Alois Brunner Short History Page

    Alois Brunner was born 1912 in Austria.  Joined The Austrian Nazi Party in 1931 at the age of 19.  He became Adolf Eichmann’s personal secretary.  When WW2 started he sent 47,000 Austrian Jews to concentration camps.  After transferring to Greece he deported 43,000 Jews in TWO months.

    June 1943 he was sent to France to take over the Drancy transit camp.  During his 14 month stay he sent an estimated 25,000 people to death. 

    After WW2 Alois Brunner found employment by Reinhard Gehlen and the CIA.  Later Alois Brunner escaping to Syria where he became a government advisor.  He is believed to live in Damascus under the alias Georg Fischer.  There are unconfirmed reports that he died in 1996 and was buried in a   Damascus cemetery.



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