April and March

4 – 20 – 05

Fine, I’ll be as unoriginal as everyone else

1. What is the most recent song that you listened to?
Iron Man - Ozzy
2. What's the oddest thing in your dorm/room/apartment right now?
Vince….. LOL. Ummm Maybe my sandles
3. What was your most recent purchase, of anything...?
I think a bunch of coffee and Amp the other night

Ok so I haven’t updated forever. A ton has been going on. Last Friday was the calling for the wake. We had a bunch of the inflatables out on the quad. That was a blast. Friday night was the zoo over at fisher. We had quit hours cause of the MCATs. So the entire fucking campus was over at fisher. We had a fucking blast over there. We ran into Bob and hung out with him for a while. Played “soft toss”. When we left fisher at parietals time we were walking past Dillon and Will had the idea of crawling inside one of the orange construction things. It was pretty freaking hilarious. We eventually stood the thing up with him in it. Again – hilarious! Ummm then we went and got pizza. Then…. Halo? Um don’t really remember. Anyway in conclusion Friday = Awesmoe.
Saturday I worked all day on a paper for American Politics. I wasn’t gonna go to the wake itself. I let myself get talked into going by Maus. That was a good move. I hung out in Maus’s before the dance. He and Andy were going as the Blue’s Brothers. Their costumes were pretty fucking good. The wake itself was freaking sweet. As a dance it was just awesome. And on top of the that the ceremony was fucking nuts.
Sunday I had voluntary. Studied a lot for calc. Ummm went to HA. Various other things I don’t remember.
Monday morning was the PRT. I fucking beasted it. For those of you who are not Navy. Which I think is everyone who reads this, (Dezzie and Kate) we have to take a physical test every semester to prove were in some semblance of shape. Because I’m out of shape I failed last semester. I beasted it this time. I maxed out the curl ups. Fucking A. I got a “excellent low” score overall. I rule.
Monday sucked. I had a prospect. He was a cool guy. I think he had a good time. But I had the calc test Tuesday morning. I was not ready for it at all. And I still had to finish my paper. I was up to abut 4:30 before I passed out on the floor. Now I know most college students do that normaly but remember I had been up since 0600.
Tuesday I turned in my paper and took my test. I did shitty. I got a C+ which was actually better than I expected but eh. The prof today told us the final is going to suck. When a prof coems right out and says that you know you’re screwed. Most profs will sugar coat shit. “oh if you’ve kept up all year and done the homework you should be fine.” No our prof flat out says, “the final will rape you” oh well. Tuesday afternoon Megan’s team was driving back from Ohio. They stopped in South Bend for lunch. I went up and met her at the subway they stopped at. That was a nice surprise. We didn’t get to see each other much. They had a tight schedule to keep. Oh well, at least I did get to see her.
Umm rest of Tuesday and today? Umm class. Some work. Halo. Being a bum. Room picks are tonight. Looks like me, chris, john strong and Christian are going to get a quad. And I’m going to dinner then HA. We have a show Tuesday, last show of the year. Carey auditorium, 7pm I think.
New pictures are up. I really have a problem with not closing my eyes.

4 – 13- 05

It’s been a long week so far. It’s only Wednesday night. I’ve been a total bum so far tonight. I lost the damn engineering report I’m spossed to grade. Oh well. Jack would have found a way to take off points anyway. I really don’t like my engineering TA. I can’t really point out anything in particular. He is really picky with his grading it seems to me. But something about him just rubs me wrong. Oh well not worth worrying about.
I’m so glad the Pass in Review is over. Three days in a row of being up at 0545 was looooong. It really drained me. I still have to finish up that Poly Sci paper. I’m so bad at papers. All you arts and letters people are probably laughing at me. I could handle pages of surface integrals. I could do physics problems or explain the polymerase chain reaction, but you ask me to write a paper and I’m sunk. Part of it’s probably mental. Guess it’s a good think I’m not a English major. I also have a calc test Tuesday that kinda get the material for. then finals are right around the corner and so is the end of the year. Crazy, I’ve said it before but its crazy how time flys… flies? Definitely good thing I’m not an English major. People tell you how different college is. How much of a impact it makes on your life, makes you realize what you value, who you value, etc etc. they tell you, I even said, “oh I’m sure they’re right.” But still, you can’t really understand or appreciate it till you’re here. Till you don’t here from the people who were you’re best friends for weeks on ends. People…. Speaking of people who matter MEGAN IS ON THE PHONE!!!.....

