Halton Holistic Harmony

Networking Works.


~Next meeting will be held on:  Monday October 30, 2006.

Intelligent Design?  Reconciling Science and Theology

We would like to invite you to our next Halton Holistic Harmony meeting, which will be held at the beautiful Burlington Art Centre, overlooking Lake Ontario (full address and link to map provided below). We are pleased to announce that Dr. John Stewart will be our speaker, who will present an informative session: John is a professional scientist with qualifications in Medical Sciences, Biophysics, Electronics and Alternative Medicine. He was for 10 years a consultant with Health Canada's Health Protection Branch within the Environmental Health Directorate.

Time: 6:45 pm to 10:00 pm  Presentation begins at 7:00 PM, but please try to be there at 6:45PM. Break for refreshments and mingling at 8 pm.

Cost: $15 which includes non-alcoholic beverages and vegetarian hors d'ouvres & healthy snacks.  Seniors and students $12 with valid photo ID.

Place:  Burlington Art Centre 1333 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington (West of Brant St., in the Shoreline Room with a beautiful view overlooking Lake Ontario).   Extensive parking ($1) is at the rear (North end) of the Art Centre.

TravelFrom Toronto: Avoid the traffic congestion and take the GO train leaving Union Station at 5:02 (express), 5:19 (express), 5:34 (express), 5:43, 6:03, 6:35 (express), 6:43 pm to Burlington, then bus South on Brant Street to Lakeshore. Returning trains leave Burlington at 10:14 and 11:14 pm.  See www.gotransit.com

For Burlington http://cms.burlington.ca/site4.aspx

For Hamilton see  http://www.myhamilton.ca/myhamilton/CityandGovernment/CityServices/transit/ 

Map for the Burlington Arts Centre is at http://www.burlingtonartcentre.on.ca/frames.html

Later: Please join us after the presentation for continued discussion at the elegant Spencer Restaurant, located across the street from the Burlington Arts Centre on Lakeshore Road.

Reminder: Preregistration is requested for attendance, due to limited space for 60. Bring your promotional business literature, flyers, business cards to network with colleagues.

 ~Halton Holistic Harmony~.... Is a non-profit, social, networking and discussion group to encourage local: holistic, medical and alternative health practitioners, philosophers, environmentalists, scientists, psychotherapists, new age spiritual & yoga healers & teachers, organic nutritionists, futurists, alternative energy advocates, and vegetarians or those who are passionate about these subjects to meet, exchange ideas, promote their business, practice, or focus, plus enjoy the company of like-minded friends in a relaxed, informal environment. Presentations will be held approx. every 4 weeks, featuring a guest speaker, followed by open discussion & socializing. Suggestions for future topics are welcome. If you are a local practitioner or scientist who would like to give a presentation at one of our meetings, please contact us.   

 Contact: To register, call Raychyl at (905) 827-5048 or e-mail: halton_holistic_harmony@yahoo.ca or

Our website at http://www.oocities.org/halton_holistic_harmony

More scientific details, references and subtopics to be covered at www.biophysica.com/cosmology.htm

Subtopics to be discussed: 

  • Definitions of: evolution, reality, science, empirical & anecdotal scientific method, evidence v proof, intelligence, information, chance, randomness, design, order, entropy, coherence, naturalism, humanism, Occam's Razor, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (fundamental limitation of knowledge), consciousness

  • Nature exhibits order, complexity and synchronicity beyond Darwinian randomness and mere chance mutation.

  • Irreducible Complexity (impossibility of gradual continuous improvements), specified complexity.

  • Quantum Fields, interconnectedness, nonlocality, higher dimensions, many worlds and parallel universes, illusion of Free Will, influence of observation on matter, tachyons, Einstein was wrong.

