Russian Doll
Hamish's blatant Onion rip-off!
Medical Student Dupes Ravers with Placebo Drugs
Internet Pornographer Admits Callous Disregard for users of Slow Modems
Platonic College Buddies claim their satrical e-zine is "the best on the web"
Government Employee Phones Colleague Within Earshot
Teller of In-jokes Reduced to Tears During Stand-up Contest
Sixties De-bunked as crock by Baby-Boomer
Short story writer finds universally applicable endings
Shock finding!  Michael Stipe actually has rhythm!
Go Back Home
Satan Worshippers Clash with Stan Worshippers
Computer Genius Devises Macro for Creating Babies
Door-to-door Collector launches into Wrong Spiel!
Gnat Ruder Global News Agency
Short attention span? Gnat Ruder's editorials make the big news so much smaller.
Smoochy Spencer More Triple X than Triple J!
Warsawski: 'I suppose I may as well keep seeing this chick'
Fond Farewell to a Monster:  AFL's Obituary for legend Frank Duke