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Hi!! Welcome to C.A.R.A.V.A.N a shrine to WK's Ken Hidaka!!! Have fun at this site and poke around!!! (o^__^o)


YATTA!!! i updated!!! thanks to Joanie we now have pics of ken cosplayers!! YYYAAAAYYY!!!!! u guys go check that out as well as a little comic she drew..heehee..its cute... XD i got a livejournal if anyone would like to stalk me..HAHA but other than that..thats all the updates for now....just came back fm AN04 which was like 2 weeks ago.. boy was it bad...O_O there was nothing much to do...haha...and a overload of naruto cosplayer....i had many rivals..HAHAHA that sounded gay...but yeah.. at least people liked my headband.. and i liked my sasuke costume...i love that collar.. XD but whatever...hahahaha... must study...still the next update!! hoo-ha!!


happy new year minna!!! haha...i guess its kinda late saying that...more like "happy early valentines day!! "...sorry for the super long updates!!i've been super lazy and stressed with school...i hate it...to much reading involved ...well...reading that i don't like.. >_< so anyways...i got some new recipes up...and the cosplay section up..though i will definately add more to that part... i like wizzed through that page...its like half-assed...HAHA oh...visit my new fanart/cosplay props site while your reading this..haha..its also linked in my links page... yeah...for some reason.. many of the Ken shrines r disappearing .. ;___; oh well... and i should make some more wallpapers... i've been so lazy...to lazy to even open photoshop... and i'm like addicted to cosplay.com ... ~__~ envy the talents of those ppl....mmeeehh... wish my stuff were half as good as theirs... and send stuff in you guys!!! >__< i need winamp skins!! contribuuttee!!! i'm threatening you guys with my dancing hula kenken.. o_____O......anyways...till the next update.....hopefully soon.....ahh...ppl go read naruto!!haha...its addictive!! :p


wuzahh!!! I got off my lazy butt and have a special surprise for you all !! heehee...the screencaps for the 2nd OVA ep is done!! So check em out!! :p I had so much trouble with it too.. >_< stupid RP...bbbbaaddd..... *punches the monitor* yep...and got new links and a new piece of ugly fanart by me...(why won't you guys send in stuff too... ;__;)and 2 new wallpapers!! YAY....um..thats it....oh...and some stuff updated in the info page about the new Weiss manga that came out...till I'm unlazy enough to update next time!! *flies out*


wow...this is the FIRST update of the new year and I didn't do much.. ^_^ um..sorta updated the info...must get hands on Gluhen....muhahahaha... drew another fanart..COMON PPL ....SEND URS IN TOO!!!!!! um...I got some Gluhen pics of Ken...but not much.. ;_; ooo... aaannddd...the site made it to Anipike!!!Let's celebrate!!! *ahem* send stuff in ppl...*ahem* oo...results from the last poll~ "who looks like a girl from weiss " and of course Omi won!!! Forgot by what though... ^_^ yeah..so theres a new poll everyone!! oh and I updated the links...well..thats it for now!!! *gets beamed out*