Hello, I know the majority of you will be checking this in the midst of studying for your exams and you don't want to think about anything else. But you should put some serious thought into booking the 26th of April because a fine group of individuals are having a party, not just any party...

The "First 2006 SIAST related keg party where the Keg actually gets finished before the end of the night!" Party
(yeah thats a burn to the business & arch puss keg parties this year! you all think about having a king can party next time alright?)

So anways if you know anyone in this photo:
Well lucky you, your invited to our graduation kegger

When? = Wednesday April 26th Starts @ Noon or whenever we get out of our final exam
Where? = Derrick/Sean/JR's garage/yard/field, 1300 block of 7th NW, like 3 doors down from Pilsners

The 16 of us grads have reserved the keg so bring your own booze!!!
Negotiate with Jeff Koenig if you want a steak
Don't touch the BBQ, I (Chris Kreuger) am a SIAST qualified chef, see chef hat in above photo
No vegetarian mock meat, or buffalo touches the grill

Birth Control will be provided at the party in the form of:
Topless Sean Johnson & Jeff Koenig impresonating Rick the Temp (below)
If you unfortunately have not had the pleasure of meeting any of the 5th semester electrical engineering technology students but would still like to attend. Simply print out the photo of our valedictorian Kurtis Smeets (below) and have him autograph the photo upon arrival, we can't wait to see you there! 

(so sorry Kurt)
Can't wait to party it up with everyone, good luck on exams, take care