& Religion in General

" This Life's dim Windows of the Soul
Distorts the Heavens from Pole to Pole
And leads you to Believe a Lie
When you see with, not thro' the Eye."

.....William Blake

"PRIEST : May the Lord have mercy on your soul.
VERDOUX : Why not? After all, it belongs to Him.

..........Charlie Chaplin

This article is a critical analysis of the role of organised

religions    in  the  downfall  of  societies  and    cultures.

Science  is also viewed here as an organised religion in

which individual experience is nullified and degraded in

favor of "objects" that can be experimented with in the

temple of science : the laboratory.

The word "religion" is used throughout this work  mostly as referring
to the organised form of religion, that is, a set of beliefs and concepts
that a society or culture believes to be ultimately true as a matter of
"faith" without questioning of its validity in time or place, and without
examining or acknowledging the fundamental assumptions behind
those beliefs and concepts.


"Aside from general human inadequacy, a good deal of the blame for this
rests with education, which promulgates the old generalizations and says
nothing about the secrets of private experience. Thus, every effort is made
to teach idealistic beliefs or conduct which people know in their hearts they
can never live up to and such ideals are preached by officials who know that
they themselves have never lived up to these high standards and never will.
What is more, nobody ever questions the value of this kind of teaching."..Jung

In a tribal, shamanic society ( see also article : social structures and
) religion is purely a personal affair, and has no specific
doctrines. It is purely a personal quest, and any interpretation or
presentation of the results of this quest are not considered as
definitive, as is the case with organised religion.

"A religion true to its natures must also be concerned about man's
social conditions. Religion deals with both earth and heaven, both
time and eternity. Religion operates not only on the vertical plane
but also on the horizontal. It seeks not only to integrate men
with God but to integrate men with men and each man with
himself.".........  Martin Luther King, Jr.

urbbul1a.gif (627 bytes) The only progress of religion is in terms of replacing one set of beliefs

and rituals with another set of beliefs and rituals. Religions have never

and can never promote unique individuals, only decadent institutions.urbbul1a.gif (627 bytes)


" Religion is the soul of soulless conditions, the heart of a heartless world,

the opium of the people." .........Karl Marx

"Imagine there's no religion......" John Lennon's lyrics in the song  "Imagine".



"We also have a religion which was given to our forefathers, and has been
handed down to us their children. It teaches us to be thankful, to be united,
and to love one another! We never quarrel about religion."
.......Red Jacket (Seneca) replying to Missionary Cram in the 1800's

Early man lived in close proximity with nature,  interacting  and co-dependent with what
was naturally available for survival, development or creativity and the essential difference
(that is known)  between  man  and  animals  is in the neocortex   structure  of  the brain,
particularly the frontal lobes that generate new thinking, experiences etc.  How this huge
gap between man and  the next lower intelligence creature came to be is a mystery that
is not satisfactorily answered by the theory of evolution,  which states that the organs or
parts evolve according to their usage, whereas in context to the human brain the reverse
is the case. That is, how come that a structure evolved, whose usage potential is only now
beginning to be utilised.

Anyhow,  early   man was for most of the time engaged in the activities of survival,  but
compared to the man of today was still comparatively free to reflect or meditate on the
mysteries of life and existence. The more important factor was the isolation factor, that
is,  man's thinking and experiencing apparatus was not constrained  much by social and
cultural beliefs and  agreements.  Thus  the  construct  or structure of the mind of early
man  was  simple and  unconstrained,  which  means  that   the  potential  experiencing
capacity of man was vastly more than modern man.  Some people,  once free from their
daily chores,  or in any case living in isolation,  knew from their resultant   experiences in
isolation,  that  the world  was  not  simply   determined   by  what  was   recorded  and
observed through their senses.

Only  the  faculty  of  translating  these  experiences   into  a  coherent
  system  of  form and thought was undeveloped. 

It is well known that early man  was intuitive and  instinctive, and the rational faculty,
 although  indispensable  for  survival  was  undeveloped  and unsophisticated.  So many
of the  natural  phenomenon  were  not  well understood in terms of their  cause-effect
 relationships, but understood  more so in terms of causative   entities that were hidden
and not observable by the physical senses but by intuition, instinct or sheer experience.

