for Israel to receive something new on their way. The history fulfilled the period of the Judges because Israel did not have any person, who could alone bring great victory for the nation. They saw others nations having kings and that is why they wanted to change their constitution.
The Lord was the King of Israel. Priests stood in relationship between Him and His people. When the people saw that priests were neglecting justice, they felt lost.
Priests dishonored the sacrifices of the people. They did not distinguish between holy and common, and considered the priestly service like carrying burdens honored by good income.
And so, God's nation began to grumble against God's Place among them. The most sacred object was the Ark of the Testimony set in the Sanctuary of the Tabernacle.
Eli's sons stood in the service of the Tabernacle. They were corrupt men, treating the Lord's offering with contempt (1. Samuel 2:12-17. They died in the service when they took the Ark of Testimony in the battle with the Philistines. Although the Ark was among them, God could not help His people because the unclean hands of His servants broke the connection. Thus, Philistines defeated Israelites and captured the Ark .

The Ark of Testimony as the bearer of the humans' new seed (Jesus Christ and the atonement), was first time outside God's territory. Although God's living tools went into the strange nation ('camp'), among pagans, still they did not damage it.
As God's living object entered among them, it was active and victories there. The Philistines' god Dagon felt on his face before the Ark of the LORD. (1 Samuel 5)
Dagon could be compare to Dragon. A dragon is a powerful leader of Satan's army. So, he must fall at our feet. He will be liquidated in all because its head and his face had been broken secondly. This will happen at the Second Coming of the Messiah.

This is the picture for our fifth part of the Way.
'God's Glory' now expands its territory and goes into the enemy region. There, its gods fall on their knees.
We may notice that this started the change of their constitution. God had chosen the man named Samuel for this task even before these events with the Ark of the Lord took place. He was not only priest but also judge and prophet. Samuel from year to year went throughout that region which their king managed later. He was sounding the 'trumpets' to spiritual and a material world that the new order were coming.

I see establishment of the new constitution to be the sign for this part of the way.


Since the resurrected Christ has ascended into Heaven to prepare places for us (the fourth task), His next task should be the Heavenly arrangement for the Second Coming. Therefore, the Lord shall send God's additional power, more angels to prepare the way for the Second Coming. This additional power must be first God's army. More angels are coming from the Heaven, from the White Throne and so, this power must be white. Symbolically, they are "white horse".

God created our world by His Word (John 1:1-3). It means that preparations on the earth should run according to God's Word. The apostle John points to God the Father's writing. The Writing is on the scroll having seven parts which are sealed. Because God's seal must shine, the sealed scrolls look like candles. To say, some candlestick is at the Throne is absurd. It is as someone would declare that dark is at God and therefore they need candles or lamps there.

God the Father prepared the Writing. There is His Word, His Will. He knows everything and therefore knew what may meet His Son while taking power over the earth. (Revelation 5:1): "Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with seven seals." Satan cannot start events connected to this Writing because he is not in the Heaven, he is not in the Throne Room and even he is not on the Throne. Satan's work can be only reaction to God's doing, and it cannot be action. Every Heavenly inhabitant, every saved human awaits God's initial work in our world. They waited when the Book would be opened (Revelation 5:3-4 and 11-13) and, therefore, could not wait Satan's work (Satan was not present there). Only deceivers propagate such strange ideas in our world to be someone higher than God.

If God the Father is always on the Throne then also His writing should stay on the Throne. Hence, who should manage this Writing must come on the Throne. It is God's Throne and therefore only God can be on It. Christ Jesus like the resurrected Man cannot step on the Throne. He must be changed from the Man to God. When God the Father invited Christ Jesus to step on the Throne (to take the Scroll) He was changed. His appearance changed so that he had seven horns and seven eyes . . . (Revelation 5:6). Then, the apostle John saw God the Son taking the Scroll from God the Father.

Thus, the coming of the Messiah on God's Throne and his change in God the Son precedes reading of the Heavenly Book (Revelation 5:2-13).

All in the Heaven rejoiced in awaiting the sounding of the First Writing, it means, they knew the course of first words (Revelation 5:11-13). What do you think? What did God write there?

