Second Generation Begining

For a while in the RP, there were no children, just closet hopping
and assorted hyjinks. But Crunk and Legolas would be first to
procreate in this new world, giving birth to Solana (aka, Solie).
Jess and Misty would both soon follow suit with their own children,
Myk and Vicky respectivly. Gentically, Vicky was a clone off
Misty's DNA, while Myk was a combination of Taskinu and Sangy's
DNA. Jess and Brian Bell would later begin what would be the first
of many of their children by having the first boy to be born in Crunksville,
Strat, while Misty and he-who-shall-not-be-named began to breed
their own beginings of the Kazz/Avery empire. Sabrina and Sangy
both reprodouced at the same time (via Tommy Dawkins and Frodo
Baggins respectivlly) and each had a pair of twins that would begin
their family lines, though while one would continue to have children
with one constant father, the other would begin to prodouce strange
genetic combinations, including three different strains of werebeings.
Lia had two sons via Pippin that remained in Crunksville after she
left and were raised by the Red family. Though late to the game,
Danni quickly built up her own family in a relativly short space
of time. As of January, 2004, neither Nhi nor Trey have
produced any children of their own.
