General hints
Celebrating diversity
Global awareness
Healthy lifestyles
Skills and relationships

The laws through the years
Law activities
Promise activities
Click online to give to charity
Law, promise, service activity links (off site pages)
Feed the birds
Law dilemmas (role play activities)
Web of life (an environmental activity)
Unit guidelines -
samples, and ideas for thinking about them.
Two evenings based around first aid - one full of events, one for teaching.
fake wounds - blood, blisters, the lot!
Thoughts, prayers and readings - for quiet moments and guides own

a short challenge (30-40 minutes)

fantastic fifty (on the Scoutbase website - needs some adjustment but works well.  50 very short challenges.  There are lots of other challenges on this site too)

get the patrols to plan everything for you!
My younger guides enjoyed this one, the older ones weren't quite as keen.

An hour long challenge
- this one is frantic and requires quite a lot of equipment, as well as attention from the leaders.  It's a basic version of a dollar market.

Dollar market - a full blown one, takes a whole evening.

games (including "icebreaker" activities)

no bake cooking
International food (on my unit's website)
Recipes for guides (most of these need some cooking facilities)
crafts for the craft ability challenged

getting outdoors - trails, wide games, etc.
Build a
solar still (from Guiding magazine)
Make your own
barbecue tools (from Guiding magazine)
Make your own
folding bucket & bowl (Guiding magazine)
Knotting and teaching knots - some ideas & some useful hints.

The camp and holiday training scheme
Finding a campsite or holiday house
First aid - treatment record
Useful links

pirates for guides - crafts, games, facts and activities.
survival camp
Festivals to do with light - loads of them, on my unit's site.
Frogs - a menu for a meeting
Chocolate (based on the guide interest badge)

Guiding in the UK
The Gambia
South Africa
Statistics for world wide guiding - numbers and proportions
International links
The Peanut Butter Sandwich Dilemma - a world fairness game

Dry ice compilation
Make a helicopter - a very basic "sycamore" type made from paper
Make a parachutist - from a plastic bag and thread
Make a jumping bean - from paper and a marble

Recruitment tips & ideas

Webrings page
Sandra's guide pages
Programme resources for guide and girl scout leaders.  Most of these are aimed at the age group I work with - 10 to 14 year olds.  Some of the ideas may be suited to other age groups.

See also my
unit's pages and the Best of GuidingUK .

Please note that I can't take credit for many of these ideas.  Some are mine, some I learnt years ago and can't remember where.  Others come from email lists (particularly GuidingUK and WAGGGS-L) or trainings I've attended.  If you see anything that you believe shouldn't be here (eg. because it's copyright) please
let me know by email or sign my guestbook.  If you find anything of use I'd love to know - I haven't tried all of these activities & would love to know how they went!

Some of the links are to a scanned picture of an article from a magazine or similar - you can go to these in the same way as usual, just use your browser's back button to get back to the index.  Alternatively right click on the title or the icon and in the pop-up menu select "Save Target As" to save the picture or file to your hard drive.

The five zones

Promise, laws, service activities

Patrol challenges


Crafts & cooking

Outdoor activities

Residential events



Science ideas

For adults

Webrings and other links

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