{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\uc0\deff0{\fonttbl {\f0\fswiss\fcharset0\fprq2 Arial;} {\f1\froman\fcharset2\fprq2 Symbol;}} {\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\info{\comment TX_RTF32 8.0.300.500}} \deftab1134\paperw12240\paperh15840\margl1800\margt1440\margr1800\margb1440\pard\qc\plain\f0\fs32 Hallow Story\plain\f0\fs20\par\pard\plain\f0\fs32\line\par\plain\f0\fs24\par It was a day in October, the weather has just turned cold, the night comes earlier than usual. The Changs children gathered together after their father died of a disease 11 days ago. The Changs children seemed that they have not recovered from the sadness yet. A rumor was well-known among the elderly in the small town where they were living, that any old men died of any disease would come back to his home in his soul at midnight of the twelfth day, and foods should be prepared to serve the man who came back. The Changs children were not very superstitious, but they went back home after work. The mother cooked foods that the father liked to eat. At 9:00 P.M., The Changs locked the door, closed the windows, and went to sleep.\line \par The oldest son of Changs could not sleep, thinking of the rumor. He had not seen ghost in reality, and did not believe in existence of ghost. He felt both sad and nervous. He recalled his memory of his father, thought of the things he did with his admirable father. He fell asleep soon, but his father is still in his dream.\line \'93Please don't try to see me when I come back.\'94 His father told him in the dream, \'93or you'll be in BIG TROUBLE!\'94\line \par Suddenly, the image of his father disappeared in his dream. \'93BIG TROUBLE\'94 reverberated in his ear along with the crying sound of that of a crow. He startled from the nightmare.\line\par \'93Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong...\'94 It was the sound of the clock that reminds about an hour had passed by. He was not sure what time was it, so he looked at the clock to check it out, and he saw---the hour arm of the clock switched uickly from 11 to 12. He could not believe this. He wanted wake everybody up, but he dared not to do that.\line\par All of a sudden, the cloud pulled down to just right above his house; strong, and chill wind blowing against the windows like crazy; rain drops knocking on the roof, seem wanted to break it. An unpredicted thunder frightened him, and he trembled for a moment.\line\par He kept silence for a long time, then a strange light came through the crack at the bottom of his door. He opened the door a little bit, and gazed outside a the dinning room. Under the moonlight, he saw a man standing besides the dinner table. He knew \'93he\'94 was not anybody---his father's soul has came back. The man turned the face upon him, returning a sickly smile, the eyes releasing green light, like that of a black cat. He shut the door immediately, go back to bed as if nothing happened. He hoped his father had not seen him.\line\par The next morning, everybody in Chan's family was surprised to see the food was gone, and the door was wide open. The mother asked if anybody had seen the father came back, everybody, including the oldest son, said \'93No!\'94\line\par Every night after that, the oldest Chang could not sleep, and could not stop thinking of the warning that his father had given to him in the dream. He wondered what punishment would he get from ignoring the warning. Fears and worries pervaded every single minute of his life.\line\par He got a very strange disease 1 year later, that no doctors can heal. He died very soon.\par }