Home : Welcome to Habbo Friends!
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:: Welcome to habbo friends! ::

Thank you for visiting! Now let me explain a bit about what this site is all about.

Habbo friends has been set up so that you can communicate with other habbo's, make new friends, share gossip, Swop e-mail address and mobile numbers, post pictures, etc And basically have fun!

This site was not created by the people behind habbo hotel. It was created by Craig. His habbo's called !chivers! - Send him a friend request if you like.

Now before you enter the big wide world of the habbo friends forum where you can do all of the stuff mentioned above. You need to register. Once you have registered you can access the habbo friends message board anytime you like. And don't worry about your security. You will never be asked for your habbo password and you do not have to provide any information you don't want to. It's up to you because your always in control.

Once you have registered, you can use the boxes on the blue panel to log in to the habbo friends forum.








Webmaster: craig chiffers (craigchiffers@hotmail.com)

If you would like to change your password to something easier to remeber click here

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* Important Notice

Your Habbo Friends username and password are not the same as your habbo hotel username and password UNLESS you have made them the same!

Having Problems? Being Abused?

Are you having problems logging in or registering? Are you receiving abusing or harrasive messages?

Report the problem and I'll sort it! If someone is abusing or being an harassment, I will ban them from using the forum!


Hits Since 13th September 02