Microsoft Project Advice

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Featured Dilemma:

How do a publish a GANTT chart to the Web?

Dear Puzzeled,

That's a toughie, and you're going to have to do some thinking. The easiest way is get everyone who needs to view your GANTT charts a client license for Project 2000®. Another alternative is to publish the GANTT chart as a Adobe Acrobat® file. Rick Williams has publlished some code that creates a series of GANTT chart bars using pure HTML.

One other really bizzare way to publish the charts is to export the pertinent information from project into Excel®, then use the Visio® GANTT wizard to create the chart, then publish the multi-page chart using the native VISIO® rendering too. I'll put that up on the web at a future date.

Good luck!


Dear Guy,

IMy pointed haired boss wants me to publish our project's GANTT chart on our Corporate Intranet. Even thought he's going to get all the credit I'd still like to know how to do it? What's the trick?


Puzzled in Lizard Lick, NC