Social security number use

You also can reach us on the Internet. social security number use Missing animals. Type http://www. ssa. gov to access Social Security information. social security number use Quotes-on-missing-you. The Social Security NumberThe benefits you'll receive from Social Security will be calculated on the earnings and otherinformation recorded under your Social Security number. So it's important that you always use the proper number. Also, you should make sure the name you use at work is the same as the name shown on your Social Security card. social security number use Find-person-by-social-security-number. If you ever change your name, you should change the name on your Social Security card, too. Social Security does not charge for this service. Even young children have Social Security numbers because parents must show the number on their tax return to claim them as dependents. Paying Social Security TaxesIf you work for someone else, your employer withholds Social Security and Medicare taxes fromyour paycheck, matches that amount, sends those taxes to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and reports your earnings to Social Security. If you're self-employed, you pay your own Social Security taxes when you file your tax return, and IRS reports your earnings to Social Security. You pay a rate equal to the combined employee/employer share, but there are special deductions you can take that offset your tax rate. Earning Social Security "Credits"As you work and pay taxes, you earn credits that count toward eligibility for future SocialSecurity benefits. You can earn a maximum of four credits each year. Most people need 40 credits (10 years of work) to qualify for benefits. Younger people need fewer credits to qualify for disability or survivors benefits. Figuring Social Security BenefitsYour Social Security benefit is a percentage of your earnings averaged over most of yourworking lifetime. Social Security was never intended to be your only source of income when you retire or become disabled, or your family's only income if you die. It is intended to supplement other income you have through pension plans, savings, investments, etc. Low income workers receive a higher rate of return than those in the upper income brackets, but a worker with average earnings can expect a retirement benefit that represents about 42 percent of his or her average lifetime earnings.

Social security number use

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