okay first off, i listen to all sorts of music. i'll try to put up info on groups i like and what not, but again, i apologize for my lack of knowledge of html. i'll get back to you on that one. until then, keep listening to music. music soothes the soul.

don't these *great* dancers make you want to go out and dance too? well, what are you waiting for? =) dancing is loads of fun. most of the time, i just run around like some loony hoping that people think that i am doing some sort of dance like action. usually it works =).

well, what kind of music do i like? hrm, i sort of just listen to anything that is all as long as it does not give me a headache but it all depends on the mood that i am in. emjoyable music includes....


blessid union of souls
collective soul
the cure
letters to cleo *so cute =), thanks jen!*
sarah machlachlan *lilith fair was so cool this year =)*
the pretenders *probably they are not alternative =) but oh well* more groups and stuff about these people later... actually i have a whole bunch more people i like to listen to...i just can't think of them now and my cds are all upstairs and i am too lazy to go up and look =). just know that obviously i have good taste =).

80's music yay:

depeche mode
new order


every little thing
noriko sakai
others...i can't really remember right now. i haven't listened to jpop for a while. oh, this one cute song called first love by this one girl. *nod* listen to it.

OH YEAH, and most recently...BIC RUNGA!!!! she's so cool. look . i think she's originally from malayasia but resides in australia/new zealand. i remember reading something about her living in new york now. coogadoo! check her out. she has this really cool voice. i'll hook up some mp3's or something uh...later =). everything is later.

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