LM312V04 Victory Gundam
Mobile suit mode
LM312V04 Victory Gundam
Unit type: prototype close combat transformable mobile suit
Manufacturer: League Militaire
Operator(s): League Militaire
Rollout: UC ?
First deployed: UC 0153
Production run: 3 units

Head height: 15.2 meters
Base weight: 7.6 metric tons
Full weight: 17.7 metric tons

Power generator output: 4780 kilowatts
Rocket thrusters: 79,700 kilograms total
7390 kg x 6
4420 kg x 8
Vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 34
Maximum thruster acceleration: 4.50 Gees

Armor materials: gundarium alloy/super-ceramic composite

Equipment and features:
hardpoint x 8
separable transformation components
Minovsky flight system

Basic armament:
vulcan gun x 2
beam saber x 2
spare beam saber x 2
beam shield x 2

Hand-carried armament:
beam pistol
beam rifle
Core Fighter
Overall length: 8.6 meters

Rocket thrusters: 14,780 kilograms total
7390 kg x 2

vulcan gun x 2
Top Fighter
Core Fighter + top parts
Overall length: 11.8 meters

Rocket thrusters: 14,780 kilograms total
7390 kg x 2

vulcan gun x 2
beam rifle
Bottom Fighter
Core Fighter + bottom parts
Overall length: 16.8 meters

Rocket thrusters: 50,120 kilograms total
7390 kg x 2
4420 kg x 8

vulcan gun x 2
Beam Rifle Beam Pistol
can be attached to hardpoints can be attached to hardpoints
Beam Saber Beam Shield
stored two per forearm mounted on forearms
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