Stage 15

Stage 15 - Pau to Lavaur, 226 km
Check today's standings.

Time ET Km Comments
10:48am - The peloton completes the stage 15'05" off stage winner Rik Verbrugghe.
10:45am - The peloton, driven by the Kelme and USPS teams, is still on the road, more than 15' behind the winner.
10:33am 230 R. Verbrugghe wins the stage outsprinting M. Pinotti. The rest of the breakaway group passes the finish line 6" off Verbrugghe.
10:30am 228 The two leaders are within 2k from the finish line. The breakaway group trails by 10".
10:25am 225 R. Verbrugghe and M. Pinotti fly to the finish line, 30" ahead of the rest of the early breakaway group.
10:15am 217 R. Verbrugghe catches up M. Pinotti up front. The rest of the breakaway group trails by 30".
10:10am 213 R. Verbrugghe chases behind M. Pinotti. Rénier, Nardello and Bouvard follow 25" behind, the rest of the breakaway group trails by 45". The peloton is more than 14' behind. Booger is to move up within the top ten overall.
10:00am 205 M. Pinotti (Lam, Ita) is alone up front. Verbrugghe and Renier follow 29" behind. Nardello and Bouvard trail by 32", and the rest of the breakaway group is at 40".
9:50am 200 The 25-man breakaway group is split in 3 groups as riders attempt to break away with the finish line approaching.
9:35am 190 Team Kelme joins team USPS at the head of the peloton, which chases 14' behind the breakaway group.
9:25am 180 Rankings at the second bonus sprint of the day: 1. Lino, 2. Rénier, 3. Boogerd.
9:05am 170 12'50". The peloton keeps losing ground on the breakaway.
8:50am 155 The 25-man breakaway group advantage keeps growing. It is now close to 11'.
8:30am 140 9'50", as the USPS team drives the peloton, the gap with the 25-man breakaway group now reaches 9'50".
Michael Boogerd (Rab, Ned) is the best placed rider in the breakaway group, 16th overall, 31'18" behind yellow-jersey holder Lance Armstrong.
8:20am 130 The gap keeps widening, the peloton now trails by 8'55" behind the 25-man breakaway group.
8:05am 120 The gap between the peloton and the 25-man breakaway group is now 5'.
7:55am 115 The 25-man breakaway group increases its lead. The gap with the peloton is now 2'50".
7:45am 110 The gap is back to 2'35", as the peloton passes the feed zone.
7:35am 103 The peloton still led by the Euskaltel-Euskadi and Big.Mat teams slowly close the gap, 2'10".
7:20am 90 The Euskaltel-Euskadi and Big.Mat teams drive the peloton, which is still trailing 2'30" behind the 25-man breakaway group.
7:10am 83 The peloton trails 2'45" behind the 25-man breakaway group.
7:00am 72 Rankings at the top of the cote de Bidalon: 1. Boogerd, 2. Pinotti, 3. Mattan. The peloton trails by 1'45".
6:55am 70 Heppner, Jaksche, Lino, Petacchi, Tosatto, Bogerd, Dekker, Verbrugghe, Vermaut, Mattan, Nardello, Pascual Rodriguez, Julich, Salmon, N. Jalabert, Brochard, Bouvard, Goubert, Cardenas, Bouyer, Chavanel, Rénier, Serpellini, Pinotti and Schnider lead the race, 1 minute ahead of the peloton.
6:40am 60 The USPS team drives the peloton, which trails behind the 6-man breakaway group.
6:25am 51 The peloton catches up on the breakaway. But Moncoutié, Garzelli, Menchov, Julich, Agnolutto and Garcia attempt to breakaway.
6:20am 45 The riders have set a fast pace during the first hour, riding nearly 47k. New riders have joined the head of the race. Tosatto, Bessy, Baguet, Brochard and Bouyer lead by 15" over Garcia Casas, Aerts, Bettini and Halgand. The peloton trails by 35".
6:15am 35 W. Belli and S. Baguet catch up on P. Wadecki, P. Bettini and M. Aerts. The five riders are still 20" or so ahead of the peloton.
6:05am 30 Wadecki, Bettini and Aerts lead the peloton by 20".
6:00am 27 Rankings at the top of the cote de Lamayou: 1. Wadecki, 2. Bettini, 3. Aerts.
5:50am 22 Rankings at the top of the cote de la Tricherie: 1. Vinokourov, 2. Halgand, 3. Odriozola, 4. Sastre, 5. Cardenas.
5:45am 20 Alexandre Vinokourov breaks away in the cote de la Tricherie.
5:35am - American Jonathan Vaugthers has withdrawn. Vaughters was stung by a bee yesterday.
5:30am 5 The riders are off for the longest stage of this year's Tour de France. Peloton still packed.
5:15am 0 The stage is set to start at 11:15am local time, 5:15am ET.