Interesting ?
accident.jpg (38133 bytes)

On June 12, 1961 
Jan Grootegoed, his wife and 3 children were killed in a plane crash near Cairo.

Official Censs
in the Netherlands
in the year 1947
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Down here is the place where I put interesting stuff that fits nowhere else. The subjects are relevant to the genealogy research or have to do with the personal interests of any individual member of the family. Keep checking this page because it will change hopefully very often. Also I will place
items suggested by you via the guestbook.  

As you can see, I only just started  to fill this page

Immigration in the USA
Ellis Island immigration records show the arrival of several family members:
Cornelis A Grootegoed  arrived 1923  at the age of 20
Simon Grootegoed         arrived 1893  at the age of 24
William Grootegoed       arrived 1902  at the age of 23

and then there are a few with different spelling, maybe related:
August Grotegut from Germany, arrived 1922, age 18
 Carl      Grotegut                           arrived 1894, age 18
 Arthur Lewis  Groteguth               arrived 1923, age 2
 Marguerite      Groteguth              arrived 1923, age 0
 Nancy Harvey Groteguth              arrived 1923, age 23
 Hulia                Grotigut                  arrived 1924, age 35