Toxic Waste II
More Verbal Diarrhea from the ever-changing roster of the
"Razing Arizona" Posse
(scroll down for the fresh stuff)
Want to dig through some old waste?
Cassie: "Wait!  I don't want to get kicked out of _another_ town!"

Bob: "I was born the year Kennedy was shot..."
Matt: "Yeah...Ezekiel Kennedy, the Grave Digger...1832."

Cassie: "Wait...I can't tell if that's sarcasm."  (to Darrin)

Bob: "I'll put him back together with skin glue..."
Posse: "...SKIN GLUE?!"

Bob: "Welcome to the club...ya wanna see mine?"  (collective groan from Posse)

Darrin: "C'mon, Bessie!  The moron is taking the bomb!"

Cassie: "So...did he fix everything and save the building?"
Matt: (chuckles) "No."
Cassie: "What a surprise."

Rick: "Argh!  Argh!  Argh!  I can't feel my legs!  I can't feel my...oh...that's them over there..."

Randy: "He's just gonna use my head as a battery!"
Cassie: "No he's not...he's a priest!"
Jesse: "Well, I never know."
Rick: "Oh please evil master...don't make me destroy this town..."

Town Sheriff: "OK everybody...assholes and elbows...let's move!"
Darrin: "Why is he calling everybody an asshole?"
Rick: "Probably 'cause they're all related to you."

Rick: "Shut up before I introduce your guitar to your asshole."
Bob: "Do not threaten Patricia (the guitar) like that!"
Rick: "I was threatening you...the guitar will probably survive the encounter."

Rick: "Please don't feed the Darrins..."

Matt: "OK, then...two wounds in the OTHER left arm."

Randy: "Oh man...I hope it aquires its offense there, Fran (the target being aquired)."

Matt: "I wanna play a walkin' hindrance factory..."

Darrin: "You mean you got Tanus killed!?"
Bob: "Wanna hear a song about it?"

Jesse: "Just 'cause she's shakin' doesn't mean she can't see..."

Cassie: "Should we check these doors to make sure nothing jumps out behind us?"
Darrin: "Nah...they'll just jump out anyway.  Let's go on."

Darrin: "I thought the blood gets off on the third floor..." (Simpsons reference)

Darrin begins hitting Bob with an inflatable guitar being used as a prop:
Matt: "Why?  What did he do now?"
Darrin: "Oh, nothing...I'm just hitting him."

Matt: "Man, the only thing this screen is actually good for is for hiding all the die rolls I cheat on..."

Bob: "You can't even hit your own head."

Rick: "I suppose this would itch if I wasn't dead already..."

Town Elder:
"We don't have much, but if there's anything that we can give you..."

"Stay stupid...we like you that way."  (to Cassie)

"Unzip your pants so I can see."  (mocking Ortho's overactive space herpes)

"He went into the Heart of Darkness 'cause it was safer..."

(incredulous) "I'm the only one that knows how to drive?"
"Why do you think we walk everywhere."

"Anything for a one-armed, undead Syker." (complying with Ortho)

"Um...what skill is 'picking up broken glass'?"

"I'm glad I fell down the hole (and died) because I'd really be messing this up right now."

"I'm crushing my ghost rock and duct taping it to my chest from now on..."

" we LOOK like smart people?"

"See?  Everyone in the group rolled well."
"Uh...wait...I busted."
"Well, I don't really consider you part of the group yet."

"Thank you (for the help)...he's got supernatural powers - I don't."

"You're not using any of your supernatural powers!  You're not even supernatural!  You're just a FREAK!"

"I always knew you'd die a stupid death."

Randy:  "I wanna be Size 10!"
Darrin:  "Uh...yeah...we'll get right to work on that..."

Rick:  "You are the Saint of Stupidity!"

Rick:  "But we already saw how Witches work..."
Darrin:  "No, we saw Bob play a Witch..."
Rick:  "A-ha...good point..."

Matt:  (mumbling to self) "Let's do we put out fire..."

Bob:  "My head is out!"
Rick:  "Your head has BEEN out."

Matt:  "I didn't even get him up on the website yet..."

CJ:  "Bob and Randy died." (to Cassie, showing up late)
Cassie:  "Sorry." (to Randy)
Cassie:  "Figures." (to Bob)

Rick: "Aw, crap - they're killing all of the kids..."
Cassie:  "That means less money for us, right?"

Matt:  "I don't even get the d6 wind on you..."
Darrin:  "Well, you did 1 damage - that technically does wind..."
Matt:  "But you're Harrowed."
Darrin:  "Just trying to make you feel better."

Rick:  "Well, nothing unless someone wants to give me their arm...why is everyone looking at Bob?  His character isn't even here."

