Welcome to Rave On Productions

Network Marketers

Thank you for visiting our website and for wanting to know a little bit about us and Rave On Productions.

Rave On was formed as a partnership business in 2000 to produce educational radio programs. We had an open-line show discussing everything from the economy to music legends like Buddy Holly. As a small business we were doing everything from marketing to writing and producing our own programs and advertising. Then came 9-11. And the world changed.

We, along with most Americans, realized that things were in a worse shape than we had even thought. We had heard all the stories about outsourcing our job market, but now realized the dangers--to our lifestyles, our families, and our country's future.

The Cyberwize opportunity was presented to us. We took a serious look at it and decided to come on board. We are so thankful we did. Cyberwize is the answer to keeping small business alive and free in America. We are proud to be distributors of Cyberwize because we feel we are bringing hope back to America. And, you can do it too, right from your own home, farm, or island. Whatever your dreams are.

You can work when, where, or as much as you want no matter what age you are. Most people work 40 years and end with little to sustain them. Some spend thousands of dollars for four to six years of college and then become disenchanted, displaced, or still can't make a living like they would like. Cyberwize gives you the potential for unlimited income in less than 10% of that time with very minimal investment-so it's never too late to begin.

You can reach Glenda at 806-637-3120 or e-mail gcradio@aol.com or Peggy Sue at 806-795-4644 or e-mail pgerron@aol.com. We will be glad to share how Cyberwize can make a difference for you and your family.

Peggy Sue Gerron
Glenda Cameron

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