From as far back as the  known history of mankind, it had been believed in all cultures
of  the  world  that  there  are entities / elements  other   than  the  sensory  based and
observed physical world of the elements of matter, only most of the times there was no
  formal distinction between the two. Primitive people all over the world lived in harmony
  with nature and they understood that all living creatures were not only physical entities
  but also had a quality  that  although could not be perceived  by  normal  consciousness,
  that nevertheless was a vital element of all living creatures. But since the primitive man
  was not formal  and institutional,  but rather instinctive and intuitive, they also realised
that since this vitality of living creatures was not perceived by everybody,  and further
that  whatever  was perceived  was  interpreted  differently by different people, it was
not only not necessary to agree  amongst  themselves about  its meanings, 
interpretations and significance, but also that this was a highly personal matter.

And so, an informal metaphysics was the characteristic of early
cultures :
Reality  and   its   manifest,   Nature,  was  understood   as  a   manifestation   of  two
distinctive  elements :  The   Animate   or  Spirit   (  present only in the living  ) and its
  counterpart  The  Inanimate  or  Matter  ( or the non-living).  Since there was no formal
metaphysics as such, this understanding was never institutionalised by  the  seers  and
  shamans and it is doubtful if it is appropriate at all to do so unless the context in which
this is to be used is clear.

So it  was  a widely held belief that the world was not only physical  ( as  perceived   by
the sensory systems ) but  also  more  importantly  had  an  hidden  element that could
 be  perceived  only  in  altered  states  of   consciousness,  or  through  special  states of
sensory  deprivation  or  certain  experiences  like a near   death  experience.   Further,
that  the  "essence"   of   this   hidden  element (termed mostly as an equivalent of the
word Soul),  since it was truly hidden, manifest itself  as  a  Force  or Power or Spirit in
all living  creatures,  big or small.  A  living being's consciousness was understood to be
primarily a property of this  hidden element, a  consciousness  that existed prior to the
physical  birth,  and  also that  which  continued  after death. ( This is not the same thing
as saying that the "same person" is reborn in an cycle of life and death, that is, this is not
the same thing as "reincarnation" in which the entire "persona" is reborn )  Most cultures
had a small minority of people that can be termed as Shamans ( again a controversial
term ) who either naturally, or taught or self-developed, had the ability for perceiving
elements of non-physical realms or aspects of the world of Spirits ( or the parallel world
of non-physical entities or forces). The term Shaman is not a formal one and no one was
 titled as such, but is a distinct term from say, a priest. There was no formal institution
such as shamanism: for the non-physical realms were and are by their very nature, dream
like, whereby giving definitive form to any such experiences itself distorts its nature
and mostly also its significance.

 Shamans  were therefore,  a one man religious institution,  subservient to no authority,
did not seek agreement for their actions although they had a vital social role to perform :
that of metaphysician, healer,  guide or even leader.  But Shamans  tended to or had a
predilection  to  remain in the fringes of society so that  the social forces themselves do
not devour the individuality of the Shaman.
So, some shamans even disguised  themselves as  ordinary  people so   that they do not
become known and  accessible to all and  sundry and any  interaction took place at their
 own initiative. Most people in tribal societies also feared, shunned or kept out of the way
of a known Shaman. Again, this is not necessarily a characteristic of a 'Shaman', for many
of them had a very social inclination.  It is then appropriate to say that the   Shaman had
no  fixed  religious  belief system as such and the term  Shamanism   does not refer to a
Here one can also use different terms like brujo or sorcerer or tantrik but all these terms
  have a somewhat different context, appropriate according to the cultural context. But the
important point is that the Shaman was the informal spiritual leader of a  small society or
tribe, a leadership that took responsibility of the tribe as well as contribute positively to its
social  needs  without  being  corrupted  by  the   trappings  of  the power that the Shaman
wielded, since the power  of the Shaman  was derived from the Spirit. And this was always
appropriately demonstrated by the Shaman. The second point is that another person of the
  tribe  or society rarely challenged the leader Shaman,  since  there  was  no need to do so.
Almost no one in these simple social setups craved for social leadership and responsibility. 

Social leadership and responsibility was thrust upon the Shaman by virtue of his proximity
to the Spirit.   A Shaman that was not intuitively recognised as such or deliberately hid
his/her nature remained in the fringes and usually in isolation. 



