Habenero's Stock Market Ideas

If you want to play the market, the safest investment is with companies you know well!

Since it looks as if my portfolio is performing like a well tuned race car, I thought I may as well give my $0.02 worth of advice away. The advice may be worth more or less than that, but at least you paid the right price for it! For those of you who want it short and sweet, here's the short story.

Place your money in stocks that you trust, not those recommended by brokers!

Brokers make money whether you buy or sell, and some earn commissions on trading certain stocks. Invest in companies that you know through work, play, or research. Your personal knowledge makes you the best judge of where to place your money.

Leave your investment alone as much as possible!

Plan for your investment as if it were a 5 year commitment. I am not saying you buy stock and wait 5 years before you look at it again. Unless your research was really bad, your stock will go up and down on a cycle. You will lose money from stock if you sell at a price lower than you paid for it (including the commisions) or the company goes bankrupt (your research should have been able to forsee that). Your goal as a long term investor is to buy and hang on to the stocks you like (its even better when you can score a buy when and while the price is low).

My investments are mostly in the technology sector. That's because I like technology. Technology is the area from which the new gadgets that has provided us with leisure time, no longer are we working all day just to provide food, shelter and clothing. We know have to work all day to provide computers, playstations, big screen televisions, etc., as well as all the necessities! It's the area in which I earn a living and the field in which I feel comfortable. That it pays well in these times doesn't hurt. I also like rollercoasters, so the ups and downs of this sector don't bother me too much. If you panic easily, stay away from this sector.

If you want me to get a bit more specific about the stocks I own, too bad! Here's a hint:

I strongly believe in the technology that enables one to read this page.

Bet with your Head, Not over it!

� 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999 by habenero

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