Island Life

map of Nevis

As you may have guessed from the above map, my parents do not live in the U.S. In 1994 they moved to the island of Nevis in the Caribbean. Nevis is located just south of the Tropic of Cancer and has a tropical climate with average temperatures of 78 degrees Fahrenheit year round. It is an extremely beautiful island with some of the most incredible beaches and scenery that I have ever seen. While there are not tons of activities, if you want a nice relaxing vacation in a place with a slow moving pace, I would highly recommend you check out this island which is also known as the "Queen of the Caribbean".



Meet the Parents :)

These, as the title says, are my parents. I miss them immensly but I am glad that they are living in a place where there is no snow, much less crime, and more relaxing than when they were here...ok mom, I KNOW that hurricane season isn't so realaxing LOL. Since they have been there my Mother and I have kept the phone company in business and our bank accounts drained. Thank goodness they now have a computer and we can email each other...I know my Dad is real happy about that :)

On 02/21/03 I got an early morning phone call that has changed my life forever. My Father died of a heart attack. It has now been 3 years and I still feel the pain and the tears. I still find myself reaching for the phone to call him when I need advice, I miss his email and the teasing about the snow and cold weather, I miss knowing that the most important man in my life is only a phone call or email away. I never thought it would be this hard. Someday soon, I hope, there will be a separate page here for him. Just not now...

at the beach
Mom outside the place they lived
before their house was finished.
Hanging out at the this is living!!

Mom again
Dad again
An older picture of Mom before they moved
And Dad when he still lived in COLD Ohio.


This is my brother Mike, his wife Sezzy, and my nephew Josh when he was a baby. They also live in Nevis. Mike moved there with my parents and Sezzy is lucky enough to be from there :) Another bad thing about Nevis being so far away is that my nephew, Joshua Charles was born in June 2000 and I have yet to see him!
Josh, Mom, Josh

A more recent picture of Joshua with "Gramma" and Big Josh. Big Josh is a friend of my Mom's who was in Nevis with the Peace Corps. He has since returned to the States and is now attending graduate school in Kentucky. Handsome devil isn't he? ;)

I will also be posting pictures of my sister Tara and her husband Kyle and their 2 little ones soon. I will have to make a separate page for them though since they they live in snowy Denver, Colorado and don't belong on the beach page LOL

The flag of Nevis

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