" If we go to the beginning, we shall find that ignorance and fear created the
gods ; that fancy, enthusiasm or deceit adorned or disfigured them ; that
weakness worships them ; that credulity preserves them ; and that custom
respects and tyranny supports them in order to make the blindness of
men to serve its own interests." ..........Holbach

"One can narrow the meaning of religion to the cultus deorum (the cult of the
gods), thus excluding from the religious realm the pre-mythological as well as
the post-mythological stages."...............
Paul Tillich

The transition of a tribal society led and maintained by its shamans to a town or city
society is a transition from  living  with  nature to a human synthesised living based
  upon developing rationality, its manifest technologies,   planning  and  consolidation
of security  with  the development of organised  armies  for defense  and  expansion.
  This  movement  from  simple,  natural,  but   high  risk  living  to complex and secure
living is no doubt  a manifestation of human nature, but how  it develops,  and what
are its precipitating factors and how it kills an essential vitality of our nature  that
alienates man from nature,  are not well understood and not much  study has   gone
into it.  Simply because everything is brushed aside as "evolution".   But that this so
termed  process  of  evolution also destroys  something in its wake is never
acknowledged  by  the  "evolution dominating"  cultures .

With   the  growth  of  societies  from  tribal  to  town  or  city  civilisations,  almost
  all  societies became post shamanic, that is, their Shamans  became lesser and lesser
and  finally  almost extinct.  The  Shamans of tribal societies were gradually replaced
by the priests who did what the shamans almost never did: the institutionalisation of
elements of  non-physical  reality  in  the  form of myth based religion and worship of
deities.  The mythology  of  the  Greeks  and  the  Hindus  is  a  clear  example of this
transition.  In this transition,  mythical beliefs,  rituals and worship become dominant
features of the priests who follow a definite pattern of practice and believing. In other
words the unknown and hidden elements (non-physical) of nature are given definitive
characterisation,  and mythical stories are developed according to these agreed  upon
( by the priests)  characteristics. Thus the Spirit is characterised by Gods and Deities,
personified in  various  ways,  and  the   predatory  or trapping  elements  of the
non-physical   realms are characterised as Demons, Devils etc.  These mythical belief
systems are the first forms of religion of various  societies  and cultures.  Experience
and power give way to beliefs,  rituals  and  practices that yield  definitive social and
cultural values that become deeply embedded in the psyche of the societies.

The individual gives way to a social being, whose behavior is dictated

by the developed and developing norms of Society.

A  deviant  is  eventually  considered  a  misfit and even insane. The Shaman is now
considered as  a potential threat - a destabiliser,  sometimes  the very embodiment
of  evil  itself - to  be  quickly  put  to  death,   preferably  by  being  burnt  alive.

Philosophies  are   then  invented  to  provide  meaning  and  support   to  an  already
developed  or  developing  social - cultural  structure.   The  faults, wrong doings  and
defects of the social system are shoved under the carpet by sophisticated  philosophies
that serve only to justify the status  quo.   Sometimes  a  strong  willed or powerful
individual  throws  a  spanner  in the works by questioning the very foundations of the
society,  and  sometimes  the  message  hits  some people and a  change occurs - even
  splitting  society  into the  old and  new systems.  But   basically all societies looked for
stability  and  security  -  the  driving  forces   behind  social structures. This quest for
stability  and   permanence  led  in  two opposite directions - the  consolidation  of  all
non-physical  elements  behind  the concept of one God ( or mono entity) and on the 
other extreme,  the consolidation of the objectivisation of physical elements behind
Science. But first the concept of one God had to exhaust its effectiveness in the quest
for permanence, although people like Gautama the Buddha taught that change is the
only permanence of existence, and that everything in this world is transitory and that
all fabrications (conceptions) are bound to decay.
But  mankind looked for eternal solutions - the absolute  - the always true - valid  for
  all times. This was conceptualised in various ways : as "The Truth" or "Ultimate Truth"
or "Ultimate Reality" or the "Absolute" or "The One", and certain cultures even dubbed
the whole world as a huge illusion that had to be transcended in order to be released
from this state into a state of union with this "One". Certain philosophies, metaphysics
and religions were the offshoots of this - mostly in the eastern cultures, but none of
these provided any positive solutions to the rapidly degenerating societies of the East.