4/11/05 –

So I’m sitting here in engineering class. The prof doesn’t really know what he’s talking about. He can’t explain to us what he means. I don’t know why I come to these classes sometimes.
It’s wake week here in Alumni. Tonight I think is roller disco night. Probably gonna skip that. We also have the pass in review this week. That means I have to be over at Loftus at 0600 Tuesday and Wednesday morning to walk in circles. Joy! They accepted my summer school thing thank god. So I’ll be taking Philo 101 at k-wood this summer. I’m hoping that basically have to show up and breath to pass.
Went and saw Sin City this weekend. That was pretty freaking sweet. Tons of gratuitous shots to the nuts. There were these annoying ass kids sitting behind us. They kept talking, making stupid jokes, quoting the chapelle show. They sounded like they were big black guys. Finally Maus turned around and told them to shut up. They were fat middle school kids. Damn punk kids.
Not tons else going on…. Ummmm. We got our room pick numbers last night. We got shitty numbers. I was like 82 out of 91. Chris had the best number, 52. Whooopdie shit.
I think class is over soon. And I’m out

4/7/05 -

I’m sitting in Poly Sci right now. The prof is gone or something. the TA’s are teaching and I’m definitely not paying attention. It’s been a fairly long week. We have our cruise inspection this afternoon. I still need to work on my sleeve rolls some. I’d like to get another coat of polish on my boots. I’m be glad when this is over. I think I might actually get a weekend to rest. I really need to start on this poly sci paper. No tests next week so this might be the time to get on it. I think I’m gonna go down to the catholic worker house Saturday for a while. Not sure what all else is gonna happen this weekend. I’m hungry to damnit. I think as long as I don’t get asked about general orders I’ll probably be ok for the inspection. We have what? 4 weeks left? 3 and tests I guess.
Megan leaves for nationals today I think. She’ll do great. Megan Lowe and Paul are heading to Mock Trial nationals today as well. Best of luck to all you guys.
And I’m spent


So here I find myself again. It’s been a fairly busy little week. I just got back from dropping 5 bucks on poker. Everyone else seems to off somewhere. I’ m not sure how the tests went. My essays were really short for poly sci but I didn’t know what else I could say. Chem was harder than expected but the prof said the 8:30 class said the same so hopefully a little curvage. I didn’t have tons to do for NLW. Gave a tour, helped with some of the check in stuff.
I fucked up my neck yesterday afternoon. After we were out of class me, will, ron and vince were throwing around a Frisbee. Lyons had set up the inflatable jumping things. We messed around with that for a while. I got the bright idea to try a back flip. Anyone who knows me will know that I’ll do about anything like that once. So I landed on my neck and it made sounds that necks shouldn’t make. I was tingly and sore. Still am sore. I went to Dezzie’s Latin Expression thing. The dances and stuff were worth it. Some of the costumes were very nice. That culture has some cool outfits I guess. I didn’t really like the MCs. I don’t like it when minorities can be racist and it’s ok because …. they’re minorities. Just kinda hung around for the rest of the night.
Me and Ron went the 5k run this morning. Ran into Bruce and C&C there. I got 24:50. I was end/middle of the pack. I figure for me that’s not bad. It was fun. Me and Ron then went to lunch and headed over to the DPAC to see Lawrence of Arabia. That was cool to see on the big screen.
Got physics Tuesday. I probably should have started studying for that before… now. Oh well. It would be nice if I could get this poly sci paper off my back. Starting would probably help. Got to talk to Megan this afternoon. This is going to be loooooooong couple of weeks till I get to see her again.
I’m usually kinda careful about what I put in here. I figure I don’t know who’s reading. That probably makes for a boring read. Its not that I don’t want people to know personal stuff. I’ll tell people pretty much anything they ask but I’m not going to pour my heart out to god knows who. So I apologize for the blog being not much more than a list of what I do every 3 days.

I wish I could figure out how to do comments effectivly....


Sorry Kate, no update today.


