patrol challenge
Sandra's guide pages

* You should attempt to complete all challenges.
* Each member of your patrol must take part in at least 2 challenges.
* The challenges may be done in any order.
* There are 100 points available.
* There will be a small prize for the winning patrol.

1. Answer as many of the puzzles on sheet 2 as you can.  Write your answers and patrol name on the sheet and hand it to a leader.  (10 points)

2. Make a paper box from one of the spare sheets of paper you’ve been given.  Write your patrol name on it and hand it to a leader.  (15 points)

3. On the other sheet, use sellotape and letters cut from newspapers to “write out” the first guide law.  None of the leaders will tell you what this law is – you must find out for yourself if you can’t remember.  Write your patrol name on the top and give it to a leader.  (20 points)

4. The youngest member of your patrol must demonstrate a reef knot to A leader.  You may need to teach her first.  (15 points)

5. Write NEATLY the names of all the members of your patrol in your patrol roll book.  Put today’s date at the top of the first column and tick the names of people who are here today.  Make sure your patrol name is clearly written on the front cover then give it to a leader.  (10 points)

6. Arrange the contents of your patrol box in an attractive way.  Get a leader to judge this. (10 points)

7. The whole patrol must sing two verses of a campfire song to one of the leaders.  Points awarded for how much they like your choice of song, how many of you knew all the words, and lack of giggling!  You may not use any song that another patrol has already used. (20 points)
Each patrol was given a pile of bits:
* A copy of the challenge sheet
* A copy of sheet 2 which was a page of rebus puzzles from the
Teaching Ideas site.  It claims an age range of 7-11 but none of my 13 year olds got them all!  (And if I'm honest neither did I without peeking at the answers!!)
* 2 spare pieces of A4 paper
* A newspaper
* A roll of sellotape
* 2 pieces of string
* Their patrol roll book (we were just starting to use them at this point - you'll probably need to adapt that challenge)

- it was very hectic for the leaders once the challenge got going.  We had 3 leaders for 4 patrols and it wasn't really enough.
- We gave them 40 minutes; none of them finished all the challenges.  This was deliberate to make sure everyone was occupied the whole time.
- we didn't always give full marks for a challenge.  We used our judgement to decide how many of the available points to give. 
- when a patrol brought something to us to be checked they also brought their challenge sheet which we marked with the number of points given and our initials.