When the primitive world disintegrated into spirit ( non-physical ) and
nature ( physical ), the West rescued nature ( physical ) for itself. It was
prone to a belief in physical nature and only became more entangled
in it with every painful effort  to make itself spiritual. The East, on the
contrary, took mind for its own, and by explaining away matter as mere
illusion ( Maya ) , continued to dream in Asiatic filth and misery.".....Jung

In the West, after a short upsurge in philosophy in the Greek civilization in which
Socrates questioned the very fundamentals of society, religion and politics through
the process of rational inquiry beginning with an examining of one's own self, the
focus shifted towards the material world in the works of Aristotle, for whom   "The
Truth" was to be ultimately found by the intense study of the physical.

The quest for "The Truth" continued. The Physical Sciences  seemed  to fulfill this
quite admirably, but only when the dominant culture had exhausted its interest
and utility in the concept of one God , which process had anyway destroyed the
cultural diversity of Europe under the banner of Christianity

"Under the influence of scientific materialism, everything that could not be seen
with the eyes or touched with the hands was held in doubt ; such things were
even laughed at because of their supposed affinity with metaphysics. Nothing
was considered "scientific" or admitted to be true unless it could be perceived
by the senses or traced back to physical causes. Belief in the substantiality of
the Spirit yielded more and more to the obtrusive conviction that material things
alone have substance, till at last, after nearly four hundred years, the leading
European thinkers and investigators came to regard the mind as wholly
dependent upon matter and material causation."....Jung

The other extreme of religion,  the pattern of behavior is not too different, because
religion too has after all had become more of an institution,  with its holy books,
its wise preachers  and priests,  the various prescriptions of rituals and practices. 
And most important of all, a system of fixed beliefs  ( whether consciously realised
or not). Even those religions that claim that they have no fixed belief systems are
perhaps the most dogmatic in terms of the socially manifest beliefs, making their
claims laughable to say the least.

Almost all religions are based upon myths about non-physical elements of Reality. These
eventually develop into hard and fast beliefs  that are  beyond questioning and doubt. 
All other beliefs are  considered as false and misleading. It is no surprise that all religions
instead of harmonising society  eventually only get bogged down in conflicts that are as
trivial as terminology. For most religions, terminology itself becomes synonymous with
truth. Terms and symbols are endlessly worshiped. 

If the hotchpotch of the various Gods and Goddesses or Deities was confusing,  then
Monotheism, the belief of one God was definitely an improvement because it did for at
least sometime made societies more cohesive and non-divisive. In any case, the central
 idea propagated by all monisms was essentially a good one: that the source of all that
exists, physical or non-physical is singular and one, and that everything in this universe
has been created from or by this source. But this did not provide lasting and satisfactory,
for the assumption inherent in all belief systems founded on monism is that this source
must therefore be the controller, the willer, the doer etc of all that happens in the
universe - a fatal assumption of most monotheisms in terms of its social impact.

It follows from the article "The nature of Duality .." that  a unitary anything must manifest
itself as a multiplicity of dualities in the existential domain in space and time, since the
space - time domain is a differentiated state, and not a unitary state. It may be argued that
the space-time domain is an illusory concept, having no ultimate reality, but firstly, we do
not live in ultimate reality  ( the ultimate reality or infinity is atmost only experienced),
and secondly, it follows then from this type of thinking that all conceptions are illusory.
  If all conceptions are to be avoided  ( being illusory)  then there  is no need for language, 
reason, discourse, even symbolism, that is, all aspects of human activity is then illusory and
 should not have existed  ( by this logic )  in the first place.
Incidentally,  certain  religions  do blame the creator for having created a mess in the first
place and that the goal of life in these religions is to break the cycle of life and death. 
Life is then conceived by these religions to be a state of negative, illusory existence whose
cycle of birth-death-rebirth has to be broken so that rebirth does not take place.
They form cults in which a certain skill or technique like meditation is applied to their
(paying) clients or subjects so as to achieve a state of bliss in which all problems of life
disappear or become irrelevant. Many of such 'spiritual' cults become big business
houses having large financial assets and properties 'donated' by their wealthy clients.
These cults can quite appropriately be called 'The Merchants of Junk Faith'.

