Green Liberty

Where Green Goals and Libertarian Principles intersect.

What are the Green Goals?

What are the Libertarian Principles?

How Do They Intersect?

The right destination- and the best path

Many in both the Liberty movement and the Green movement have suggested that it would be better for the two to unite in some way. Most "3rd Party" supporters believe that both groups have many common goals, and many common political "enemies."

However, this "coalition plan" has met with considerable resistance from both sides. Some Greens believe that the "extreme" Libertarian plan would betray some of their "Key Values." Many Libertarians feel that parts of the Green plan would involve the use of an unnecessary and immoral level of government force.

What has been the result of this trend so far?

Greens have, by and large, rejected Libertarianism out of fear that practical application of its principles will endanger the environment and the disadvantaged, while unfairly empowering corporations.
Meanwhile, Libertarians largely regard the Greens as "Democrats on Steroids," or worse, as dangerous socialists.

We at feel that these fears, from both sides, are generally unfounded. We believe that Green Goals can be accomplished while obeying Libertarian Principles. What's more, we think that Libertarian Principles are the best way available to accomplish those Green Goals.

It's time to work together

Our goal is to bridge the gap between two very popular and growing sections of society. It should go without saying that we are stronger united than we are divided. We think that a close examination will find that the two groups actually stand on a lot more common ground than many believe.

Click below on one of five Key Green Values, to see how Libertarian Principles provide the best solutions to each.

Grassroots Democracy
Social Justice and Equal Opportunity
Respect for Diversity

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