Welcome to Get the Green, a site devoted to making money using adstream companies. If you want to make some serious money bookmark this page now! Most people do not realize the possibilities of earning a great income using the internet. It really is very simple and straightforward and in no time you could be earning money just for using the internet! Chances are if you are visiting my site you might have heard of an adstream company called alladvantage. Well I'm not here just to sign you up with alladvantage. Alladvantage is a good company, but I will show you other money making opportunities and let you make the decision.
This really sounds to good to be true, why would I get paid to surf the internet? Adstream companies get paid lots of money to display adds using there software. In order to get paid while you surf the internet you must download and install there software which displays an advertisement while you surf. It only takes a few minutes to sign up, download and install the software. The advertisement is no larger than a regular banner add and you can turn it on or off whenever you want. Just remember you only get paid when its on!
Okay, but how much am I getting paid to do this? Most companies will pay you about $.50 per hour. Sure that doesn't sound like alot, but the key is in referring people. Some of the highest earners are making $1000+ dollars a month. This obviously takes alot of time and effort, and in the future it could be you!
The first step in making some big money is to sign up with the following companies. You can sign up for one or all of them its up to you. Just remember the more companies you sign up for the more money you are going to make.

This is a really good site. Cashsurfers pays about $.23 an hour but they have unlimited hours. You could make alot of money even without any referrals. Please use my referral id gta67

This is a good site because you don't half to download any software. Thats right, adds are displayed on a small pop-up window. Right now Clickdough pays about $.20 an hour. Please use my referral id gta67

Mvalue is a fairly new company that looks to rival All advantage. Take a look and please use my referral id gta67

Make Cash on the Net

Spedia pays you a percentage of their advertising income usually around $.48 per hour. With unlimited hours and a recent expansion of their refferal program makes this company look very profitable. Please use my refferal id gta67
Now that you have learned a little bit more about these companies and hopefully signed up for a few, lets look at how you can make big money by reffering people.


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