"Junk is the ultimate merchandise. The junk merchant does not sell his product
to the consumer, he sells the consumer to the product. He does not improve and
simplify his merchandise, he degrades and simplifies the client.".
.......William S Burroughs

"Religion, like water, may be free, but when they pipe it to you, you've got
to help pay for the piping. And the piper!."...........
Abigail Van Buren

4.3.3 The Rise and Fall of Monotheism.

( & The Fall of Religions in General )

" There's a Bible on that shelf there. But I keep it next to Voltaire—poison and
antidote." .....Bertrand Russell

"God is the immemorial refuge of the incompetent, the helpless, the miserable.
They find not only sanctuary in His arms, but also a kind of superiority, soothing
to their macerated egos; He will set them above their betters.".....
H. L. Mencken

Monotheistic religions have the central belief that the purpose of life is a unification with
God,  or at the very least, a realisation of God through the worship of God in a method or
way prescribed by the founder of the respective religion.  Even the polytheistic religions
follow the same pattern except that they have a variety of Gods or Deities to choose from,
 suitable according to the occasion, vocation, requirement etc etc.
All monotheisms claim that their way is the correct and only way to know and interpret
the "will of God" and the others are degenerate paths that need to be brought under their
fold.  Some do it with aggression and others do so with a sugar coated  pill. But the real
purpose of all religious systems is to bring all of mankind under their interpretation of
the "will of God". And herein lies the blunder of all religions ( with the possible exception
of  Buddhism - being an open ended religion ) : that  they seek to subserve the individuality
of human beings to their idea of the will of God, at the same time vehemently denying that
they are doing anything of the sort - only following the command of God. Now many of the
founders of these religions would be turning in their graves at the plight of the people who
blindly follow in their steps but then most of these great souls will have only themselves to
blame for not warning that merely following a set of  beliefs or practices only leads to
decadence and degeneracy,  because it doesn't allow for the dynamism of individuals
 to express itself and stifles any new thinking, conceptions or creativity, all of which are
crucial aspects of human nature.

"While man still lives as a herd-being he has no "things of the spirit " of his own ;
nor does he need any, save the usual belief in the immortality of the soul.
But as soon as he has outgrown whatever local form of religion he was born
to - as soon as this religion can no longer embrace all his life in all its fullness
- then the psyche becomes something in its own right which cannot be dealt
with by the measures of the church alone"..........C G Jung

The bottomline of all religious belief systems is that the subjects or the followers of the
religion or cult do so in a similar fashion as a give and take deal in society. The individual
gets a sense of  security and cooperation in return for his  compliance or conformity with
the norms of that religion or society. Religion - a system of fixed beliefs serves for most
people as a cushion for their minds- something to depend upon to resolve  the troubles of
their minds.  Historically, all societies have had at least some sort of mythical beliefs to
support their social structures, and it is only in modern times that we now have societies
 that have beliefs that are  grounded mostly or even totally in science or what may also
be termed as materialism.  This  however too will prove to be as flawed as monotheism
- the atom as God is hardly an appropriiate substitute, the worship of which carries the
free gift of complete destruction.

The basic flaw of most religions, and monotheism in particular is that these belief systems
have no room for or do not account for the power and uniqueness of individual beings
and therefore fail to bring about a sense of responsibility in  their subjects.  Most of these
religions suppers individuality, and any critical analysis by anyone is immediately counter-
attacked. Their only collective purpose is subservience of all of humanity to their perceived
ideals based upon their interpretation of the will of God/s This interpretation is further
based upon the sayings or scriptures of their founding leaders, whether composed by
themselves or their followers.  Most of the diehard followers become captive morons
subservient to the masters or to just a fixed doctrine that is taken to be sacred
and eternal.

"Religion prevents our children from having a rational education; religion
prevents us from removing the fundamental causes of war; religion prevents
us from teaching the ethic of scientific cooperation in place of the old fierce
doctrines of sin and punishment. It is possible that mankind is on the
threshold of a golden age; but, if so, it will be necessary first to slay the
dragon that guards the door, and this dragon is religion." ......Russel

The fall of monotheism in particular and religion in general took place due to the
following perceived causes :                            
( it should be noted here that some of the critical analysis below does not apply
to Buddhism, Zen and Daoism )

