This is where i post all the questions asked in the past, with answers from Hatchet Luver and TwiztidSlim.

This is the. F.A.Q Page.
(Frequently Asked Questions)

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How do your make you Graphics?
A) Adobe Photoshop 6.0

How did you start making music, and making prank calls?
A) Me and my friends just started making prank calls and then one day we recorded them, and boo yow, put them on a CD> and making the music, was all TwiztidSlims idea.

How old are you Really?
A) Im 16 years old

If i send pictures of me, or my friends in to you, will you add it?
A) Yes, if you send pictures,comments, or news to me, i will add it to the site.

How Often do you Update Hatchet Luvers?
A) As often as i can, im a busy man. Im looking for editers now to help me update the site everyday.

What exactly is this site about? And when was it Created?
A) This site is to inform all the true ninjas and juggalos out there about our pranks and audio. or "TwiztidSlim Volumes 1 and 2"  And this site was created on November 1, 2001

If i request you to make me a banner for my webpage will you?
A) It all depends, if i have the time, yes i will. And by me doing so, you will be obligated to link me on your site. A small price for a masterpiece.
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