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everything nowadays about politics is pissing me off. with george "fuck me in my dumb ass" bush in the office, he makes bill clinton look like the pope. at least you could relate to clinton; he had problems that everyday people face. his life was a constant sitcom. all these wacky situations, with a national audience, but everythign always turned out alright in the end. bush just looks straight crazy, you can see it in his damn eyes. he looks liek someone who would slit his mom's throat if she cooked him a shitty dinner.

i would like to announce that i nominate david regalsperger for president.


david is the thug party's nomination for a candidate (the thug party is a third-party organization) to oppose the president. the thug party takes a firm stance on issues such as legalization of drugs ("spark anuhda blunt"), police brutality ("fuck da popo"), women's rights ("all dirty hoes suck dick"), gun control ("weak ass pistol charges"), and other controversial subjects ("mayn dats bullshit").

his running mate is long-time thug scott king. scott has been thuggin since 9th grade, and is well qualified to represent his shit. we probably will never have a black president; this is as close as we're going to get.

if you are hard, then you will vote Regalsperger and King for '04.