I don’t have time to do this. So of course this is exactly what I’m doing. It was gorgeous today. I ate lunch outside while doing my reading for navy sci. Unfortunately I didn’t get to run. Imagine me saying that, I know the world has gone crazy. No time unfortunately. Had color guard for the baseball game so that effectively ate up my afternoon. I was starving afterwards so I ran to reckers and grabbed a sandwich. Since then I’ve been taking care of odds and ends. I got my taxes finished off and mailed out so that’s off my back. Hopefully the IRS won’t come after me this year like they did last when I didn’t file to claim my $1.29 refund. (Yes I’m serious; the IRS probably spent several hundred dollars to come after me to give me my 1.29 back.)
Easter break was fine. I didn’t really get anything done school work wise. Oh well, it’s break after all. I got to see Megan, the main reason I really care to go back, so mission accomplished there. I went to a new Japanese restaurant with Megan, Erin, Kara, Katy and her family. That was pretty cool. I’d never been to one of the places where they cook at your table and do cool tricks with the food and fire and crap. Food was good to. Saturday night went down to IC. We stopped by Peter and Lee’s apartment first. It was somebody’s birthday, that’s why we went but honestly I don’t even remember who’s birthday it was. Megan and Katy were excited to see sarah and katy foltz etc. I talked with Peter for a while, Derek showed up as we were leaving. We got some ice cream and mazed our way to Nick’s afterwards. Got a funny video of Jacob from that. The night on the whole was so-so.
Easter itself wasn’t to exciting. Went to church, had lunch, drove Megan back to school. Ran some errands Monday and came back here. Naval Leadership Weekend is this weekend. Along with that I have a poly sci and chem. test. Neither of which I’m ready for right now. I’m going to the Latin expression thing Friday to see Dezzie and Saturday I said I’d help out with the special Olympics casino night. So busy week for Dan and yet he still wastes time on this and refers to himself in the third person.


Not much going on. I’m headed home tonight at like 7 from South Bend Airport. I think I get into CR around 9. I was just home for spring break and now I’m back again. Get to see Megan again, that’ll be the highlight of the trip home I’m sure. It’s been kinda hard to get back into school with going home so often. We only have like 5 weeks left I think. It’s so hard to believe I’m almost done with one year of college. I guess it seems like forever since I’ve been in high school but still. I dunno it’s just weird. College used to be this far away mysterious thing that supposedly I was preparing for. Now it’s here, happening and passing me by. I dunno, before I know it I’m gonna be saying, “I can’t believe I’m graduating.” Eh guess there’s nothing you can do. Just enjoy the time you have.
I forgot to do my physics lab quiz again. That’s such a pain. That’s like the 3rd one I’ve missed now damnit. Physics lab is such a waste. The guy running it seems to think he’s teaching middle shcoolers. I feel kinda bad because he obviously thinks he’s showing us the coolest things in the world. But come on, we get acceleration and velocity. Yes we understand that if you push a heavy thing as hard as a light thing, the heavy thing will move slower. Seriously.
Buying Mortal Kombat may be the both stupidest and most brilliant thing I’ve ever done. Between me, Vince, Matt, Will, Ron, and Josh the thing was played for 7 straight hours yesterday. If I fail all my last tests it will be because I’m trying to unlock Sub-Zero’s alternate costume.

3/20/05 -

I should be doing homework, but really I always should be doing homework so this little bit of not homework isn’t going to hurt me that much. St. Paddy’s was fun. I am told I was incredibly funny. I really couldn’t tell you. Jacob has a good account of the night in his blog.
I really don’t believe I got up for chem. Friday morning. But I continue to amaze myself. After Alex and Jacob took off Friday morning I cleaned up the room and took a nap. We headed off for the Alumni Hall retreat around 3:30ish that afternoon. That was a lot of fun. We had some good talks from guys around the hall. Nothing too deep or anything but good still. We watched a lot of the NCAA tournament and played poker and threw around Frisbee’s and footballs down by lake Michigan. I did well in poker which always makes me happy. I slept really well to which was awesome. I woke up at around 7 Saturday morning to find that I was like the 3rd person up. I can’t believe how people sleep. I wake up at like 8 no matter what I try just because I’m so used to it. I think that means I’m a bad college student, I get tired at around 1 and am up by 8 everyday. I’m supposed to be up all hours of the night writing papers and doing last minutes assignments. Alas such is the life I lead with 8 am classes.
Anyway, when I looked at the about 12 guys sleeping on the floor in sleeping bags it totally felt like 6th grade. We should have all been up drinking mountain dew, playing Mario kart 64 and Golden Eye, and making prank calls to girls. Ah good times. Anyway after I was up me, T-Mack, Chris, Floyd, and Adam I think went down to swim in lake Michigan. It was around 40 degrees air temperature. Water temp couldn’t have been much more that 35. That fucking ruled. Later Saturday we had more talks, more football and basketball. We got back to ND around 4ish. I took care of odds and ends here. Got some supper and talked to Megan. Chris and Carol came by and we went to the Stroke 9 concert at legends. That was cool. I liked the band though as Carol pointed out, they were kind of old. Josh tells me they’ve been around for a while so I guess that makes sense. We left the concert early and I just came back and went to bed because I was tired for some reason.
This morning I worked on homework and went to PT. I learned of the wall squat, I don’t like the wall squat. I’m not sure whose idea it was but someone decided we were going to grill out for supper. After about an hour of messing with charcoal, fire, gas, matches, lighters and lighter fluid Josh and I gave up on grilling and got dinner. Apparently Big Mike was able to get the grill going after we left. After supper I’m back here doing homework etc.
In conclusion: St. Paddy’s = Awesome, Alumni Retreat = Awesome, Stroke 9 concert = Good, Wall Squats = Bad, Physics = Bad, Candle Light mass tonight = hopefully good.
Happy Birthday to one of my best friends ever. Hope you’re having a great day Nick.


