
It's hard to find on the net lyrics of acid jazz funk songs. So I decided to write down the lyrics I have from my cd booklets and those lost somewhere in the net. Please be patience, probably I will not have the time to add lyrics very often, but I know how important is for many of us to understand what our favourite artists are talking about and I'll do my best to keep this section alive.

If you want to collaborate with transcriptions or whatever, your help will be very appreciated!

Here are the lyrics of the following songs:

Amel Larrieux - Down
D*Note - Solomon's blade
Galliano - Prince of peace
Izit - Change
Brooklyn Funk Essentials - Stickman crossing the Brooklyn bridge
N'dea Davenport - Bring it on
The Brand New Heavies - Midnight at the oasis
Carleen Anderson -Shifting times
Count Basic - Jazz in the house
Les Nubians - Tabou
The James Taylor Quartet - Believe
Towa Tei - Time after time
Two Banks Of Four - Moving
Omar - There's nothing like this
Mondo Grosso - Laughter in the rain
The Quiet Boys - State of mind
The Black Capricorn Site : Jamiroquai's lyrics of all their albums and more !
Everyday : all Incognito's lyrics !
Count Basic Official Site : lyrics of all their albums.
Les Nubians Unofficial Site : lyrics of their first album "Princesses Nubiennes".
The Brand New Heavies - Sometimes : lyrics of the song and Siedah Garret's story about it.
The Brand New Heavies - You are the universe : lyrics of the song at Siedah's site.