well what can i say, jen and myself have known each other for quite sometime and we've been buds all along. ever since our junior high years with the un's and fries and stuff like that =) aww...all those memories. hm, more later. sorry.

jen likes daisies and rain...hence the background and this lovely animated thingmabob. haha, i guess it is later now. not later enough though because i am not nearly as far as i would like to be on all these pages. oh well, think of it this way...you can always come back just to check what i have added because i will never ever be finished with this =). um right.

well on to more about jen. jen is like a flower =). when she takes her showers. hehe. but of course that was not her fault. because she was up in the wildnerness doing her duty as a good humanitarian person building and cutting and paving trails and what not =)...and *applause* it was worth it, i am sure. yay jen!

also she has all this nifty stuff from japan which is like the coolest place to shop if you have the money to do so. otherwise everything there is just a big window shopping experience. nice food too. for example...=) yum! and . *bowing* oishi!

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