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  • About Myself(谈谈自个儿吧)
  • Posts(贴子)

  • Here are some of my posts on alt.chinese.text.(当年在ACT)
    1. [Talk] Types on alt.chinese.text(ACT众生态)
    2. My trip back to hometown, 95/10(95年头次回国)
    3. To manage a big country is like to cook a small fish(治大国若烹小鲜)
    4. [Rock]U2: I still haven't found what I'm looking for
    5. [Wildlife] Sacramento NWR
    6. [Math] Optimize Election(优化选举)
    7. Jokes,some are rated(笑话,带限制级的)
    8. Adopt a dog(领狗)
    9. On Li ZhiSui, The Private Life of Chairman Mao(李志绥的毛主席的私生活)
    10. Curse and Life(骂人与生活)
    11. Artist(艺术家)
    12. Missionary(传教)
    13. More Jokes (再来点儿笑话)
    My article that somehow find their way into these e-magazines(GB code).
    1. XinYuSi 95/10 (Cui Jian Special)新语丝崔健专集
    2. 国风(GuoFeng)
    Some pieces for 现代信息技术(GB code)
    1. VC investment, Cisco story etc.(风险投资,思科故事等)
    Used brooms (GB code)(敝帚)
    1. Taste 品味
    2. Thoughts on National Day(国庆乱想)
    3. Trip to Mexico City(墨西哥城)
    4. Trip to Sao Paulo & Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(巴西圣保罗和里约热内卢)
    5. Silent Earth along the Wei River 黄土无语渭水流
    6. Biography of Qian Xue Sen: Thread of the silkworm 钱学森传记: 蚕丝
    7. Story of Ruan Feng 阮风的故事
    8. Movie "NIXON" 电影"尼克松"
    9. Movie "Gladiator" 电影"角斗士"
    10. Novel "Spyder Web"小说"蜘蛛网"
    11. YuanMingYuan 圆明园
    12. Que Sera Sera Que Sera Sera 爱咋样咋样
    13. Jiang Bai Li's comments on Japan 蒋百里评日本
    14. Saw someone jogging with US flag shorts 见某老美着国旗短裤跑步而作
    15. Si Ma Guang smashed the big water jar, now was he so smart? 司马光砸缸之翻案
    16. Piracy Life 盗版生活
    17. [Translation]My Mao 我的毛
    18. [Translation]Label Babel 称呼巴比伦
    19. Movie "Harakiri" 电影"切腹"
    20. Trip to India 印度行
    21. Don't read "Outlaws of Marsh" to little kids, 少不谈水浒
    22. The view of heaven of my 4 years old 四岁童的天堂观
    23. Al Franken on Bernie Goldberg made a blow to Li XiGuang indirectly. (Excerpt from Franken's book, Lies); Al Franken扇了Bernie Goldberg一耳光,间接打到李希光
    24. Silicon Valley Founder Kleiner died at 80硅谷始作俑者Kleiner寿终八十
    25. Trip to Guatemala 危地马拉市掠影
    26. KMT spy impersonated KGB,金门炮战后,国军特务冒名顶替克格勃一案
    27. They are among us 他们在俺们身边
    28. Reading Naipaul's India 读奈保尔的印度
    29. Funny Cocktail Names 有趣的鸡尾酒名
    30. [Translation]Which Government Best Suites You 哪种政府最适合你?
    31. [Translation]Killing Dinner 杀鸡
    32. 语音识别与OCR
    33. HuangPu Graduates of My Hometown 本乡的黄埔军人
    34. [Translation]A Rather Difficult Case of Mr. K*A*P*L*A*N K*A*P*L*A*N先生的难题
    35. Seoul Trip 汉城小记
    36. [Copy]Brief Korea History [抄书]朝鲜小史
    37. [Translation]Pavlov's Brother 巴甫洛夫的弟弟