From our life, we put the final destiny of our project in the first words. For instance, we say in the beginning of a project: this blueprint describes the building of such and such a house. We are just doing similarly as God used to do because He created us in His image. If we do so, then also God did the same. We may know that the title of the First Seal should be the final will for the Church and the Lord. We find THE RESULT OF GOD'S PROJECT in words.

"given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest" (Revelation 6:2).

THEY BECAME THE TITLE FOR all of the Seals. A crown to rule our earth (during the Millennium) is given to the Lord and he shifts it to the Church. The Heavenly inhabitants with the Church need to conquer our earth, to triumph over old rulers. Because they await reactions from Satan, the Church and Heavenly army should be prepared for it. Therefore the Heavenly Throne through God the Son commands how to defeat him. Like Joshua got the command to take the land but then had to get other commands for next wars.

Thus, God the Son speaks through the Heavenly Throne and others work, do for Him, do for His Second Coming.


A man could be eternal by spirit and become so partly Heavenly being. Receiving of the Holy Spirit confirmed his Heavenly destiny. Now time comes to approach the Heavenly actions. Since our progress depends on the faith, first we do not see facts but believe they are. And so, this stage is like training of the faith, training for Heavenly actions.

As Christ Jesus trained believers (the disciples) for spreading the Gospel, so the Holy Spirit trains the baptized by the Holy Spirit for the Heavenly strategies on the Earth.

The Heavenly strategy is that human beings in flesh should acknowledge that God has everything under control, that God is here. The Heavenly beings, angels, realize it. Although we do not see them, we may recognize their presence. We must admit that someone, so some power, manages some events. They are like saving life in accidents, arranging some meetings that look for us accidental, blocking us from dangerous situations or bring punishment because trespassing the God's Law.

People, after the Resurrection, will be like angels and they will do today angelic job during the Millennium. We will guard life of humans, arranging accidental meetings, blocking from dangerous situations and afflicting punishment on trespassers of God's Law. So, the resurrected beings will rule the earth.

God the Holy Spirit manages angels. He sees and hears every living, evaluates information and gives commands to angels (Gods' servants). Since humans cannot see God, otherwise they die, the Holy Spirit mediates the identity of God the Holy Spirit. Something the same is with God the Son. In order that He would have walked among people, He left His Godly Spirit (Seven Spirits) on the Throne and walked among people in the human form. Now the Holy Spirit is in us not to make us just servants, but to make us managers. The Holy Spirit, which is in us, manages servants (angels) using our body (his temple). He manages them to be helpful in our activities for God.

Thus, the man speaks in tongues and angels arrange accidental meetings and other situations on this par of the Way. He learns God's strategy and his life becomes filled up by other dimension.


The Church received practically everything that we need for supporting the Gospel. The next step is her trip into Heaven.

Christ Jesus shows His fiancée (the Church) to God the Father. "After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands." (Revelation 7:9) Christ Jesus redeemed her from slavery, which the fiancée understands well. Therefore, she express these words: "Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb."

Since the Lamb has already redeemed her, now she awaits acceptance (salvation) by His Father. The fiancée's salutation should be answered; God the Father's reaction should follow. He accepts her and from this moment she is the Bride of His Son.

Then (because He is the Righteous and so the Judge) God the Father solves her. He judges those who hurt her. Those who hurt these killed by abortion are still in the world and thus the world is judged. Therefore, the court session in Heaven follows (Chapter 8).

Afterward Christ Jesus will spend the time with her. It is the time when Angels take the commandership, sound trumpets. Angels can bring punishments and therefore they realize the wrath of the Lamb and the wrath of the God.

Thus, the Church is in Heaven during the fifth part of the Church and the Heaven judges the world.


"Yet you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes. They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy. He who overcomes will like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels" (Revelation 3:4-5).
Our brown or dirty flesh will not go in the Heaven and therefore our general faith is, we will be in white robes there. However, the Bible speaks: "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool" (Isaiah 1:18). And so, in receiving forgiveness, our clothes have become clean - white. We are clean not because our stuff but because the blood of Jesus Christ.
Still some Christians experience white robes in spirit if they allow to the newborn germ to grow (the third part of the Way). Now, victorious Christians will be in white fully, in spirit and in flesh. White body will clothe white spirit.

