Historical view of oceanography
  It all started when humans started being curios, so they explored a little about the things in the sea and it’s atmospheric conditions. What the countries started doing is that they were kind of competing with each other of trying to build a better sail in order to carry supplies around the sea. The Greeks were the first to use the term okeanos  wich means root for our word ocean. Now we use technology to explore and get information, but back then we didn’t have the same resources, Eratosthenes  was considered the first person to use longitude and latitude,. In 1807 Thomas Jefferson athourised a survey on the coast,. People began their study by going through the waters by vessel or by walking along the seashore , they progressed little by little , first it was diving, then helmet diving, and finally the use of SCUBA. The way the ocean is measured is by system called the oceanographic satelitte what this dose is that it carries instruments wich take measurements of the ocean, these instruments are altimeter wich measures the height, a radiometer wich measures the temperature of the surface. Benjamin Franklin was a very accomplished physical oceanographer he was intruged with the idea of the stream wich he knew that exisisted in the large body of water as the Atlantic ocean, he took the temperature measurments of the ocean, he knew that the mesurments would mark the location of the Gulf stream. In the history of oceanography thiers many people the contributed by each doing a part that would get us information on what we know today, in this paragraph here's some of the many that did part in the history of oceanography.
Benjamin Franklin