Matt:  "What dark power do you have a deal with in order to get cards like those !?!"

Rick:  "Argh!  I'm useless!  A sniper with one arm!"
Cassie:  "Don't worry - you've always been useless."

Rick:  "Better have another character in mind..."
Bob:  "I'm thinking of a Savage..." (note - this is before he's even finished the character he's currently working on)

Matt:  "O.K. - now that we've discussed how Bob's gonna die next can we move on?"

Matt:  "Out of,, 22...sorry, 23 characters that have died, one third have been Bob's."

Rick:  "Who the hell are you and what do you want?" (to Bob's latest character, approaching the posse)
Bob:  "I'm a mercenary, looking for work."
Darrin:  "How much are you gonna pay us?"

Bob:  "The name is Polk..."
Teresa:  "As in Polka?"

Jesse:  "I never said they died bravely!  Don't put words in my mouth!"
Darrin: "And you realize that stealing a person's water in the desert is an attempt at murder..."

Bob: (in bad Asian accent)"You funny guy...maybe you should be in club."
Darrin: "Yeah, I'll give you a club..."

Matt: "Come on, Bob...smack me like you..."

Jesse: "So did Randy get to see the dead guy...oops...bad guy...oops...I mean, wounded chinese woman yet?"

Matt: "Oh, it's my turn...sorry...she (Liz) was doing such a good job killing Bob accidently I thought she was one of mine..."

Rick: "Hmm...the guy with no name is working on the chick with no name..."

Matt: "Everyone gets a white chip for not killing Bob this week."
Cassie: "We should get a chip for not killing him every week."

Rick: "How can I have my army of dead Bob's when they keep losing their heads?"

CJ: "Waitaminute...what was that about an alligator?"
Group: "ELEVATOR!"

Matt: (musing) "Now how am I gonna introduce Bob to the group THIS time?"

Jesse: (musing) "Hmm...that must have been an off week that Bob didn't die..."

Jesse:  "You can't fall down here - you'd have to be a moron!"
Darrin:  "Better be careful there, Otto."

Bob:  "I'm becoming prone with the ground!"

Randy:  "I'll do what I always do in an ambush..."
Posse: (sighs) "...nuke."

Bob:  "You kidnapping women men, you!"

Randy:  "I don't like's just not subtle enough...nuke is much better."

Jesse:  "Don't think of it as dying quickly - think of it as dying SPECTACULARLY!"

Matt:  "Spank me, whatever..."

Bob:  "I will check out the bathroom!" (heroically)
Darrin:  "My hero."

Matt:  "What do you think the "to hit" mod would be to shoot Bob in the butt?"

Darrin:  "Alright - who's going to spring the trap?"  (Bob raises his hand)

Matt:  "Everyone make a fear check."
Bob:  (grumbling after seeing his roll)  " many dice do I roll."

Bob:  "I seem to lose a character every month."
Posse:  "MONTH !?!"

Rick:  "I take it you're female, yes?"  (regarding Bob's new character)

Rick:  "Don't _make_ me mountain climb you, man..." (to C.J., impeding his progress to the beer fridge)
Bob:  "Mount C.J.!"

Jess:  "D'ya have a big box?" (to Bob's "Hooker with a Heart of Gold")
Bob:  "Ooooh....darlin'...."

Matt:  "The guards are being pushed back..."
Rick:  "So they're not a threat...?"
Matt:  "Right."
Rick:  "O.K....Chainbraining the guards."
Bob:  "Uh-oh...Rick is kicking the Wall of Reason."

Randy:  "Ha!  We got it right!"
Rick:  "Yeah, but I said it was Famine."
Randy:  "No, I said it was Famine...what you said was..."
Rick:  "What I said was it was either the Jim Jones Kool-Aid Bunch OR Famine!"
Randy:  "But I said it WAS Famine.  Who cares - I say we can take this bitch..."

Matt:  "Hah!  I finally took you down!"  (to Cassie)
Cassie:  "Yeah - and it only took you a Horseman to do it."

Cassie: "He needs a left arm."
Rick:  "Maybe if you go visit the wizard he'll give you a brain."

Cassie:  "Don't worry, your god will save you." (to C.J.)
Matt:  "Nah.  This god is stronger than that god."

Chuck:  "Ooh baby!  You're so hot!  Ooh baby!  You're so hot!" (throwing himself into a campfire)

Matt:  "Maybe you should work on the dwarf."
C.J.:  "He hasn't asked me yet."
Posse:  "He's UNCONCIOUS!"

Jess:  "What the hell would make them clear out of this pristine little town?"
Chuck:  "Card show."

