RJ - "whaa buuu t.." "I don't have lyrics and ss"
Zach - (in the background) "yeah just do it (no parking in the fire lane)"
RJ - "but but see we need"
RJ - "MY lyrics are bad!"

Hey man there's no parking here
this is the fire lane
And im like hey officer you know
I'm just here to pick up my friend man
Its not like im parked
im in the car
the cars running
Im just here to pick up my friend man
And hes like he like you gotta move your car theres no parking its the fire lane
and im like im just waiting for my friend
he'll be hear any minute
but hes like you gotta move your car
and im like yeah what if i don't move the car
and hes like i'll have to take you in
so im like you can take that firelane and shove it up your ass