Bush Youth Discussion: Anyone else sick of New York's self-pity party?

Is anyone else as sick as I am of NY feeling sorry for itself, and seeking every last dollar of our money for their "grief and suffering"? This morning watching Fox and Friends they were debating about the notion that those that died who were wealthy getting more money than those that didn't.

E.D. opined that she knew some of those people, and if they didn't get more then they would have to take their kids out of private school, sell their expensive homes, etc... Now, I feel for these people too. But they are no diffferent than the families who lose a father/mother everyday. Since 9-11 far more people have died in car accidents alone than died in the WTC attack. People die from work related injuries, and no one is suggesting giving them money out of the Federal budget.

And what REALLY gets my goat was a notice that was running at the bottom of the screen that there is supposedly legilation proposed to exempt the recipients of benefits as a result of the attacks from taxes on their gains. These whiners want special treatment for New Yorkers. I say its time to suck it up and deal with it like the rest of us do when it happens to us. Just because thousands of people died at one time and place the burden and pain on the individual family is no different from the tens or hundreds of thousands of families who endure similar predicaments every year. Its called life, deal with it.

I urge you to call your Congress Critters and tell them that you are outraged by the suggestion that NY's suffering is greater than that felt by any other citizen, and that if they support such notions as tax exemptions that they should support them for all citizens. To do otherwise is hypocritical.

It is about time somebody brought this subject out in the open. I think NY gathered too much money so far from the fed, and from the rest of us.

Jew York is a communist hellhole. Screw them.
I thought I was the only person in the U.S. that was sick of NYC. It has been 4 months, now lets move on.

The media has got to learn that the world does not revolve around NYC. They call us in the rest of the county "fly over land" and I hate that.

People around rural Utah have said "lets quit sending food east of the Mississippi until they recognize us a part of the country".

I'm with you! Those New Yorkers oughta be HAPPY they have a new tourist attraction! Not to mention all that extra steel they can sell as scrap. Plus, who knows what they can salvage out of the planes -- instruments, aluminum, maybe a little cash in some wallets. Why, looks to me like they came out ahead of the deal. They oughta be grateful that 9/11 happened!
It's just politicians being politicians. Nobody wants to be perceived as being "insensitive" to the needs of the victim's families. So they are overcompensating. Should we be surprised?
newyork is exploiting us
How about all the people who witnessed it live on TV, they will still have nightmares about it, do they deserve compensation? The list could go on and on..... I agree, they seem like a bunch of greedy people in hindsight with ONLY 1.5 BILLION to divide !!!!!!!!!
As an ex-NYCer of 53 years, I agree with you. They are out to buy votes with other peoples' money.
NYC is the center of NBC, CBS, FNC, NYT, etc., so I have always thought that must have something to do with it - it's personal for them. From the beginning, bedwetting members of the New York press (like Ellis Henican) were crying for their hands to be held first ("Why isn't Mr. President up here NOW!!??"); they tend to be very narcissistic and New York-centric, and I most definitely have noticed it.

Some of the victim's families are starting to behave in unflattering ways (re: that "$cha ching!" thing), as well.
Big bleeping deal! Are they the only ones who have been murdered in the last few months? What makes them special,other than them living or working in an immigrant-filled 3rd world cesspool?
It's the entitlement mentality. Thanks FDR.

The NEW YAWKers are using tragedy to try and extract lifetime compensations as though they won the lottery. Everyone I meet from NEW YAWK really disgusted me.

"Anyone else sick of New York's self-pity party?"

Uh huh. And the "hero's" of every fire department and police department too.
"Is anyone else as sick as I am of NY feeling sorry for itself, and seeking every last dollar of our money for their 'grief and suffering'?" Yes.

You may count my wife & I among this growing number.

The INGRATITUDE is beyond belief & words simply fail.

But the shameless displays aren't the worst of it, either.most egregious of all behaviors from these NYC people?

Voting for democrats! That alone makes them scum!
Whatever happened to being self-sufficient? Quit your whining NYC.
My main beef with the families of the victims, is that some of them are complaining about the funds they'll get, even though every prospect shows that each will be set for life after this.
All of the whining and the sobbing and the crying and the snot dribbling down their chins, these so called victims, they make me want to puke!

Yeah, and I'm sick of all those tributes to World War Two veterans, and the damned Revolutionary War 'Heros' too! Buncha pansies. And the police, all the police: Who do they think they are, griping about getting shot at! Firefighters suck too. Bunch of donut munchers. And while we're at it, the entire Military is just suckling at the teat of our government. They should be paying US to be risking their pathetic little worthless 'lives'.

Why, it just makes me want to chainsaw a bunch of little girls teddy bears, it makes me so mad.
Are the deaths there worse than the deaths where I live? Is a family without a father in NY somehow more deserving of assistance than a family somewhere else? Shut your face librals, and give me money.
Oh I heard on Rush Limbaugh a woman from NJ last night complaining that because she will get over a zillion in insurance she won't be eligible for gummint handout. I wanted to scream.........
I don't think they have any more claim on US taxpayers money than any other 3rd world septic tank does.
I wonder if 911 was in their lotto numbers
Yes, by all means, let's talk about the gross neglect of the Federal Government. For about 20 years, I lived in that great border city, El Paso. My taxes went to pay for the schooling of mexican children, and paid for the delivery of thousands of babies, now US citizens, by Mexican women. Friends and family have been physically threatened by the criminal element that invaded our streets, but would duck back to the safety of their country. Where have you great New Yorkers been in this fight? The answer is simple: the western edge of your world stops at the Hudson River.