1). Denial of Duality: Monotheism denies and condemns any kind of duality or dualism
 whereas the truth is that the existence of life and human consciousness/perception in a
time-space  axis is  a manifestation of a duality of counterparts. The very conception of
one-ness or unity that monism insists upon itself implies or yields a counter concept of
not-oneness or multiplicity or duality. The twin concepts of space and time in the exist-
ential domain is an example of this fundamental duality, but both these, while acknow-
ledged, are denied as illusory concepts. ( if these were not a true pair of dual concepts,
then it would be possible to have a single concept that fully includes both, which is
inconceivable ). The very concept of illusion as the counterconcept of reality itself is
proof of a duality in thought that is even denied ! ( Which means that all thoughts must
be illusions ! ) Anyway, life itself is considered to be a state of illusory existence that
must be done away with so that a peaceful union with god is resulted, which directly
contradicts their very assertion that its all a unity. If everything is a unity, then we all
are already in union with this unity, or god or whatever and so there can be no illusion,
there can be no separation in this unity. The concept of illusion is thus itself an illusion.
If we accept that there is no duality of any kind then everything is reality itself, and no
illusion can take place because if there is illusion, then we have a duality of reality and
illusion. This argument is side stepped by monists by saying that duality is itself the
illusion ! It is impossible for them to understand that the very concept of illusion ( or
what is illusory ), as a counter-concept of the concept of reality ( or what is real ) is a
supposedly meaningful duality of concepts that they are using in their thought process.

The first flaw of monoism therefore is that its subjects tend to deny a fundamental truth
of any existence of life and thereby are usually not attuned to current ongoing reality. 
(This however does not hold true for all believers of monisms, for some exceptional
individuals even in a monism belief system are well attuned and responsive to their
current reality.  Ultimately,  an individuals ability to deal  responsibly  with the current
reality rests more upon one's own personal moral power (one's spirit)  than upon the
belief system one  is operating from. )
The point however is that a monism belief system does not acknowledge personal
power or power as the attribute of an individual but only as an attribute of God.  An 
even more significant point is that by denying the self, such people although effective
and efficient in their own lives, since they are not self-analytical, do not realise that
they are indoctrinating their circle of associates and   followers to copy their own
 system of beliefs, irrespective of whether this is valid for others or not.

2). No religion promotes self-analysis, rather the self is considered to be illusory
  by most,and therefore no question of self - analysis arises according to them. Therefore
the followers of a religion are rarely self- critical and it follows from this that they never
are able to realise the  limiting conditions of their fixed beliefs. The construct of their
values becomes a closed  system  that  refuses  to  even acknowledge that they could be
providing a justifying shell for certain wrong doings that they may not even be aware of.

3). Denial of the Source of Being, Experience and Action from within, rather
it is insisted as sourced from God, Deities, etc
  All religions teach that both
reality as well as illusion are outside oneself. Some say it explicitly and some implicitly.
If this is not taught, the religion cannot acquire subjects and so cannot become a distinct
cult or society that worships a doctrine which has entities or deities to be worshiped or
certain rituals and methods to be adopted.  Religions and monisms deflect from reliance
upon inner resources of individuals, rather a mono entity is attributed as the source of all
resources. The individual is made to believe that he/she has no resource or power of
their own, its all vested in one source on which the individual is totally dependent.
Rather there is not supposed to be an individual at all, only the illusion of individualness
has to be overcome, or better still, obliterated altogether.

"The disastrous idea that everything comes to the human psyche from outside
and that it is born a "tabula rasa" is responsible for the erroneous belief that
under normal circumstances the individual is in perfect order...C. G. Jung

4). Ignorance that they are themselves operating  from and projecting a
belief system
. By not recoginising that they themselves are operating from a belief
system having underlying unquestioned assumptions, they invariably also propagate
people to be non-critical and non-analytical about their own selves, since in a monism
the self is not recoginised as a distinct entity but only as another manifestation of an
undifferentiated continuum.  ( at least that is the operating and highly valued central
belief,  but this truth is not recoginised by them).  This then becomes an easy escape
or justification for the subjects of that religion of all their wrong doings. It therefore
becomes the norm for  every believer of any religion to simply  never question the
  rightness  or wrongness of their own actions so long as they pay the regular visit to
the temple or church to which they are aligned.  Just a nod, bow or a ritual
performed is presumed to be a substitute for all sins and wrong actions.
Which then leads to the next point.