Bob:  "Here, my matress..." (to Clem...small mutant shivers in fear)

Chuck:  "Was it a sweeper, a sleeper, or a one armed creeper?"

Rick:  "It's his birthday...I can't spank Bob - he'd like it too much."
Jess:  "That's why I won't let you shave my'll miss." (to Rick)

Jess:  "Put the booty in the wagon..."
Bob:  "C'mon over to my "Booty Wagon"...I'll make it shake for you."

Matt:  "It seems as if somewhere in town you picked up a tail..."
Bob:  "Their tail can't be as nice as mine...<BONK>" (sound of an empty 2-liter soda bottle being bounced off Bob's head)

Matt:  "He'll give you a power hook-up."
Bob:  "Good.  I won't have to use my candles...for lighting..." (playing a sexual devian...I mean... "Hooker with a Heart of Gold")

CJ:  "Well, it doesn't matter as long as I spread, uh....Word of Allah." (playing a Muslim Blessed)

Jess:  "5...4...3...2...1...(pause)...Bob?...Bob?" (waiting for an anticipated sex comment from Bob)

NPC:  "What are ya doin' with that there museum piece?" (referring to one of the Kid's gatling pistols)
Jess:  (shrugs)"Shootin' people with 'em."

NPC:  "Just 'cause I don't wanna screw anymore don't mean I'm a deader!"

Jess:  "Give me a number so I can laugh at you." (during haggling over the trade value of ammo)

Jess:  "Hey!  You won't let me see yours?  But, I showed you mine!"
NPC:  "But y''re the customer...HAH!"

Rick:  "I ain't having no candy cane sticking outta my stump." (turning down the "Christmas Elf" Junker's offer of assistance)

Rick:  "Yeah, it's gonna cost me 1,000 in trade..."
Cassie:  "That's an awful lot for a stump."

Matt:  "Well, there's a few side effects...but,'s only Rick."

Cassie:  "I just want sugar and bullets.  Can I get sugarcane?"
Matt:  "Wrong part of the country for that."
CJ:  "There's always Cuba."
Matt:  "There's a little matter of water between here and there..."
CJ:  "Are you kiddin'?  Many a Cuban has swum from Cuba to Texas!"
Matt:  "Many a Cuban has been devoured by sea behemouths since the war I imagine."

Randy:  "Oppenheimer, Einstein, shut up and eat it." (Doomsayer Blessing at a meal)

Matt:  "Curiouser and curiouser said Alice...time for the mutant fire ants..."

Rick:  "The predators attack in the dark, so everyone stay in the light."
Chuck:  "That's why we haven't heard of any reports of ninjas disappearing."

Matt:  "Before combat started, the party degenerated into a mad dash for batteries..."

NPC:  "I need to have a babysitter for my strike force."

NPC:  "No.  THERE wolf...there Space Port."

Jess  "One..Two...Three.  How many Sykers does it take to kill a Doompriest?  The world may never know."

Matt:  " fire two shots at the moon."
Chuck:  "Did I hit it?"

Matt:  "You know there's something attached to your leg, right?" (to Rick)
Chuck:  "And it's NOT the dwarf!"

CJ:  "You're thinking too long..."
Cassie:  "No!  I just can't decide what gun to use!  I have so many!"

Bob:  "Don't you have armor?"
Rick:  "No!  I don't need it - I've lived longer than your last fourteen characters without it!"

Rick:  "Do you have any idea what I had to pay in trade for this arm?  I don't even want to think of what a leg will cost..."
Cassie:  "Yeah, 'casue the problem with legs is you need them to move."
Rick:  "THANK YOU COPERNICUS!" (followed shortly thereafter by...)
Rick:  "Whee! I got a white chip for making the Marshal breathe rice!"

Bob:  "What would Neitsche say, Otto?"
Cassie:  "Neitsche would say 'Bless the goddamn sword'!"
Newest Waste Starts Here - 9/18
Randy:  "As long as you keep the dwarf alive you'll have a never-ending supply of armor with Santa faces on it."

Matt:  "You hear the wind through the broken windows..."
Chuck:  "Are the windows broken?"
Matt:  "Ooh, he's a sharp one..."

Liz:  "Should I make a drivin' roll?"
Rick:  (singing) "Keep rollin', rollin', rollin'..."
Rick, Matt and CJ:  (singing) "Keep crashin, crashin' crashin'"

Bob:  "Um, old rule or new rule?"
Matt:  "Ah, scew it.  Old rule."
Posse:  "YEAH!"

Matt:  "I'm imposing a 10 second think rule on actions..."
Cassie:  "Oh God, I'm SCREWED!"

Matt:  "Any dice that fall on the floor when you roll are an automatic bust."
Cassie:  "WHAT!?!"
Matt:  "Kidding."