  • Bell's Theorem, delayed choice experiment, Big Bang, electron as a White Hole, microtubules and terahertz crystals in the pineal as transducers of consciousness

  • Origins of the Universe, nature of life, extraterrestrial life, Laws of Physics



  1. "The Design Revolution: Answering the Toughest Questions" by William Demski, 2004
  2. "Intelligent Design" by William Demski, 1999
  3. "Irreducible Complexity: Obstacle to Darwinian Evolution" by Michael Behe, 2004
  4. "Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution" by Michael Behe, 2006
  5. "Science and the Akashic Field: Interconnecting Cosmic Fields at the Roots of  Reality" by Ervin Laszlo, 2004
  6. "Rational Mysticism: The Border between Science and Spirituality" by John Horgan, 2003
  7. "The Sense of  Being Stared At: Aspects of the Extended Mind" by Rupert Sheldrake, 2003
  8. "The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance, Formative Causation and the Habits of Nature" by Rupert Sheldrake, 1988
  9. "The Blind Watchmaker" by Richard Dawkins, 1986
  10. "Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality" by Dean Radin, 2006
  11. "The Conscious Universe: Evidence of  Psychic Phenomena" by Dean Radin, 1997
  12. "Order Out of Chaos: Attractors and Hidden Order" by Ilya Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers, 1984
  13. "Life Itself: Life had extraterrestrial origins called Directed Panspermia" by Francis Crick 1983
  14. "Up From Eden: A Transpersonal View of Human Evolution" by Ken Wilber, 1983
  15. "Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin, 1872
  16. "Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion" by David Hume, 1779


  1. 'The Book of Nothing: Vacuums, Voids, and the Latest Ideas about the Origins of the Universe" by John Barrow, 2000
  2. "Synchronicity: The Bridge between Matter and Mind" by F. David Peat, 1987
  3. "Information in the Holographic Universe" by Jacob Bekenstein in Scientific American, Aug 2003
  4. "Wholeness and the Implicate Order" by David Bohm, 1980
  5. "Elemental Mind: Towards a Science of Consciousness" by Nick Herbert, 1993
  6. "Quantum Reality" by Nick Herbert, 1987
  7. "Structure in the Vacuum" by E. O. Wagner, in Frontier Perspectives, 10:2, 1999
  8. "Development and Evolution" by Brian Goodwin in J. of Theoretical Biology, 97, 1982
  9. "Biological Effects of Quantum Fields and Their Role in the Natural Healing Process" by Glen Rein in Frontier Perspectives, Winter 1998
  10. "The Unconscious Quantum: Metaphysics in Modern Physics and Cosmology" by  Victor J. Stenger 1995.


  • Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research: Scientific Study of Consciousness-Related Physical Phenomena. Over the laboratory's 27-year history, thousands of such experiments, involving many millions of trials, have been performed by several hundred operators. In these studies human operators attempt to bias the output of a variety of mechanical, electronic, optical, acoustical, and fluid devices to conform to pre-stated intentions, without recourse to any known physical influences.  In unattended calibrations all of these sophisticated machines produce strictly random data, yet the experimental results display increases in information content that can only be attributed to the consciousness of their human operators.  at http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/
  • The Intelligent Design Network at http://www.intelligentdesignnetwork.org/
  • Intelligent Design? a special report reprinted from Natural History magazine at http://www.actionbioscience.org/evolution/nhmag.html
  • International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design (ISCID) at http://www.iscid.org/
  • Evolution Website: BBC This 1998 site includes the full text of Darwin’s Origin of Species and an illustrated guide to the book. There are essays on Darwin and Darwinism for beginners to experts. Also included is the transcript of a question & answer session and a “Darwin Debate” with a panel of experts. at http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/darwin
  • Access Research Network offers articles and educational materials from an Intelligent Design viewpoint.at http://www.arn.org
  • Exploring the Creation/Evolution controversy at http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/cosmo.html
  • Intelligent Design? a special report reprinted from Natural History Magazine at http://www.actionbioscience.org/evolution/nhmag.html
  • Intelligent Design from The Skeptics Dictionary at http://skepdic.com/intelligentdesign.html