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The Gunfighter's
   The Gunslinger's or Gunfighter's  as we call them today were men such as John Wesley Hardin, Billy The Kid, John"Doc."Holliday,Wild Bill Longley, Clay Allison and Ben Thompson to name a few. These men were both daring and deadly. Most of the gunfighter's were from the South who had fought in the Civil War or were Southern sympathizers. Most were from families that were well respected and some  were very wealthy before the war.
   The end of the Civil War and the killing of Lincoln , brought harsh treatment the southern states. Most of the people's  possessions were either lost or destroyed during the war and what wasn't lost was usually taken away by the carpetbaggers, during what was suppose to be reconstruction.
Robert E. Lee wrote in a letter to the Texas Governor that if he had known what was going to happen after the war ended, he would have died with sword in hand, along side his men.
   Most of the men that you will read about on these following pages were ex Rebel soldiers turned Gamblers, Bandits, and Gunfighter's. Some were pushed into becoming what they were. Some were just born to kill. Below you will find a list of the most deadly gunfighter's that ever lived.
John Wesley Hardin The Story
  One of the deadliest men that ever lived. 32, 42, How many men did he kill? We will never no for sure but he killed his share. Hardin was a killer turned lawyer and his word was the law.
John W. Hardin Facts and his gun
John Henery"Doc."Holliday The Story
Doc. Holliday Pictures
Interesting facts about Doc. Holliday
  One of the most talented and intelligent gunfighters that ever lived. Nerves of steel, and would rather die than back down from anyone. Said that he would die with his boots on and didn't care to do so.
William Preston Longley's Story
Interesting facts about Bill Longley
  Known as Wild Bill,  Longley lived up to his reputation as a Gunfighter. killed his first man at the age of fifteen and some say he went on to kill 31 more. "This was one Bad Dude with a sense of humor."
Henry "The Kid" McCarty's Story
Billy The Kid's Guns
Pictures of Billy's home
Billy's Letters
Pictures of Billy the Kid
  Not much is known about this young man during his childhood, even when or where he was born. Billy turned  killer because most of the time he had to. His life could have been very different only if...........
The Story of Robert Clay Allison
  Fist, knife or gun it didn't matter to Clay Allison He would fight until he died. Born in Tennessee, Allison was said to have been the first true gunfighter.
Johnny Peters Ringo's Story
  Rustler, Bandit, Gunfighter, Ringo's life has been potrayed many different ways, but none very accurate Johnny was found dead under a tree where he was buried. Some say he was killed by Wyatt Earp. But I don't think so......
Ringo's Grave site
  Not much has ever been written about this man, but he was one of the deadliest men that ever lived. He would shoot you in the back or your face if he had the drop on you. No one knows how many men he really killed but it was many. Man, woman or child it didn't matter to him.
Jim Miller: The Deadly Deacon.
Ben Thompson's Story
The Bad Boys
Email: The Rebel
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The Gunslinger
  He shot at an adversary with the same precision and deliberation that he shot at a target. He was a past master in the use of the pistol and his aim was as true as his nerves were strong and steady. He had during his career more deadly encounters with the pistol than any man living and won out in every single instance.
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The Real life of a Gunslinger
The Real West and the Cowboy
Go back in time and read how it really was.
These men were not known to be gunfighters, but they were bad.
Got A Question About The Old West?
Some Questions that I've been asked. Do you have one?
  With precise accuracy Tom Horn would place a lead bullet in the chest of his intended victim. Most of the time the victim would never hear the shot that killed him from a distance of over 300 yards. This man killed for money and he was deadly.
Tom Horn  The Story
The Killing Of Billy The Kid
Billy The Kid Facts
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