The Guido Shrine Needs You Help!
Can you help the Guido Shrine?
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Even though this page is so great (^_^), there's a lot of stuff I'd like to add to it. Unfortunately, I do not have a great amount of resources available to me. As the Pizza Cats are no longer on the air in my area(I really thought they'd last forever) and I have not taped the series. I need any copies of episodes you may have on tape(I'll pay for the shipping and whatnot).

Specifically Needed Episodes
Any US cut episodes

Partners So Far
Chickakou(Petiton, YKYWTMSPCW, sunshine in a cloudy day)
Ben McBride(Gallery, and future sound/movie pages)
Def Jam(Guido pics)
Survechay(Guido pics)

Inspirations and Thank Yous
There are two pages that really encouraged me to make my own page. I'd like to thank Pzario and Princess Vi for having such fantastic pages that are the template for my own page. I'd also like to apologize to them, or any other pages I may have stolen picks from. I finally have the capabilities to make my own pics(all I need are SPC episodes) so hopefully there will be some new pics around here soon(which I'd like to share with everyone else of course)! Thank you to Chick who hasn't totally killed me for not e-mailing her in such a long time. I'll do it soon!

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