5).  Emphasis and higher value for worship, not for experience, effort & 
Right action
    All religions follow a fixed doctrine consisting of beliefs, rituals,
procedures and also a code of morals.  No religion is fully open ended and self
-analytical.  The validity off its beliefs are not to be questioned and must be
assumed to be absolute and a matter of "faith".  No wonder then that all religions
only promote value for worship or so called "faith", which, as each of their systems
claim, is the only correct way. The subjects of these religions are never encouraged
to experience and to experiment on their own, only to act in subservience to the
doctrine of that religion, which they believe to be the only Right way. All religions
talk about morals but that is all that they do - just talk about morals. Do this thing
this way or that way. They have it all figured out for you - all you have to do is
just follow the direction they have already charted out for you. Now if you deviate
even a wee bit from what they have already so painstakingly programmed for
you, well, you are a rebel or worse - a degenerate, a psychopath.

6). Emphasis on conformity not individual uniqueness :  Most religions 
thriveby making their subjects conform to certain doctrines or set of beliefs that
 are never to be doubted or questioned, rather only to be propagated further.
  They do not admit to any individuality and uniqueness of any individual, and
divide the world into believers and non-believers ( another duality that they are 
not even aware of ! ). They fail to realise that positive dynamic inputs are
 provided by exceptional individuals without which any institution stagnates
and degenerates.

"Wandering in a vast forest at night, I have only a faint light to guide me.
A stranger appears and says to me: "My friend, you should blow out your
candle in order to find your way more clearly." This stranger is a theologian."
.........Denis Diderot

7). Institutionalisation of the Spirit :  The failure of most religions to realise
that the Spirit cannot be institutionalised or confined within a system of beliefs
and practices. Yet most of them try to do exactly that without realising or admitting
that they are doing anything of the sort and so the institution that they create
cannot adapt itself with change, because by the very process of institutionalising
devours the Spirit.

8). Suppression of natural instincts and spontaneity : Again, most religions
consider natural instincts to be animal like behavior and they discourage
spontaneous, insightful and instinctive behavior as unbecoming of humans. Animal
life is considered to be lower, and humans, especially the believers, are considered
to be divine, the non-believers presumed to be lost souls, degenerates etc.

9). Kills creativity and takes man away from nature No religion encourages
the creative potential of humans. No religion deals with or creatively channelises the
destructive potential of human beings, but tries to suppress it, thereby suppressing
creativity also, failing to understand that there is a thin dividing line between the
two and that any human institution must first be oriented towards addressing this
basic aspect of human nature. Religions fail to go deep into human nature and the
human mind and therefore lose touch with nature altogether in search of an elusive
and empty purity. No religion encourages the use of intelligence to resolve personal
and social problems. No religion promotes an effort towards understanding nature.
No religion encourages fresh intellectual ideas.

"Religion circumscribes...choice and adaptation by...decrying the value of
life and promulgating a view of the real world that is distorted like a delusion,
and both of these imply a preliminary intimidating influence upon
Sigmund Freud

10). Fails to provide creative social inputs :  Since most religions only end up
supporting social status quo, they fail to bring about conditions of creative dynamism
in society, without which any socio-political system is bound to decay and degenerate.

10).  Failure   to go into the roots of cultural shortcomings by not analysing
cultural and social values and their current validity. Religions tend to promote only
traditional values of the culture in which they are established and so can throw no
light on the faultlines and shortcoming of these values and their relevance
to current reality.

12) Failure to learn from other cultures by the correlation of cross-cultural values
between different cultures, since almost no religion encourages learning from cultures
that are divergent  or even in conflict, to their held values.

"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you'd have good
people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for
good people to do evil things, that takes religion." .....Steven Weinberg

4 The Rise and Doom of Scientific Materialism :

The Atom or Quantum Worshippers

" Modern neurosis began with the discoveries of Copernicus. Science made man

feel small by showing him that the earth was not the center of the universe. "

..........  Mary McCarthy

"Poetry is not the proper antithesis to prose, but to science.

Poetry is opposed to science, and prose to metre."..