– It’s St. Patrick’s Day!!!! Yeah so this is going to be awesome. Altman and Johnson are supposed to get here around 8ish they’re thinking now. It’s going to be a fun night. I have drill in like an hour and need to finish up my math and chem. homework.
The last couple days have been a bitch because I’ve been trying to get ahead on work so I have little to do tonight/ this weekend. Calc didn’t screw me as bad as I thought it would. I’m ready to kill my chem. prof for the fricken insane homework she assigned this week. Okay I could have been working on it all week over break but come on, who’s going to do that?
The telemarketers have started calling again. It’s the same company or whatever that must be based out of Jamaica. It’s the same, crap so instead of just hanging up etc. I thought I’d have some fun this time.
MS. CLEO: Hello is Justice there?
ME: This is him.
MS. CLEO: Hello Daniel, I’m calling to let you know? about our offer blah blah blah, credit card, blah blah blah, verify information etc etc etc….. Just to confirm, you’re name is Daniel Justice correct?
ME: No, that’s actually a mistake, my name is Frank Zappa.
MS. CLEO. (pause) Ok Frank F-R-A-N-K Z-A-P-P-A?
“FRANK”: That’s right.
MS. CLEO: and you’re living in 138 Alumni hall?
FRANK: Correct
MS. CLEO: Is this a dorm?
FRANK: Yes it is.
MS. CLEO: Is this you’re permanent address?
MS. CLEO: And how long have you been living there Frank?
FRANK: About 16-17 years now.
This went on for a while. I told her I was born in 1922, she needed the name of a legal guardian, I told her my mother’s name was “Bob”, she needed to know if my legal guardian lived with me, I told her yes that “Bob” had lived with me in the dorm room for the past 16 years, my main source of income was gambling and returning pop cans. Ms Cleo dutifully took all this information down until it came time for her to ask for my social security number. I told her completely straight that my SSN was 123-45-6789. She paused again and asked me to repeat it a couple of times. She then said she was going to transfer me to her manager. I talked to him for a while, he asked me if I was sure of the number, I told him I was reading it off my social security card. I asked him if this meant I wasn’t getting a credit card and started to go off about how I needed the money so badly because I had racked up so much debt and had filed bankruptcy etc etc. Ms. Cleo’s manager eventually sent me to his manager Mark, who actually spoke English. By this point, I was bored and had work to do. So I told Mark, “Look is it that hard to figure out I’m a college student who’s bored and lying off his ass?” Mark assured me that he had known that all along and would remove me from the calling list. He then said, “Sorry to bother you Mr. Zappa.” HILARIOUS. Other funny thing is that Mark was as dirty liar, they didn’t take me off the list. I got the same call yesterday. I told them I was Mick Jagger this time. They hung up on me on the first round of my SSN being 123...