When our legislators, all Democrat, went to Washington for relief, nary a voice was heard, especially from Northeastern liberals that bestowed more and more rights on hispanics.

We in Middle America have felt your pain, and have been forced by the omnipotent state to pay millions upon millions to help you guys try to get back to where you were. However, not four months after the losses you suffered, your city leaders want to allocate over $1 billion in tax money for two baseball stadiums. I believe, in your parlance, that's called chutzpah! .

May you have the same compassion for those living on the border who are invaded everyday by illegal immigrants, threatening their lives and property while being protected by your Great Senators and Congresspeople.
Typical NewYorker response. Look to the feral gooberment for the solution to any and all problems. Would you like some cheese to go with your whine?
This happened anywhere else in the country, the money rolls in just the same. I agree many of those whining about the $$ being to little are a bit greedy.
I suppose you spend your days mourning for those that die every day in auto accidents, through workplace injuries, by murder or fatal disease? The point being is that their suffering is no greater than that felt by anyone else. If my wife were to die tragically, the fact that 10, 100, or 1000 others died as well will not make that horror any worse or better for me. What I do know is that if that should happen, I will be left to my own devices, relying on the contingencies I provided, and not receiving any special government largesse as either a handout or a tax break.
From the Wall Street Journal Opinion Journal:

Families Find That Public Considers Demands To Change Terms of a Victims Fund 'Greedy'

America opened its heart to the victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, but a growing number of taxpayers aren't happy about opening their pocketbooks.

"If $1.6 million isn't enough for you, then I hope you rot in hell," a television viewer wrote Stephen Push, treasurer of Families of September 11 Inc., a national victim advocacy group, after he appeared on CNN last week. "We feel your grief, really," wrote another. "I'm just wondering if we have to feel your greed, too."

At Give Your Voice, a victims' group in New York, more than 800 e-mails flooded in last week, all of them critical of victims, says co-founder Michael Cartier. And flush from a well-attended protest rally last Thursday at the New York Armory, organizers were stunned by an editorial cartoon in the New York Daily News Sunday depicting the World Trade Center's crater as a money pit for victims, with a construction crane scooping up buckets full of cash.

Congress enacted the victims' fund as part of a $15 billion bailout bill for the airline industry. Among other things, it capped liability for the two carriers whose planes were hijacked at their insurance limits -- far too little to pay the tens of billions of dollars in property-loss and business-interruption claims expected from the attacks, let alone injury and death claims. The fund, which will pay out more than $4 billion, was intended to steer victims away from court by offering fair compensation through mediation. The only caveat is that they must waive their right to sue before they can participate.

"The whole idea of the fund, according to the people who created it, was to serve as a substitute for a lawsuit," says Ms. Eckert. Instead, she says, she is being channeled into a compensation fund that will yield her nothing.

But trying to get that message across in a way that builds public support has proved more daunting than victims' families expected. "Whenever I do one of these TV appearances criticizing the compensation plan, I get hate mail," says Mr. Push. "They call me a greedy bastard and say I want to profit from my wife's death."

To help counter that, Marian Fontana, the widow of a 37-year-old New York firefighter, went on National Public Radio's call-in talk show "On the Line" last week. "I'm just working very hard to dispel the myths that we're all going to be millionaires," she says. In her case, city and federal benefits for the families of fallen firefighters would wipe out any award from the fund, she says.

But when Ms. Fontana tried to explain that last week, a listener took her to task. "I get the impression," said the caller, that families of "uniformed services want to be set up for life. It's just an ugly feeling that no matter what you get, it's not enough."
The LOTTO mentality of this victims group is sickening.
My exwife married a jew yorker and this ungratful Wench is going to receive 1.4 MILLION dollars and she is crying about not being able to LIVE OFF the taxes of some poor sucker that maybe lost his wife to something like cancer and is Still paying the medical bills and taxes this Greedy Wench things SHE deserves.

I cannot beliveve the GREED these SOB ambulance Chasing Parasites have. Sorry fellow Bush Youthers I have absolutely NO simpathy for NYC!
Don't appologise to me, I agree with you 100%.
You're right, it is getting ugly. The victims seem determined to get every last dollar from every possible source thay can. They'll take the private contributions, the charitable fund contributions, the insurance proceeds, the employer benefits, the government compensation and whatever else their lawyers can dig up through private and class action lawsuits. And it still will not be sufficient to compensate them for their loss.

If it weren't for the fact that I'm already pretty cynical, I think I would be sick.
Victim = MILLION$
This is ridiculous that we are even having this conversation and we can thank Hillary Clinton for stirring up another gov't entitlement program. I get the impression that they all want to be set up for life.
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