Overall, each of us will wear a white robe at the Resurrection. We will be as one body called the Bride of the Lamb. It means we will be in the Heaven like Christ's one.

Yet some of us will get special introducing because they are not only Christ's ones but also they are the Holy Spirit's ones. The Holy Spirit's ones assigned their bodies for God the Holy Spirit. In them, God the Holy Spirit made dwelling place for His germ, for part of Him. God the Holy Spirit ought to consider such a body like white temple because used it as His administrator unit. God considers their flesh to be white, to be white temple.

Angels belong to God the Father because their elders or princes lay their crows before God the Father (Revelation 4:10). If the baptized by the Holy Spirit commands to angels (in fact the Holy Spirit commands by using his body), then God the Father should see such a person. Therefore, Christ Jesus will walk with him at least on the way to the Throne.

If someone is serving in an army, everyone wears the same uniforms in order better to recognize colleagues in a battle. They wear uniforms for their safety.
We are allies to angels or angels are our allies. The Bible describes angels coming from Heaven as wearing white clothes. Specially they were those involved with Jesus Christ's Resurrection (Matthew 28:2-6, Luke 24:1-6), or at the Ascension (Acts 1:10). So, if we are accompanying them on this part of the way, we certainly should wear the same identical robes during our presence in the Heaven.

Furthermore, our battledress now should be the same like angels coming from the Heaven have and this is why they should see our body in white. Or, if the Holy Spirit commands angels using us, then angels look at us like at the Holy Spirit and therefore they see us in the white robe.

Then, not just our spirit is white but also our body is dressed in the white robe. If we are already now as whole being in white, then for sure, the dressed in white will walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.


"These are the words of Him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard;" (Revelation 3:1-3).
The fifth part of the way is not very progressive. It is almost the same one as on the second part of the way. Both have the emphasis on our faith rather than deeds.
There, we almost did nothing new in our life, we were only learning to walk in justification on the second part of the Way. Many Christians stop on God's Way now. It is hard to believe them that they are still in God's work. They do not see God's response on their prayers by the "tongues", do not see adequate movements in the material world. Therefore, laziness comes into their work.

Anyway, Satan is furious if he sees a person speaking in the 'tongues'. He knows that it means his next defeat. His attacks are in the sign (banner) "be quiet".
Satan may come with: why are you praying in the "tongues" if nothing new is happening in your life? Do not speak in vain. If Satan uses some Christians for bearing this banner, it must mean that the 'tongues' are very harmful for him. Namely, we are sending the best men in jobs which only the best of us can handle. Thus, Satan is looking for educated Christians to be his tools to silent the "new tongues".

The Gospels do not command directly for using them or explain their purpose. The apostle Paul gave some instructions, but they took place in solving disputes in first churches. He calmed speaking by the "tongues" in service because they had not used them by the correct way. Something we may take from Paul testimony (1. Corinthians 14:18).

If God teaches, people may also teach using their acknowledgment. Because they are priests or preachers, people listen them as they would be the God's or gods. For the instance, a preacher whom God did not teach confronts the Christian using the 'tongues'. The preacher comes with "truth" that speaking in the "tongues" is according to Scriptures. Then he continues: 'If you are speaking by the "tongues" in the Holy Spirit that has to be interpreted by you or someone else. If no one interprets it, it is useless for the church, it is not according to the Bible and so, it is from the evil. Such understanding could be found at those studying the Bible without the Holy Spirit. Then our brother prays for interpretation, but already with doubt, because of a preacher's warning. Preacher's advice brings doubt about God's Gift which should be taken by firm faith. So, he accepted "good advice" from a wise man and it is the end of God's work in using him like a command ship. It is great loss for God's kingdom.

If someone speaks then someone hears it. Otherwise, we consider a person speaking just to himself to be insane. Furthermore, if the Holy Spirit speaks then someone hears and understands it. The Holy Spirit can praise only God the Father or God the Son. Otherwise, speaking to others means giving commands to God's servants, to angels.

