The Ecological House
How does it work?

What is an environmentally friendly house?
In the process of constructing an environmentally friendly house, certain considerations on nature, the environment and other human beings should be taken. In the following we explain what considerations our manufacturers have taken in their production.

The creation of an ecosystem
The very old Norwegian "lafte" technique that was utilized to make houses and logs centuries ago have survived as a craftmanship and is still utilized by a few craftsmen in Norway today. This very old craftsmanship is unique and goes hand in hand with environmentally friendly philosophy.

1- The techniques involved in treating the wood aren`t industrial, but based upon an old technique where all the knots are handcarved - the logs last through rough and changing weather.
2- The wood material is from a special pine that has a strong core (see the "Production Process" section in the main menu). The pine is chosen from slow growing regions and is one reason for the long life of the log houses. <>
3- The insulation material is wool, no synthetic materials are used at all. This has many implications illustrated in the section for ecological research in the top menu.
- The combination of building technique, wood material, and insulation material makes these houses suitable for both warm and cold outside temperatures.
4- The process of production is time consuming but necessary. A crew of 3-5 craftsmen work together on each house until it is finished inside the factory. Customers are invited to the fabric to see the development or process of their future house and to make adjustments they couldn`t think of in the design and drawing face. For a foreigner this might not seem attractive, but it is still possible. You can even supervise the construction on the web, live. When they are finished, the logs are put inside containers and then rebuilt in their new surroundings.
5- The houses are very easy to take apart and move to other locations. They do come with instruction manuals if you decide to do this on your own.
6- They do not represent a biohazard when they are worn out, and can even be used as firewood.

    "Let the clean air blow the cobwebs
    from your body. Air is medicine."

    Lillian Russell (1862-1922),
    quoted in Reader's Digest, March 1922