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Latest news
Site updated 18thMarch2003

General News

We would like to welcome all new members to War Machines. Please sign up to forum.
Interested in joining fill out an email for with the the things asked for in site news.
War Machines are back under different khans now. So be ready for Owngage.


Site News

This site has been made and designed by xXMr.RedsXx
I hope you enjoy War Machines  new home on the web. Let me know what you think of the site and if you have any experience in web design and wanna join the Reds Team email me. Keep checking site as I will be finishing soon.
Can all members email me the following:
Thank you for the roster page. Forum is also up now so get chatting about anything and everything.

Important News

Can all members make sure they have all WM members added to MSN please.

Server News

When you are playing 1.0 if you could look for  Reds Arena. Ill be hosting a WM server.

Posted by::xXMr.RedsXx
Site made and designed by xXMr.RedsXx 2003
copyrighted 2003
War Machines 2003
since 17thMarch2003