I understand from it, that the "tongues" ARE NOT basically FOR INTERPRETATION. If they were, then ours and God's enemy whether in the material world or in the spiritual world would have easy job to create obstacles for our advance. We are at war with Satan's kingdom. We must respect the war strategy, if we want to be useful. The basis of all tactics is keeping war's plans secret, not to allow anyone to eavesdrop. He, who cannot keep secrets, can never be a good soldier, a commander in any army.
Therefore, Satan wants to disclose information coming from the "commander ship". For the instance, Satan did not know which baby was the Christ, but he could have recognized that time for delivering the Child was coming. He knew that the Christ ought to be born in Bethlehem and therefore, he placed in Herod's heart the thought to kill each baby born in Bethlehem in that time (Matthew 2). The Bible shows the same when God was going to deliver Israel from Egypt. It was hidden which boy would have been the deliver. Satan found out only that time was coming. Using Egyptians, he killed all Israeli boys in that time. In both cases, they did not disclose the details of God's plans although the main facts were prophesied - known.

Satan uses some teachers who preach that we have to reveal plans in order to be fulfilled by God. They want us loudly to speak God's Word (promises) then it will work in our life. (It is like throwing jewels to pigs). The basic purpose of the "tongues" is to make the secret line between the "command ship" (Christian baptized by the Holy Spirit) and the "soldier" (angel). Therefore God does not allow us to understand words of the Holy Spirit coming out from our body because, we are not so faithful in keeping secrets. Besides it, we do not see the invisible world and therefore do not know whether the enemy is near (can hear) or far.

Someone could say that it does not matter whether he speaks loudly or not because the line between him and God is in a secret code. Yes, it is truth, but already 'hot line' forecasts great affairs.

We may speak loudly, I believe that, when it is our praising God.
The best thing is, do not bind the Holy Spirit by any of our personal feelings or teachings.

Satan is looking for a way to avoid his confrontation with God's army. His best tactic is to offer a great work for an active person approaching the fifth part of the Way. The purpose of it is to replace him on another battlefield. If it is work in the local church, the deceived person is convicted that he is doing deeds for God. "He has had a reputation of being alive, but he is dead."

Historically, the devil tool for this part is William Branham. He was claiming to be a Pentecostal teacher and a prophet, led crusades for healing. He prophesied falsely that "by 1977 the Rapture would take place, and that the world would be destroyed" (Burgess and McGee, Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, p. 96). Because this did not happen in real, leaders of Branhamism hastened to recast his teachings in a new mold. According to them, believers misunderstood his words, and the Rapture of the Church had indeed occurred on the date given by Branham. From that date, the Church was raptured and did not exist anymore. The Church changed into the Bride of the Lamb. Therefore followers of Branham's prophecy are already, collectively, the Bride of the Lamb, although in soiled clothes -- that is, their Earthly flesh. This is antithetical to the teachings of Christ.

Branham claimed to be the tool of a being from the spiritual world. This being not only communicated with him in his room but also stood beside him during preaching. So, the commander ship was not in him but stood beside him.

Anyway Branham was occultist moving among Christians and then turned to Hinduism. He stopped to believe in God and turned to believe in "overgod", something that is above God. Branham proclaimed the existence of an eternal truth from which gods and people are. Therefore, Branhamists believe in this eternal Truth. Thus, Branham robed Christianity by the robe of Hinduism.

The conclusion is that Satan tries to silence the "new tongues". If he cannot silence them, tries to make a person busy on other field. Also he sent men among Christians who communicate with a demonic world.