................Samuel Taylor Coleridge

There remains a vast field, traditionally included in philosophy, where scientific
methods are inadequate. This field includes ultimate questions of value ;
science alone, for example, cannot prove that it is bad to enjoy theinfliction
of cruelty........Bertrand Russel

After the developments in the physical sciences, being based upon physical observed
cause - effect related phenomenon than can be obejectified, defined and verified by
anybody, and the resultant properties of such objects been identified, it has become
almost a permanent belief and presumed to be true that the physical reality is 
complete and is the whole of Reality and thus there are no non-physical elements to
it. For all scientific purposes, i.e., the study of the objectified physical universe this
assumption does not pose any problems, however, when we try to understand Reality
in its whole or we look for meaning, either for one's own existence or generally that of
life, the scientific-materialistic assumptions and the consequent results leads to a dead
end, since all they can really comprehend are lifeless objects to be studied without any
personal interference, opinions, desires etc.  Of course there is study of biology, society
etc. that tends to go beyond the strictly physical,  but still even there the underlying 
assumption remains the same, the effects are same, and only those results that are in
accordance with established procedures, methods etc are acceptable. These too are
determined by a class of people who dominate the establishments and institutions
related to the various specialised fields. The field of Physical Sciences is a closed
system in which only those are admitted who have already been programmed and
trained without even realising it,  that the underlying assumption is that reality is
purely physical,  or in other words,  that which cannot be detected by scientific
instruments  and thereby quantified or measured does not exist but is merely a
byproduct of the mind and its tricks, or dismissed as supernatural nonsense. 
It is in this aspect that science itself resembles a religion, that is, it never questions
its most fundamental operating assumption.

" Naturally, the new nominalism  ( scientific ) promptly claimed universal validity
for itself  in spite of the fact that it too is based on a definite and limited thesis
coloured by temperament.  This  thesis runs as follows :  we  accept   as  valid
anything that comes from outside and can be verified.  The  ideal instance is
verification by experiment. The anti-thesis : we accept as valid anything that
comes from inside and cannot be verified." .... C. G. Jung

This  situation  came  about   after  remarkable  breakthroughs in Science that established
clear cause-effect  relationship  of many phenomenon that were earlier based upon myths,
leading to the belief that all myths were false and that scientific materialism could explain
the whole of Reality in terms of  definite cause-effect   relationships that could be put into
precise mathematical formulas.  This was believed by even as eminent persons as Einstein,
who  even  refused  to  believe that there was an inherent uncertainty in the behavior of
sub-atomic particles by making the famous statement that "God does not play dice with the
Einstein  was on the lookout  for an  equation  that could   establish a  relationship between
all energy, matter and forces in the universe- a unified field theory. Despite quantum theory
and  Schrodinger's  equations  proving that the behavior  of  matter at  the sub atomic level 
was  probablistic and not determinate,  scientists continue to believe that all of nature and
reality can be described by the laws of Science yet to be discovered. And even if everything
cannot  be  explained  by  science,  well so what ?  Technology  provides  for the solution to
every problem, or so they believe without doubt, almost as a religious faith.

"Though many have tried, no one has ever yet explained away the decisive
fact that science, which can do do much, cannot decide what ought to do."
..............Joseph Wood Krutch

We see here that two  fundamental axioms of science are : 1)  every  thing  in the  universe
can be reduced to a cause-effect relationship in a mathematical form and  that  2) any thing
that cannot be empirically observed by trained scientists and thereby objectified, does not
exist. These are the axioms that are taken to be true beyond question and examination.

In this sense science itself is another religion, although scientists do not acknowledge even
this. The fact that the "laws of science" are taught or rather programmed into everybody, all
over the  world without regard to their validity,  limitations  and   unquestioned assumptions
makes it the  most  dangerous kind of  religion that is being propagated,   whose disastrous
consequences scientists are not even aware of.

The deadly mix of  purely linear,   rational,  logical  thought  without an artistic element in it,
and the survival domination tendencies, produces a gigantic build up of a science based social
automation,  wherein  everybody is programmed to think in only one way -and   that is  :  that
there is no reality beyond the linear cause-effect truths of reality determined and established
by the  scientific  method.  Any ideas contrary to this  presumption   and method is considered
the work of an insane mind.  Science  is  then the ultimate religion of the   mechanistic culture
that dominates all other cultures, forcing them to become subservient to it.

" Science has destroyed even the refuge of the inner life. What was once a sheltering
haven has become a place of terror. " .......C G. Jung

This  is  one  religion   that does not and will not accept that its methods applied to society
leads towards a destructive path. But then which religion can see the folly of its errors,
omissions, rigid, unexamined, ways ?

"An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it"......Orlando A. Battista

"Prayer begins where human capacity ends."..................Marian Anderson

NEXT ARTICLE : 4.4 Paradigms of Culture


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