3/9/05 -

Greetings once again to my faithful blog readers. (Sound of crickets chirping in the background, tumbleweed rolls by, coyotes howl in the distance) I have again returned to fill the dull humdrum of your lives with my meaningless and pointless rambling. Begin rambling now. Break has gone well so far. It’s once again freezing outside, further proof God is taunting me. (I’m told its raining on Florida however, so at least that’s something). I spent all this morning/afternoon cleaning out my grandmother’s garage. That was thrilling. That women had angels than there are in heaven. Also apparently goodwill won’t take her 4 extra Christmas trees. Oh well, we got most everything done and I got a coffee pot out of the deal as well as an easel my grandpa made my grandma which is sentimental really valuable.
Went and saw grandma last night as she’s moved into her new assisted living facility. We are calling it the “apartment” because grandma has taken to that better “nursing home” or something. She has a really nice place there. Everything is new and nice. She’s not happy about moving. I guess it will probably take time for her to get used to it.
Went to dinner with my cousin Caitlin tonight. It’s always nice to see family. My uncle Mick got my tax return done for me. That was nice because that would have been a pain to take care of my self.
The news just told me there might be snow tonight. Wonderful. Maybe South Bend isn’t so bad.


Today is what? The 5th? 6th? I really have no clue nor do I have any desire to find out. It Monday, I’m sure of that much. I’m on break once again and back in good ole Iowa, woot woot. It was 68 here yesterday, how freaking sweet is that. But guess what? Today its 30. God is teasing me. He was like, “this is what everyone else gets for break, and this is what you get!”
The president’s speech was interesting. Well orchestrated would be how I would describe it. It looked real smooth. He had a panel of “experts” up with him. One guy was actually a PHD in economics or something. The other people were good ole Midwestern conservative Middle Americans who told us all why Bush’s plan would help them. There was a single mom, an elderly couple, a small business owner. Very well done. Bush spoke well to. Everything I’ve seen him do recently has been good. The practice of being president has been good for his public speaking. No more “misunderestimations”. Don’t get me wrong because I sound critical. I support Bush’s plan, frankly I think it’s only a beginning to what should be done, but I’m just skeptical of performances like what I saw.
What else has happened since I last wrote? Most of my tests and stuff went ok. I think I should get midterm grades here in a day or two.
So I got back around midnightish Friday/Saturday. Went up to UNI to pick up Megan Saturday morning. Jay was up there for a swim meet, we ate lunch with him. After he took off Megan showed me where she works and a little around campus. I was really pretty impressed, the WRC up there is a damn nice facility, it beats the hell out of the rock or ROLFS (Which is saying a lot). We were going to come back to CR to see Xavier’s show choir perform but …… well we got lost. We ended up almost to Dubuque. I blame Megan. She lives there, she should have known enough to tell me I wasn’t paying attention and missed my turn. Gosh. So we got back to CR late and also stopped by her aunt’s to visit and then ate supper at home and my family was over for some reason so we stayed and visited here as well.
Sunday we went and saw “Constantine” with Katy and her friend Cara. Horrible movie. I guess I should have known that though, Nick recommended it. We got some lunch and then I had to take Megan back to UNI. Came back to CR, ran some errands and picked up a new PS2 to replace the busted one. And now I’ve spent entirely too much time playing X-men.

3/1/05 -

This weather sucks. Isn’t spring supposed to be coming? I thought that was how things worked. Winter is shitty and cold and snowy and then it’s supposed to get nice again. I guess that just shows what I know.
So what’s new? Umm Sunday what happened Sunday? I don’t know. HA was canceled. Worked out. Probably studied or pretended to. Afterwards were the hall president and senator debates. Those were amusing. Unfortunately Chris didn’t win the election but he put up a good fight and I know he would have done a good job.
Monday was fairly typical. Class and what not. Ummm. I did the parent’s night out thing again. Baby sitting grad student’s kids. They were better behaved this time. I watched Mulan with some of the kids for a while. I didn’t realize how crappy Disney got. I grew up in the silver age with Aladdin and the lion king. Kick ass stuff. Now they have shit like Mulan and Pocahontas 3. seriously. There was this one little girl who’s going to make an excellent teenager. She was getting mad because she didn’t think she was getting long enough turns ridding the “horsy” (me). So she lay down in the middle of the floor and starting moaning stuff like, “fine ignore me, no one ever pays attention to me anyway. I’m all alone. It is my lot in this sad life to be alone and tortured.” Yeah…. Major little drama queen.
Took a physics midterm this morning. Think that went ok. Been studying some for Navy Sci. after that I just need to finish my EG project and then I check out of here. Then it’s the break. I think I lined up tickets to see the president’s speech Friday. That will be cool. Then I get to lie around for a week. In cold frozen snowy Iowa……

Ps. I get to see MEGAN!