Bob:  "Well, it's time for me to use my special powers.."
Rick:  "What are you going to do?  Hump one of them to death?"

Rick:  "You howl at the friggin' thing three times a day!  Can't you have it make me a stupid, friggin' light!?"

Matt:  "They miss you again."
Chuck:  "That's because they don't have the Spirit of Christmas in them."
Randy:  "Maybe that's why they want to eat him - to get some."

Jesse:  "I'm going to stand back to back with him and yell 'SHOOT, DAMMIT!' and then shoot myself."
CJ:  "You're going to shoot yourself?"
Jesse:  "Ah!  No!  Rephrase!"

Cassie:  "Is throwing a bike balanced or unbalanced?"
Matt:  "Definitely unbalanced."
Cassie:  "DAMN!"

CJ:  "Is the door open?  I feel a draft."
Chuck:  "It's the icy hand of death..."

Matt:  "Make a Spirit roll."
Rick:  "Hey-how-are-ya, Hey-how-are-ya" (Indian Chant)

CJ:  "How does she keep doing that?  She always goes ahead of you!"
Cassie:  "But she's not's all about ME!"

Matt:  "It was attacking her but it busted."
Cassie:  "Damn - I thought that was the one on me."

Matt:  "It's taken me a year and a half, but I finally knocked Otto out in combat!  And i didn't cheat!  It was legal!  LEGAL!"

Cassie:  "Well, I'm impressed.  It took him 1,000 bat thingies to take me out, but I'm still impressed."

Cassie:  "That's it.  I'm staying away from flying things.  That's what took me out here, and moths did it to me before."
CJ:  "But that's because you sniffed the moths..."
Cassie:  "But it was still flying things that took me out."

Matt:  "He hit with a three round burst."
Cassie:  "Hah.  I can do better than that." (out cold at the time)

Randy: "I used Altered States on the hooker."
Cassie:  "You missed the guy with the blessed sword!"
Randy:  "Well, it might have made him smarter."

Matt:  "You see a camera and it's looking right at you."
Chuck:  "I give it the old Dwarven Lick."
Matt:  "Um...right...the little red light on it goes out."
Chuck:  "Bet your ass it does."
Randy:  "Hey, keep it.  That's gotta be at least 3 electrical components."
Chuck:  "Oooh yeah, baby.  Yes it is!"

Rick: (singing)"Picture yourself on a boat on a river...STYX!"

Rick:  I roll a 7!  I'm HUGE!
Cassie: "Haw!  I beat that and I didn't have to throw a chip!"

Chuck:  "You're going to beat him to death with the Syker's leg..."

Randy:  "Well, I yelled that we had to go, but unfortunately I needed a sacrificial lamb and..."
Bob:  "Baaaaaa!"

Matt:  "Move woman, move!
Bob:  "Where have you been you bastard!  I should come up there and scratch you..."
Rick:  "...on the ass."

Bob:  "Well now let's see...I take five to the guts...and I already had four wounds there.  Boy am I dead!"

Chuck:  "So the hooker's breast implants...I'm thinking chemical components.  How many each?"
Jesse:  "I got dibs on her wagon."

Cassie:  "That's why you took me out - because it was the longest combat of all time!"
Matt:  "Um...yeah, that's it."

Jesse:  "Did you hear your sister?  She's calling dibs before she even knows what's going on."

Bob:  "Look everyone...Ortho is eating a prostitute."

Matt:  "The bike will definitely not fit down the hole."
Cassie:  "Why don't you hobble it?"
Liz:  "Shut up!"

Rick:  "Have you ever smelled a dead man's fart?"
Chuck:  "Nope.  Can't say that I have."
Rick:  "It's like the Gates of Hell, man..."

Liz:  "So, I wouldn't have time to reassemble my bike?" (to big-ass security robot)
Matt:  (making servo sounds as the robot shakes its head "no".)
Liz:  "Crap."

Chuck:  "So is this old tech he's updated, or is this Junker tech he's built?"
Matt:  "Yes."

NPC:  "What were the monsters doing at the Bio-Dome?"
Chuck:  "Road trip."

Matt:  "The man at the control panel goes into spasms as the equipment around him sparks..."
Chuck:  "I'll fix it!"

Matt:  "Any more 9's?"
Chuck:  "Holding."
Rick:  "Yeah, onto my leg, you bastard!"

Matt: (counting "still up" members of the posse) "People...people...not a people..."
CJ:  "I'm still bleeding, thank you!"
Rick:  "You're not a people, you're a bleeple!"
CJ:  "But I'm not dead yet!"
Rick:  (makes gun with fingers and aims at CJ) "POP!"

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