    38. [Poem]Spring F***ing Couple Get 春日偶得
    39. Shy People 害羞的人
    40. Winds and Clouds over Pebble Beach 卵石滩风云
    41. [Translation]The Parachute Artist 空降艺术家(About Lonely Planet)
    42. [Translation]The New Pitch 新说词,广告还有用吗?
    43. My living will (plus a little bit of will) 我的活嘱(加一点儿遗嘱)
    44. Lobster routes, 龙虾路线
    45. Assassins, Hashish and Baghdad,刺客, 大麻, 巴格达
    46. [Song]Made in USSR, [歌曲]苏联制造
    47. Pho and Noodles,粉与面
    48. Russell, "Rather Red than Dead" and "Rather Dead than Red", 罗素和"与其死不如赤化"以及"宁死不赤化"
    49. [Translation]Cookie Master,签语饼大师
    50. [DVD]Trial of Life, Continue the line,延续生命线
    51. Diamond Hoax and a few related Professionals,钻石大骗局和几个相关的专业人员
    52. [Translation]Nine-ish,九点左右
    53. Dr. Sofa,沙发博士
    54. The Spy Who Loved Us,越共大间谍范春安
    55. Eat Penis on TV, 电视上演吃鞭
    56. Crystal, Internet, Aids, 冰毒,上网,爱滋病
    57. Sick Russia, 病熊俄罗斯
    58. The Ketchup Conundrum, Ketchup难题
    59. Target problem, 目标问题
    60. The Naked Face,读脸
    61. Getting in, 哈佛录取什么样的人
    62. DNA of Chinese, 中国人的DNA
    63. The other side of Sidney Sheldon, Sidney Sheldon的另一面
    64. Blood of Jupiter, Goulash, 木星血狗拉屎
    65. Choke Artist, 呛食儿急救
    66. Altruism of Leica's boss, 莱卡老板的光辉事迹
    67. HP Drama, HP的这段戏
    68. Making Soppressata in Italy (Excerpt from "Heat"), 在意大利做猪杂肠
    69. Strangers in the Forest, 森林里的陌生人
    70. Dinner with Mario, 和Mario共进晚餐
    71. Kitchen Slave 1, 2, 3; 厨房奴隶 1, 2, 3
    72. Death of a Red Heroine, 红英之死
    73. Rome, Open City, 罗马, 不设防的城市
    74. Senator Larry Craig Incident, 参议员Larry Craig耍流氓事件
    75. China Road, 中国之路
    76. Lust, Caution, "色戒"观后感
    77. Is Chinese IQ higher than Average, 中国人的IQ高吗?
    78. Oracle Bones, 甲骨:穿越中国时光的旅行
    79. Old Marx, 老马克思
    80. Osprey or Turtledove?, 雎鸠是鱼鹰还是斑鸠?
    81. Comrade J, J 同志 -- 俄国逃美的最大间谍
    I typed in these of my favorites. GB code.
    1. [Beijing] Beautiful Women 话说北京靓女
    2. [Wan XiaoBo]俺最早敲上ACT的王小波几篇
    3. [Lao She] LuoTo XiangZi, Camel XiangZi, excerpt骆驼祥子片段
    4. [Pu Song Ling]LiaoZhai ZhiYi, Weird records in chatting house聊斋志异几则
    5. Lyrics歌词
    6. Wang Shuo Review中国觉醒中关于王朔一节
    7. [Poem]Beijing, 4:08pm 四点零八分的北京
    8. [Poems]By Yu GuangZhong 余光中的诗
    9. [Poem]By WEN YIDUO, I've searched high and low for this one, finally XIC sent me the full version. 闻一多的祈祷
    10. [Drama]Preface of YuanHuan WuYu, Story of the circle, by Lai ShengChuan表演工作坊的园环物语序
    Can't help to share this
    1. Have trouble installing X Window on ECS A900 Laptop? The machine sucks but here I did it.
    2. Photojournalism Works By My Friend Dong Lin


    1. 靳尚宜:塔吉克新娘
    2. 罗中立:父亲
    3. 詹建俊:回望
    4. 孔维克:清晨

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