Speaking by the "tongues" has been very useful in my life. Acknowledging of the invisible world helped me in my faith.
I could see His miracles. For the instance, I visited a city where were people recently close to me. Suddenly I noticed that the Holy Spirit was active in my body and the "new tongues" at work. In a short time, I met unaware a person in such a position that she could not avoid me. The same miracle took place again. I did not ask for it, did not know what the Holy Spirit was preparing. Yet I gave Him this part of my life a few months ago. I was wondering, how many members of the invisible world worked for me to arrange this. They worked in the air, pushing out Satan's members (accompanied to the evil person) and worked on the ground among people (created fishes and birds on the fifth day).
How accurately does a job have to by done, if we want to achieve the meeting of two moving things? It is worse if things are repelling each other. We may often achieve these only with the help of computers and powerful robots. And what to say, if it again takes place in a short time. That person had gotten out from a taxi and ran through the route exactly where I was crossing. This is mysterious and it is the result of speaking in "tongues".
I had experiences that, when I was speaking in spirit by the new "tongues", I expected to meet someone on whom God is working or simply he has His favor.
Probably, they often did me this job only for my joy. In the Heaven, we will meet only citizens from God's kingdom? Why not to meet them now, if we are spiritually living already in the kingdom of God. Jesus Christ said that He will send the Counselor for us (John 14:16-17). Whether is it not our pleasure to see our relatives?

I was faithful to my Lord Jesus Christ thanks to these experiences although I had really hard time. It happened several times that I was impatient, wanting results in my life. My doubt caused Satan to catch me in the claws of fleshly desire. I knew that it was outside God's way, but the Holy Spirit did not suspend His work from my body. Therefore, I first thought that everything was all right. God has me in His hands. However, I acknowledged later that responses on the speaking in the "tongues" are not for my pleasure but "against me". The Holy Spirit from my body was giving instructions for the preparation such kinds of situations that I could recognize my wrong way. It led me to repent and to leave this.

Certainly, doubts came whether tongues are from the Lord. However, seeing good results helps me to be faithful. Yet, whoever is loyal to God, whether He will give him a serpent instead fish (Luke 11:11).
Basically, Satan cannot imitate the speaking by "tongues". Egyptians' magic duplicated the last plague: 'frogs'. So, theologically, Satan does not have any possibility to put any language into the mouth of people. He may put sounds (of frogs . . . ). "New tongues" are given to regular people who are Christians. Nevertheless, we have some magicians, who are using words from a language of spirits that are working for them. Through them they are contacting such a spirit. However, they are not Christians and their voice never go to the Heavenly Throne.

Then we have people who are psychiatrically ill. They cannot control their body, therefore, others spirits may rule in it. However, people baptized by the Holy Spirit may use Him according to their will to serve God.

Therefore, we have to reject each sound which does not have any signs of the human language and we do not have to believe in such a tongue which is going out during suspension of a spoken person, "the spirits of prophets are subject to the control of prophets" (1 Corinthians 14:32).

I tried also to use the "tongues" for a work in a church. Still, I did not observe any visible results. My Lord Jesus Christ was showing me results in the kingdom of God, is like salvation perhaps after passing away or delivering from the bonds of evil.

Sure I was not faithful enough on this way, like the Lord Jesus Christ foretold it to the church in Sardis. Usually Christians will come to this stage after some time, what could be a few years. We used to be tired after being so long on a way. Maybe I was also tired. Nevertheless, I thank my Lord Jesus Christ that I can be with Him so far.
I think that I did not hold firmly to those who were dying. Namely, stronger ones have hold on those who are weak ones. Then, they could have hurt me.

So, having open eyes and seeing that truly something is going around us in the spiritual world is very useful. I appreciate continuing in speaking by "tongues". My faith is not based only on one experience at meeting the Lord Jesus Christ but many experiences even during one day.

5.10 The summation for the fifth part of the way

The fifth part of the way is a period of placing more God's power, angels, into a surrounding spiritual world. They can prepare situations among people to make their way in coming to the Savior easy. We are achieving this by speaking with the new "tongues". The true working place is outside us on the territories where we still not entered. Speaking in the "tongues", prepares a new ground for God's blessing there and new offices for us.
Satan's tactics are primarily to break the secret line between the Holy Spirit in us and angels, or at least, to make us busy on another field now and immediately without spiritual preparation by angels.

Praise be our God, who set us so high in the Lord Jesus Christ!
We are God's servants and our deeds are written in the Heavenly Book of Deeds.

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